Exemple #1
   * Finds the zone of a given domain name.  The method is to look
   * for the first SOA record on the path from the given domain to
   * the root.  This search may be partially bypassed if the zone's
   * SOA record is received in the authority section of a response.
   * If recursion is true, recursion is requested on any queries.
  DnsName findZoneName(DnsName fqdn, int rrclass, boolean recursion) throws NamingException {

    fqdn = (DnsName) fqdn.clone();
    while (fqdn.size() > 1) { // while below root
      ResourceRecords rrs = null;
      try {
        rrs = query(fqdn, rrclass, ResourceRecord.TYPE_SOA, recursion, false);
      } catch (NameNotFoundException e) {
        throw e;
      } catch (NamingException e) {
        // Ignore error and keep searching up the tree.
      if (rrs != null) {
        if (rrs.answer.size() > 0) { // found zone's SOA
          return fqdn;
        // Look for an SOA record giving the zone's top node.
        for (int i = 0; i < rrs.authority.size(); i++) {
          ResourceRecord rr = (ResourceRecord) rrs.authority.elementAt(i);
          if (rr.getType() == ResourceRecord.TYPE_SOA) {
            DnsName zone = rr.getName();
            if (fqdn.endsWith(zone)) {
              return zone;
      fqdn.remove(fqdn.size() - 1); // one step rootward
    return fqdn; // no SOA found below root, so
    // return root
Exemple #2
   * Finds a zone's SOA record.  Returns null if no SOA is found (in
   * which case "zone" is not actually a zone).
   * If recursion is true, recursion is requested on the query.
  ResourceRecord findSoa(DnsName zone, int rrclass, boolean recursion) throws NamingException {

    ResourceRecords rrs = query(zone, rrclass, ResourceRecord.TYPE_SOA, recursion, false);
    for (int i = 0; i < rrs.answer.size(); i++) {
      ResourceRecord rr = (ResourceRecord) rrs.answer.elementAt(i);
      if (rr.getType() == ResourceRecord.TYPE_SOA) {
        return rr;
    return null;
Exemple #3
   * Finds the name servers of a zone.  <tt>zone</tt> is a fully-qualified
   * domain name at the top of a zone.
   * If recursion is true, recursion is requested on the query.
  private String[] findNameServers(DnsName zone, boolean recursion) throws NamingException {

    // %%% As an optimization, could look in authority section of
    // findZoneName() response first.
    ResourceRecords rrs =
        query(zone, ResourceRecord.CLASS_INTERNET, ResourceRecord.TYPE_NS, recursion, false);
    String[] ns = new String[rrs.answer.size()];
    for (int i = 0; i < ns.length; i++) {
      ResourceRecord rr = (ResourceRecord) rrs.answer.elementAt(i);
      if (rr.getType() != ResourceRecord.TYPE_NS) {
        throw new CommunicationException("Corrupted DNS message");
      ns[i] = (String) rr.getRdata();

      // Server name will be passed to InetAddress.getByName(), which
      // may not be able to handle a trailing dot.
      // assert ns[i].endsWith(".");
      ns[i] = ns[i].substring(0, ns[i].length() - 1);
    return ns;