private boolean findEntry() { Cursor waitCursor = shell.getDisplay().getSystemCursor(SWT.CURSOR_WAIT); shell.setCursor(waitCursor); boolean matchCase = searchDialog.getMatchCase(); boolean matchWord = searchDialog.getMatchWord(); String searchString = searchDialog.getSearchString(); int column = searchDialog.getSelectedSearchArea(); searchString = matchCase ? searchString : searchString.toLowerCase(); boolean found = false; if (searchDialog.getSearchDown()) { for (int i = table.getSelectionIndex() + 1; i < table.getItemCount(); i++) { if (found = findMatch(searchString, table.getItem(i), column, matchWord, matchCase)) { table.setSelection(i); break; } } } else { for (int i = table.getSelectionIndex() - 1; i > -1; i--) { if (found = findMatch(searchString, table.getItem(i), column, matchWord, matchCase)) { table.setSelection(i); break; } } } shell.setCursor(null); return found; }
/* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.eclipse.ui.IActionDelegate#run(org.eclipse.jface.action.IAction) */ public void run() { // (IAction action) { SearchDialog dialog = new SearchDialog( PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getShell(), "FLATTT Lucene Analysis", "Enter query:", FLATTTLuceneAnalysis.getSearchString(), null);; if (dialog.getReturnCode() == Window.OK) { LuceneIndexer.setIndexDir( FLATTT .singleton() .getStateLocation() .append("luceneindex") .toFile()); // TODO: should this be the projectname? or do we want one index for the // whole workspace? // Do the search when done indexing UIJob job = new SearchJob(dialog.getValue()); FLATTT.nextSearch = job; // job.schedule(); // Index if needed try { LuceneIndexer.checkIfIndexed(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } };
public Shell open(Display display) { shell = new Shell(display); shell.setLayout(new FillLayout()); shell.addShellListener( new ShellAdapter() { @Override public void shellClosed(ShellEvent e) { e.doit = closeAddressBook(); } }); createMenuBar(); searchDialog = new SearchDialog(shell); searchDialog.setSearchAreaNames(columnNames); searchDialog.setSearchAreaLabel(resAddressBook.getString("Column")); searchDialog.addFindListener( new FindListener() { public boolean find() { return findEntry(); } }); table = new Table(shell, SWT.SINGLE | SWT.BORDER | SWT.FULL_SELECTION); table.setHeaderVisible(true); table.setMenu(createPopUpMenu()); table.addSelectionListener( new SelectionAdapter() { @Override public void widgetDefaultSelected(SelectionEvent e) { TableItem[] items = table.getSelection(); if (items.length > 0) editEntry(items[0]); } }); for (int i = 0; i < columnNames.length; i++) { TableColumn column = new TableColumn(table, SWT.NONE); column.setText(columnNames[i]); column.setWidth(150); final int columnIndex = i; column.addSelectionListener( new SelectionAdapter() { @Override public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) { sort(columnIndex); } }); } newAddressBook(); shell.setSize(table.computeSize(SWT.DEFAULT, SWT.DEFAULT).x, 300);; return shell; }
/** * Replaces text in the specified range with the replacement string. * * @param view The view * @param buffer The buffer * @param start The start offset * @param end The end offset * @return True if the operation was successful, false otherwise */ public static boolean replace(View view, Buffer buffer, int start, int end) { if (!buffer.isEditable()) return false; // component that will parent any dialog boxes Component comp = SearchDialog.getSearchDialog(view); if (comp == null) comp = view; boolean smartCaseReplace = getSmartCaseReplace(); try { buffer.beginCompoundEdit(); SearchMatcher matcher = getSearchMatcher(); if (matcher == null) return false; initReplace(); int retVal = 0; retVal += _replace(view, buffer, matcher, start, end, smartCaseReplace); if (retVal != 0) return true; } catch (Exception e) { handleError(comp, e); } finally { buffer.endCompoundEdit(); } return false; } // }}}
private void performEditAction() { final Configuration configuration = (Configuration) myTemplatesList.getSelectedValue(); if (configuration == null) return; SearchDialog dialog = createDialog( new SearchDialogFactory() { public SearchDialog createDialog(SearchContext searchContext) { if (configuration instanceof SearchConfiguration) { return new SearchDialog(searchContext, false, false) { public Configuration createConfiguration() { SearchConfiguration newConfiguration = new SearchConfiguration(); copyConfiguration(configuration, newConfiguration); return newConfiguration; } }; } else { return new ReplaceDialog(searchContext, false, false) { public Configuration createConfiguration() { ReplaceConfiguration newConfiguration = new ReplaceConfiguration(); copyConfiguration(configuration, newConfiguration); return newConfiguration; } }; } } }); dialog.setValuesFromConfig(configuration); dialog.setUseLastConfiguration(true);; if (!dialog.isOK()) return; Configuration newConfiguration = dialog.getConfiguration(); copyConfiguration(newConfiguration, configuration); configurationsChanged(dialog.getSearchContext()); }
