   * Reorders input signal assignments to match Simulink MDL order (utilty method only needed for
   * Simulink model generation)
   * <p>Put in this class due to need to access lots of internals.
  public void reorderInputsForMDL() {

    // If only one or two inputs, no need to change anything

    if (this.numInputs() > 2) {

      // move 1,   2,   3, ... n-2, n-1, n to
      //      n, n-1, n-2, ...   3,   1, 2
      // note first two are in reverse order
      // This is due to Matlab order requirements

      // loop through inputs
      Iterator<Signal> theInputsIterator = this.getInputIterator();

      while (theInputsIterator.hasNext()) {
        Signal theInput = theInputsIterator.next();

        // find our index into the signal's destination
        // ports
        BlockArrayList destBlocks = theInput.getDests();
        ArrayList<Integer> destPorts = theInput.getDestPortNumbers();

        // Look for ourself in the destBlocks & record
        // corresponding port index

        Iterator<Block> destBlockIterator = destBlocks.iterator();
        Iterator<Integer> destPortIterator = destPorts.iterator();
        int thePortIndex = 0;
        while (destBlockIterator.hasNext()) {
          Block destBlock = destBlockIterator.next();
          Integer destPort = destPortIterator.next();

          if (destBlock == this) {

            // set value for new index

            int oldPortNumber = destPort.intValue();
            int newPortNumber = (this.numInputs() + 1) - oldPortNumber;
            if (oldPortNumber == (this.numInputs() - 1)) newPortNumber = 1;
            if (oldPortNumber == (this.numInputs())) newPortNumber = 2;
            theInput.setPortNumber(thePortIndex, newPortNumber);