/** Returns the current value for this id, or null if the id isn't in the index or was deleted. */
 public T get(String id) throws IOException {
   // First try to get the "live" value:
   T value = current.get(id);
   if (value == missingValue) {
     // Deleted but the deletion is not yet reflected in
     // the reader:
     return null;
   } else if (value != null) {
     return value;
   } else {
     value = old.get(id);
     if (value == missingValue) {
       // Deleted but the deletion is not yet reflected in
       // the reader:
       return null;
     } else if (value != null) {
       return value;
     } else {
       // It either does not exist in the index, or, it was
       // already flushed & NRT reader was opened on the
       // segment, so fallback to current searcher:
       S s = mgr.acquire();
       try {
         return lookupFromSearcher(s, id);
       } finally {