/** * This method does not upload a shapefile via zip. It rather creates a reference to a Shapefile * that has already exists in the GS data directory. * * @param charset defaults to UTF-8 if not set. Charset, that any text content is stored in. * @param relpath A path to the file, relative to gsdata dir, e.g. "file:data/water.shp" */ public boolean createDatastoreShapefile( String workspace, String dsName, String dsNamespace, String relpath, String charset, Boolean memoryMappedBuffer, Boolean createSpatialIndex, Configure autoConfig) throws IOException { if (autoConfig == Configure.first) autoConfig = null; if (relpath == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("parameter relpath may not be null"); String createSpatialIndexParam = RestUtil.entryKey("create spatial index", createSpatialIndex); String memoryMappedBufferParamter = RestUtil.entryKey("memory mapped buffer", memoryMappedBuffer); String charsetParamter = "<entry key=\"charset\">" + (charset == null ? "UTF-8" : charset) + "</entry>"; String urlParamter = "<entry key=\"url\">" + relpath + "</entry>"; String namespaceParamter = "<entry key=\"namespace\">" + dsName + "</entry>"; String typeParamter = "<type>Shapefile</type>"; String xml = "<dataStore><name>" + dsName + "</name><enabled>true</enabled>" + typeParamter + "<connectionParameters>" + createSpatialIndexParam + memoryMappedBufferParamter + charsetParamter + urlParamter + namespaceParamter + typeParamter + "</connectionParameters></dataStore>"; String configureParam = autoConfig == null ? "" : "?configure=" + autoConfig.toString(); int returnCode = sendRESTint( METHOD_POST, "/workspaces/" + workspace + "/datastores.xml" + configureParam, xml); return 201 == returnCode; }
protected void executeURL(URL url, String s, String s1, String s2, String s3, int i) { url = new Request(RestUtil.prepareConnectionUrl(s1, url, s), s2, true); if (s3 != null) { url.addBody(s3); } _requestExecuter.execute(url, i, _onRequestCallbackListener); }
public final void changePort(int i) { this; JVM INSTR monitorenter ; RestUtil.changePort(i); this; JVM INSTR monitorexit ; return; Exception exception; exception; throw exception; }
public void postImage(URL url, HashMap hashmap, String s, String s1, byte abyte0[]) { if (isConnected()) { url = new Request(RestUtil.preparePostUrl("http://IP_ADDRESS:PORT/ws/app/WIDGET_ID/queue", url, "interactivity_Button_label"), "POST", "image/png"); url.addHeaders(hashmap); url.makeFileRequest(s1); _requestExecuter.execute(url, 9002, _onRequestCallbackListener); return; } else { Log.w("RestClient", "Application not connected!"); return; } }
public void get(URL url, HashMap hashmap, String s) { if (isConnected()) { url = new Request(RestUtil.prepareGetUrl("http://IP_ADDRESS:PORT/ws/app/WIDGET_ID/queue/device/DEVICE_ID", url, "interactivity_Button_label", DeviceInfo.getDeviceId()), "GET", true); url.addHeaders(hashmap); url.addBody(s); _requestExecuter.execute(url, 9003, _onRequestCallbackListener); return; } else { Log.w("RestClient", "Application not connected!"); return; } }
@Test( description = "Measure the time to load the Calendar, month view, 100 appointment", groups = {"performance"}) public void ZmCalendarApp_03() throws HarnessException { // What is today? Calendar today = Calendar.getInstance(); // Import 100 appointments using Calendar.ics and REST String filename = ZimbraSeleniumProperties.getBaseDirectory() + "/data/public/ics/calendar05/Calendar.ics"; File file = null; // Modify the ICS in two ways: // 1. Make the current account the organizer // 2. Make the dates equal to this month file = RestUtil.FileUtils.replaceInFile( "*****@*****.**", app.zGetActiveAccount().EmailAddress, new File(filename)); file = RestUtil.FileUtils.replaceInFile( "201111", (new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMM")).format(today.getTime()), file); RestUtil rest = new RestUtil(); rest.setAuthentication(app.zGetActiveAccount()); rest.setPath("/service/home/~/Calendar"); rest.setQueryParameter("fmt", "ics"); rest.setUploadFile(file); rest.doPost(); // Start the perf token PerfToken token = PerfMetrics.startTimestamp( PerfKey.ZmCalendarApp, "Load the calendar app, month view, 100 appointment"); // Go to calendar // app.zPageCalendar.zNavigateTo(); app.zPageCalendar.zClickAt("css=td[id='zb__App__Calendar_title']", ""); PerfMetrics.waitTimestamp(token); // Wait for the app to load app.zPageCalendar.zWaitForActive(); }