public void testComplexFactory() throws Exception {
   Map<String, String> rules = new HashMap<String, String>(10);
   rules.put(StringReplacerTest.JAVASCRIPT, "");
   ReplaceFactory factory = new ReplaceFactory(rules);
   ReplaceReader replacer = factory.getReplacer();
   String actual = replacer.transform(StringReplacerTest.JAVASCRIPT + "foo");
   assertEquals("Complex factory based replacement should work", "foo", actual);
 /* This used to fail due to a missing proper initialization of minBufferSize
   when using a factory together with stream bases replacing.
 public void testComplexFactoryStream() throws Exception {
   Map<String, String> rules = new HashMap<String, String>(10);
   rules.put(StringReplacerTest.JAVASCRIPT, "");
   ReplaceFactory factory = new ReplaceFactory(rules);
   StringReader ir = new StringReader(StringReplacerTest.JAVASCRIPT + "foo");
   ReplaceReader replacer = factory.getReplacer(ir);
   CircularCharBuffer actual = new CircularCharBuffer(10, Integer.MAX_VALUE);, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
       "Complex factory & stream based replacement should work", "foo", actual.toString());