protected void setValuesToConfig(Configuration config) { super.setValuesToConfig(config); final ReplaceConfiguration replaceConfiguration = (ReplaceConfiguration) config; final ReplaceOptions options = replaceConfiguration.getOptions(); options.setMatchOptions(replaceConfiguration.getMatchOptions()); options.setReplacement(replaceCriteriaEdit.getDocument().getText()); options.setToShortenFQN(shortenFQN.isSelected()); options.setToReformatAccordingToStyle(formatAccordingToStyle.isSelected()); options.setToUseStaticImport(useStaticImport.isSelected()); }
@Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { TreePath path = resultTree.getSelectionPath(); DefaultMutableTreeNode operNode = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) path.getLastPathComponent(); HyperSearchFolderNode nodeObj = (HyperSearchFolderNode) operNode.getUserObject(); String glob = "*"; SearchFileSet dirList = SearchAndReplace.getSearchFileSet(); if (dirList instanceof DirectoryListSet) glob = ((DirectoryListSet) dirList).getFileFilter(); SearchAndReplace.setSearchFileSet( new DirectoryListSet(nodeObj.getNodeFile().getAbsolutePath(), glob, true)); SearchDialog.showSearchDialog(view, null, SearchDialog.DIRECTORY); }
public void setValuesFromConfig(Configuration configuration) { // replaceCriteriaEdit.putUserData(SubstitutionShortInfoHandler.CURRENT_CONFIGURATION_KEY, // configuration); if (configuration instanceof ReplaceConfiguration) { final ReplaceConfiguration config = (ReplaceConfiguration) configuration; final ReplaceOptions options = config.getOptions(); super.setValuesFromConfig(config); UIUtil.setContent( replaceCriteriaEdit, config.getOptions().getReplacement(), 0, replaceCriteriaEdit.getDocument().getTextLength(), searchContext.getProject()); shortenFQN.setSelected(options.isToShortenFQN()); formatAccordingToStyle.setSelected(options.isToReformatAccordingToStyle()); useStaticImport.setSelected(options.isToUseStaticImport()); ReplaceOptions newReplaceOptions = ((ReplaceConfiguration) model.getConfig()).getOptions(); newReplaceOptions.clearVariableDefinitions(); for (ReplacementVariableDefinition def : options.getReplacementVariableDefinitions()) { newReplaceOptions.addVariableDefinition((ReplacementVariableDefinition) def.clone()); } } else { super.setValuesFromConfig(configuration); UIUtil.setContent( replaceCriteriaEdit, configuration.getMatchOptions().getSearchPattern(), 0, replaceCriteriaEdit.getDocument().getTextLength(), searchContext.getProject()); } }
protected void buildOptions(JPanel searchOptions) { super.buildOptions(searchOptions); searchOptions.add( UIUtil.createOptionLine( shortenFQN = new JCheckBox(SSRBundle.message("shorten.fully.qualified.names.checkbox"), true))); searchOptions.add( UIUtil.createOptionLine( formatAccordingToStyle = new JCheckBox( CodeInsightBundle.message( ""), true))); searchOptions.add( UIUtil.createOptionLine( useStaticImport = new JCheckBox( CodeInsightBundle.message("dialog.edit.template.checkbox.use.static.import"), true))); }
private void addTemplate(SearchDialogFactory searchDialogFactory) { SearchDialog dialog = createDialog(searchDialogFactory);; if (!dialog.isOK()) return; Configuration configuration = dialog.getConfiguration(); if (configuration.getName() == null || configuration.getName().equals(SearchDialog.USER_DEFINED)) { String name = dialog.showSaveTemplateAsDialog(); if (name != null) { name = ConfigurationManager.findAppropriateName(myConfigurations, name, dialog.getProject()); } if (name == null) return; configuration.setName(name); } myConfigurations.add(configuration); configurationsChanged(dialog.getSearchContext()); }
/** * Performs a HyperSearch. * * @param view The view * @param selection If true, will only search in the current selection. Note that the file set * must be the current buffer file set for this to work. * @since jEdit 4.0pre1 */ public static boolean hyperSearch(View view, boolean selection) { // component that will parent any dialog boxes Component comp = SearchDialog.getSearchDialog(view); if (comp == null) comp = view; record(view, "hyperSearch(view," + selection + ')', false, !selection); view.getDockableWindowManager().addDockableWindow(HyperSearchResults.NAME); HyperSearchResults results = (HyperSearchResults) view.getDockableWindowManager().getDockable(HyperSearchResults.NAME); results.searchStarted(); try { SearchMatcher matcher = getSearchMatcher(); if (matcher == null) { view.getToolkit().beep(); results.searchFailed(); return false; } Selection[] s; if (selection) { s = view.getTextArea().getSelection(); if (s == null) { results.searchFailed(); return false; } } else s = null; ThreadUtilities.runInBackground(new HyperSearchRequest(view, matcher, results, s)); return true; } catch (Exception e) { results.searchFailed(); handleError(comp, e); return false; } } // }}}
