Exemple #1
 private static Sexp intersection(Sexp lhs, Sexp rhs) {
   Sexp intersectionSexp = new Sexp(INTERSECTION).add(lhs);
   if (rhs.first().equals(INTERSECTION)) {
     intersectionSexp.addAll(ArrayUtils.remove(rhs.getValues().toArray(), 0));
   } else {
   return intersectionSexp;
Exemple #2
  private static Sexp quantifyRhs(Sexp sexp, Quantifier quantifier) {
    Sexp quantifierSexp = null;
    if (sexp.first() != null && sexp.first().equals(UNION)) {
      quantifierSexp = sexp.add(quantify((Sexp) sexp.removeLast(), quantifier));
    } else {
      quantifierSexp = quantify(sexp, quantifier);

    return quantifierSexp;
Exemple #3
  private static Sexp union(Sexp lhs, Sexp... rhs) {
    if (lhs == null) {
      return union(rhs[0], (Sexp[]) ArrayUtils.remove(rhs, 0));
    } else if (ArrayUtils.isEmpty(rhs)) {
      return lhs;
    } else if (lhs.first() != null && lhs.first().equals(UNION)) {
      for (Sexp sexp : rhs) {
      return lhs;

    return new Sexp(UNION).add(lhs).addAll(rhs);
Exemple #4
  * Reads parse trees either from standard input or a specified file, converting them to sentences
  * and printing those sentences on standard output.
  * <pre>
  * usage: [-v|-help|-usage] [-tags] [filename]
  *         -v|-help|-usage: prints out this message
  *         -tags: indicates to spit out one S-expression per word, of the form
  *                 (word (tag))
  *         filename is the file to be processed (standard input is assumed if
  *                 this argument is "-" or is not present)
  * </pre>
 public static void main(String[] args) {
   InputStream inStream = System.in;
   boolean tags = false;
   String inFile = null;
   for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
     if (args[i].equals("-help") || args[i].equals("-usage") || args[i].equals("-v")) {
     } else if (args[i].equals("-tags")) tags = true;
     else if (!args[i].equals("-")) inFile = args[i];
   if (inFile != null) {
     try {
       inStream = new FileInputStream(inFile);
     } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
   try {
     SexpTokenizer tok = new SexpTokenizer(inStream, Language.encoding(), bufSize);
     OutputStream os = System.out;
     Writer writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(os, Language.encoding()));
     PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(writer);
     Sexp curr = null;
     while ((curr = Sexp.read(tok)) != null)
       pw.println(tags ? Util.collectTaggedWords(curr) : Util.collectLeaves(curr));
   } catch (Exception e) {
Exemple #5
  private static Sexp parseCharacterClass(String pattern, Sexp sexp) {
    Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("(.*)(.\\-.)(.*)").matcher(pattern);

    if (matcher.matches()) {
      String[] range = matcher.group(2).split("-");

      parseCharacterClass(matcher.group(1), sexp);
      sexp.add(new Sexp(RANGE).add(literal(range[0])).add(literal(range[1])));
      parseCharacterClass(matcher.group(3), sexp);

    } else if (!pattern.isEmpty()) {
      for (String token : pattern.split("")) {

    return sexp;
Exemple #6
  protected void compile() {
    Sexp curClause;
    goal = new NilSexp();
    prog = new NilSexp();
    prog2 = new NilSexp();
    String codice = code.getText();

    try {
      ProParser p = new ProParser(codice, intmsg);
      for (; ; ) {
        curClause = p.getClause(); // seleziono una singola clausola
        intmsg.append("compiled: " + curClause + "\n");
        if (!(curClause instanceof eofToken)) {
          prog = Sexp.append(prog, Sexp.list1(curClause));
        if (p.atEOF()) {
      String codice2 = code.getText();
      ProParser p2 = new ProParser(codice2, intmsg);
      for (; ; ) {
        curClause = p2.getClause(); // seleziono una singola clausola
        // intmsg.append( "compiled: " + curClause + "\n" );
        if (!(curClause instanceof eofToken)) {
          prog2 = Sexp.append(prog2, Sexp.list1(curClause));
        if (p2.atEOF()) {

      showProg(prog, outp);
      // showProg( prog2, outp );
    } catch (Exception e) {
      outp.append("error" + e + " \n");
Exemple #7
  * Returns <code>true</code> if <code>preterminal</code> represents a terminal with one of the
  * following parts of speech: <tt>VB, VBD, VBG, VBN, VBP</tt> or <tt>VBZ</tt>. It is an error to
  * call this method with a <code>Sexp</code> object for which {@link #isPreterminal(Sexp)} returns
  * <code>false</code>.<br>
  * @param preterminal the preterminal to test
  * @return <code>true</code> if <code>preterminal</code> is a verb
 public boolean isVerb(Sexp preterminal) {
   return isVerbTag(preterminal.list().get(0).symbol());
Exemple #8
  * Returns <code>true</code> if the specified S-expression represents a preterminal that is the
  * possessive part of speech. This method is intended to be used by implementations of {@link
  * Training#addBaseNPs(Sexp)}.
 public boolean isPossessivePreterminal(Sexp tree) {
   return (isPreterminal(tree) && tree.list().get(0).symbol() == possessivePos);
Exemple #9
  * Returns <code>true</code> if the specified S-expression is a preterminal whose part of speech
  * is <code>&quot;,&quot;</code> or <code>&quot;:&quot;</code>.
 public boolean isPuncToRaise(Sexp preterm) {
   return (isPreterminal(preterm) && puncToRaise.contains(preterm.list().first()));
Exemple #10
  * Returns <code>true</code> if the specified S-expression represents a preterminal whose terminal
  * element is the null element (<code>&quot;-NONE-&quot;</code>) for the Penn Treebank.
  * @see Training#relabelSubjectlessSentences(Sexp)
 public boolean isNullElementPreterminal(Sexp tree) {
   return (isPreterminal(tree) && tree.list().get(0).symbol() == nullElementPreterminal);
Exemple #11
  * Returns <code>true</code> if <code>tree</code> represents a preterminal subtree (part-of-speech
  * tag and word). Specifically, this method returns <code>true</code> if <code>tree</code> is an
  * instance of <code>SexpList</code>, has a length of 2 and has a first list element of type
  * <code>Symbol</code>.
 public final boolean isPreterminal(Sexp tree) {
   return (tree.isList()
       && tree.list().length() == 2
       && tree.list().get(0).isSymbol()
       && tree.list().get(1).isSymbol());
Exemple #12
 protected void showProg(Sexp prog, JTextArea intmsg) {
   if (!prog.isNull()) {
     intmsg.append(prog.car() + "\n");
     showProg(prog.cdr(), intmsg);
Exemple #13
 protected void run() {
   if (!goal.isNull()) eval(prog);
   else compileGoal(true);