Exemple #1
 public void writeRecommendations(Output output, Map<String, Recommendation> recommendations) {
   kryo.writeObject(output, recommendations.size());
   for (String key : recommendations.keySet()) {
     Recommendation rec = recommendations.get(key);
     kryo.writeObject(output, rec.source.key());
     kryo.writeObject(output, rec.target.key());
     kryo.writeObject(output, rec);
 private boolean containsRecommendation(Recommendation recommendation) {
   EntityManager mgr = getEntityManager();
   boolean contains = true;
   try {
     Recommendation item = mgr.find(Recommendation.class, recommendation.getKey());
     if (item == null) {
       contains = false;
   } finally {
   return contains;
  // The implementing class can assume that the provided LogAbstraction
  // partialTrace is
  // of the same class, i.e. this.getClass().equals(partialTrace.getClass()) =
  // true
  // The implementing class can assume that the LogEvent provided is in the
  // set returned by
  // getPossibleNextLogEvents(partialTrace), i.e. in all instances
  // represented by this abstraction, the given LogEvent is a possible
  // next step.
  public final Recommendation getRecommendation(
      LogEvent logEventToDo, LogAbstraction partialTrace, SortedSet<LogEvent> enabledEvents) {
    Recommendation rec = new Recommendation();
    double weight = calculateFitness(partialTrace);

    if (weight > 0) {

      SortedSet<LogEvent> possibleEvents = getPossibleNextLogEvents(partialTrace);

      if (possibleEvents.contains(logEventToDo) && enabledEvents.contains(logEventToDo)) {

        // It is possible to do this event, so give a recommendation
        double[] vals = getAllValuesAndWeights(weight);
      } else {
        // It is not possible to do this event, so give a "negative"
        // recommendation
        double w = 0;
        double e = 0;
        double e2 = 0;
        for (LogEvent evt : possibleEvents) {
          if (!enabledEvents.contains(evt)) {
          // Event evt is not a possible event in this case,
          // but is enabled in the query
          double[] vals = getAllValuesAndWeights(weight);
          double newW = w + vals[2];
          e = (e * w + vals[0] * vals[2]) / newW;
          e2 = (e2 * w + vals[1] * vals[2]) / newW;
          w = newW;
    return rec;
 public void addRecommendation(Recommendation recommendation) {
   recommendations.put(recommendation.getQuery(), recommendation);
Exemple #5
    public Recommendation read(Kryo kryo, Input input, Class<Recommendation> type) {
      kryo.readObject(input, String.class);
      CosineScore scoring = new CosineScore();

      int limits = kryo.readObject(input, int.class);
      int sortersSize = kryo.readObject(input, int.class);

      Recommendation rec = new Recommendation(source, target, scoring, limits);

      while (sortersSize > 0) {
        int size = kryo.readObject(input, int.class);
        long srcId = kryo.readObject(input, long.class);
        float waterline = kryo.readObject(input, float.class);
        while (size > 0) {
          long tgtId = kryo.readObject(input, long.class);
          float score = kryo.readObject(input, float.class);
          rec.add(srcId, tgtId, score);
        if (rec.sorters.containsKey(srcId)) {
          rec.sorters.get(srcId).waterline = waterline;
        } else {
          logger.warn(String.format("vecid[%d] not in sorters", srcId));
      return rec;