public Shell open(Display display) { // Window dressing - the icon windowIcon = new Image(display, getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("icons/joanju.gif")); shell = new Shell(display); shell.setLayout(new FillLayout()); shell.addShellListener( new ShellAdapter() { public void shellClosed(ShellEvent e) { e.doit = closeAddressBook(); } }); shell.setImage(windowIcon); createMenuBar(); searchDialog = new SearchDialog(shell); searchDialog.setSearchAreaNames(columnNames); searchDialog.setSearchAreaLabel(resMessages.getString("Column")); searchDialog.addFindListener( new FindListener() { public boolean find() { return findEntry(); } }); table = new Table(shell, SWT.SINGLE | SWT.BORDER | SWT.FULL_SELECTION); table.setHeaderVisible(true); table.setMenu(createPopUpMenu()); table.addSelectionListener( new SelectionAdapter() { public void widgetDefaultSelected(SelectionEvent e) { TableItem[] items = table.getSelection(); if (items.length > 0) launchEditor(items[0]); } }); int[] widths = {150, 50, 200, 200}; for (int i = 0; i < columnNames.length; i++) { TableColumn column = new TableColumn(table, SWT.NONE); column.setText(columnNames[i]); column.setWidth(widths[i]); final int columnIndex = i; column.addSelectionListener( new SelectionAdapter() { public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) { sort(columnIndex); } }); } newAddressBook(); shell.addDisposeListener( new DisposeListener() { public void widgetDisposed(DisposeEvent e) { windowIcon.dispose(); } }); shell.setSize(table.computeSize(SWT.DEFAULT, SWT.DEFAULT).x, 300);; return shell; }
/** * Replaces all occurrences of the search string with the replacement string. * * @param view The view * @param dontOpenChangedFiles Whether to open changed files or to autosave them quietly * @return the number of modified files */ public static boolean replaceAll(View view, boolean dontOpenChangedFiles) { // component that will parent any dialog boxes Component comp = SearchDialog.getSearchDialog(view); if (comp == null) comp = view; if (fileset.getFileCount(view) == 0) { GUIUtilities.error(comp, "empty-fileset", null); return false; } record(view, "replaceAll(view)", true, true); view.showWaitCursor(); boolean smartCaseReplace = getSmartCaseReplace(); int fileCount = 0; int occurCount = 0; try { SearchMatcher matcher = getSearchMatcher(); if (matcher == null) return false; initReplace(); String path = fileset.getFirstFile(view); loop: while (path != null) { Buffer buffer = jEdit.openTemporary(view, null, path, false); /* this is stupid and misleading. * but 'path' is not used anywhere except * the above line, and if this is done * after the 'continue', then we will * either hang, or be forced to duplicate * it inside the buffer == null, or add * a 'finally' clause. you decide which one's * worse. */ path = fileset.getNextFile(view, path); if (buffer == null) continue loop; // Wait for buffer to finish loading if (buffer.isPerformingIO()) VFSManager.waitForRequests(); if (!buffer.isEditable()) continue loop; // Leave buffer in a consistent state if // an error occurs int retVal = 0; try { buffer.beginCompoundEdit(); retVal = _replace(view, buffer, matcher, 0, buffer.getLength(), smartCaseReplace); } finally { buffer.endCompoundEdit(); } if (retVal != 0) { fileCount++; occurCount += retVal; if (dontOpenChangedFiles) {, null); } else { jEdit.commitTemporary(buffer); jEdit.getBufferSetManager().addBuffer(view, buffer); } } } } catch (Exception e) { handleError(comp, e); } finally { view.hideWaitCursor(); } /* Don't do this when playing a macro, cos it's annoying */ if (!BeanShell.isScriptRunning()) { Object[] args = {Integer.valueOf(occurCount), Integer.valueOf(fileCount)}; view.getStatus().setMessageAndClear(jEdit.getProperty("view.status.replace-all", args)); if (occurCount == 0) view.getToolkit().beep(); } return (fileCount != 0); } // }}}
/** * Replaces the current selection with the replacement string. * * @param view The view * @return True if the operation was successful, false otherwise */ public static boolean replace(View view) { // component that will parent any dialog boxes Component comp = SearchDialog.getSearchDialog(view); if (comp == null) comp = view; JEditTextArea textArea = view.getTextArea(); Buffer buffer = view.getBuffer(); if (!buffer.isEditable()) return false; boolean smartCaseReplace = getSmartCaseReplace(); Selection[] selection = textArea.getSelection(); if (selection.length == 0) { view.getToolkit().beep(); return false; } record(view, "replace(view)", true, false); // a little hack for reverse replace and find int caret = textArea.getCaretPosition(); Selection s = textArea.getSelectionAtOffset(caret); if (s != null) caret = s.getStart(); try { buffer.beginCompoundEdit(); SearchMatcher matcher = getSearchMatcher(); if (matcher == null) return false; initReplace(); int retVal = 0; for (int i = 0; i < selection.length; i++) { s = selection[i]; retVal += replaceInSelection(view, textArea, buffer, matcher, smartCaseReplace, s); } if (reverse) { // so that Replace and Find continues from // the right location textArea.moveCaretPosition(caret); } else { s = textArea.getSelectionAtOffset(textArea.getCaretPosition()); if (s != null) textArea.moveCaretPosition(s.getEnd()); } if (!BeanShell.isScriptRunning()) { Object[] args = {Integer.valueOf(retVal), Integer.valueOf(1)}; view.getStatus().setMessageAndClear(jEdit.getProperty("view.status.replace-all", args)); } if (retVal == 0) { view.getToolkit().beep(); return false; } return true; } catch (Exception e) { handleError(comp, e); } finally { buffer.endCompoundEdit(); } return false; } // }}}
/** * Finds the next occurrence of the search string. * * @param view The view * @return True if the operation was successful, false otherwise */ public static boolean find(View view) { // component that will parent any dialog boxes Component comp = SearchDialog.getSearchDialog(view); if (comp == null || !comp.isShowing()) comp = view; String path = fileset.getNextFile(view, null); if (path == null) { GUIUtilities.error(comp, "empty-fileset", null); return false; } try { view.showWaitCursor(); SearchMatcher matcher = getSearchMatcher(); if (matcher == null) { view.getToolkit().beep(); return false; } record(view, "find(view)", false, true); boolean repeat = false; loop: for (; ; ) { while (path != null) { Buffer buffer = jEdit.openTemporary(view, null, path, false); /* this is stupid and misleading. * but 'path' is not used anywhere except * the above line, and if this is done * after the 'continue', then we will * either hang, or be forced to duplicate * it inside the buffer == null, or add * a 'finally' clause. you decide which one's * worse. */ if (reverse) { path = fileset.getPrevFile(view, path); } else { path = fileset.getNextFile(view, path); } if (buffer == null) continue loop; // Wait for the buffer to load if (!buffer.isLoaded()) VFSManager.waitForRequests(); int start; if (view.getBuffer() == buffer && !repeat) { JEditTextArea textArea = view.getTextArea(); Selection s = textArea.getSelectionAtOffset(textArea.getCaretPosition()); if (s == null) start = textArea.getCaretPosition(); else if (reverse) start = s.getStart(); else start = s.getEnd(); } else if (reverse) start = buffer.getLength(); else start = 0; if (find(view, buffer, start, repeat, reverse)) return true; } if (repeat) { if (!BeanShell.isScriptRunning()) { view.getStatus().setMessageAndClear(jEdit.getProperty("")); view.getToolkit().beep(); } return false; } boolean restart; // if auto wrap is on, always restart search. // if auto wrap is off, and we're called from // a macro, stop search. If we're called // interactively, ask the user what to do. if (wrap) { if (!BeanShell.isScriptRunning()) { view.getStatus().setMessageAndClear(jEdit.getProperty("")); // beep if beep property set if (jEdit.getBooleanProperty("search.beepOnSearchAutoWrap")) { view.getToolkit().beep(); } } restart = true; } else if (BeanShell.isScriptRunning()) { restart = false; } else { Integer[] args = {Integer.valueOf(reverse ? 1 : 0)}; int result = GUIUtilities.confirm( comp, "keepsearching", args, JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE); restart = (result == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION); } if (restart) { // start search from beginning path = fileset.getFirstFile(view); repeat = true; } else break loop; } } catch (Exception e) { handleError(comp, e); } finally { view.hideWaitCursor(); } return false; } // }}}
public void show() { replaceCriteriaEdit.putUserData( SubstitutionShortInfoHandler.CURRENT_CONFIGURATION_KEY, model.getConfig());; }
protected void addOrReplaceSelection(final String selection) { super.addOrReplaceSelection(selection); addOrReplaceSelectionForEditor(selection, replaceCriteriaEdit); }
protected void disposeEditorContent() { mySavedEditorText = replaceCriteriaEdit.getDocument().getText(); EditorFactory.getInstance().releaseEditor(replaceCriteriaEdit); super.disposeEditorContent(); }