public CalendarSelectionPreference(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs); List<Pair<String, Boolean>> allCalendars = CalendarExtension.getAllCalendars(context); Set<String> allVisibleCalendarsSet = new HashSet<String>(); for (Pair<String, Boolean> pair : allCalendars) { if (pair.second) { allVisibleCalendarsSet.add(pair.first); } } mSelectedCalendars = new HashSet<String>( PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context) .getStringSet(CalendarExtension.PREF_SELECTED_CALENDARS, allVisibleCalendarsSet)); mAdapter = new CalendarListAdapter(context); mQueryHandler = new QueryHandler(context, mAdapter); mQueryHandler.startQuery( 0, null, CalendarContract.Calendars.CONTENT_URI, CalendarQuery.PROJECTION, CalendarContract.Calendars.SYNC_EVENTS + "=1", null, CalendarContract.Calendars.CALENDAR_DISPLAY_NAME); }
/** * Internal method to query for contacts with a given display name. * * @param contactDisplayName the display name to look for. */ private void startDisambiguationQuery(String contactDisplayName) { // Apply a limit of 1 result to the query because we only need to // determine whether or not at least one other contact has the same // name. We don't need to find ALL other contacts with the same name. final Builder builder = Contacts.CONTENT_URI.buildUpon(); builder.appendQueryParameter("limit", String.valueOf(1)); final Uri uri =; final String displayNameSelection; final String[] selectionArgs; if (TextUtils.isEmpty(contactDisplayName)) { displayNameSelection = Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME_PRIMARY + " IS NULL"; selectionArgs = new String[] {String.valueOf(mContactId)}; } else { displayNameSelection = Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME_PRIMARY + " = ?"; selectionArgs = new String[] {contactDisplayName, String.valueOf(mContactId)}; } mQueryHandler.startQuery( TOKEN_DISAMBIGUATION_QUERY, null, uri, new String[] {Contacts._ID} /* unused projection but a valid one was needed */, displayNameSelection + " AND " + Contacts.PHOTO_ID + " IS NULL AND " + Contacts._ID + " <> ?", selectionArgs, null); }
/** * Common method for performing a query of the music database, called for both top-level queries * and filtering. * * @param sync If true, this query should be done synchronously and the resulting cursor returned. * If false, it will be done asynchronously and null returned. * @param filterstring If non-null, this is a filter to apply to the query. */ Cursor doQuery(boolean sync, String filterstring) { // Cancel any pending queries mQueryHandler.cancelOperation(MY_QUERY_TOKEN); StringBuilder where = new StringBuilder(); where.append(MediaStore.Audio.Media.TITLE + " != ''"); // We want to show all audio files, even recordings. Enforcing the // following condition would hide recordings. // where.append(" AND " + MediaStore.Audio.Media.IS_MUSIC + "=1"); Uri uri = mBaseUri; if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(filterstring)) { uri = uri.buildUpon().appendQueryParameter("filter", Uri.encode(filterstring)).build(); } if (sync) { try { return getContentResolver().query(uri, CURSOR_COLS, where.toString(), null, mSortOrder); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException ex) { } } else { mAdapter.setLoading(true); setProgressBarIndeterminateVisibility(true); mQueryHandler.startQuery( MY_QUERY_TOKEN, null, uri, CURSOR_COLS, where.toString(), null, mSortOrder); } return null; }
/** * startContactQuery * * <p>internal method to query contact by Uri. * * @param contactUri the contact uri * @param resetQueryHandler whether to use a new AsyncQueryHandler or not */ private void startContactQuery(Uri contactUri, boolean resetQueryHandler) { if (resetQueryHandler) { resetAsyncQueryHandler(); } mQueryHandler.startQuery( TOKEN_CONTACT_INFO, null, contactUri, ContactQuery.COLUMNS, null, null, null); }
/** Internal method to query for extra data fields for this contact. */ private void startExtraInfoQuery() { mQueryHandler.startQuery( TOKEN_EXTRA_INFO_QUERY, null, Data.CONTENT_URI, ExtraInfoQuery.COLUMNS, RawContacts.CONTACT_ID + " = ?", new String[] {String.valueOf(mContactId)}, null); }
/** * Internal method to query contact photo by photo id and uri. * * @param photoId the photo id. * @param lookupKey the lookup uri. */ private void startPhotoQuery(long photoId, Uri lookupKey) { mQueryHandler.startQuery( TOKEN_PHOTO_QUERY, lookupKey, ContentUris.withAppendedId(Data.CONTENT_URI, photoId), PhotoQuery.COLUMNS, null, null, null); }
/** * Convenience method for binding all available data from an existing contact. * * @param number The phone number used to do a reverse lookup in the contacts database. If more * than one contact contains this phone number, one of them will be chosen to bind to. */ public void bindFromPhoneNumber(String number) { resetAsyncQueryHandler(); mQueryHandler.startQuery( TOKEN_PHONE_LOOKUP, number, Uri.withAppendedPath(TPhoneLookup.CONTENT_FILTER_URI, Uri.encode(number)), PHONE_LOOKUP_PROJECTION, null, null, null); }
/** * Convenience method for binding all available data from an existing contact. * * @param emailAddress The email address used to do a reverse lookup in the contacts database. If * more than one contact contains this email address, one of them will be chosen to bind to. */ public void bindFromEmail(String emailAddress) { resetAsyncQueryHandler(); mQueryHandler.startQuery( TOKEN_EMAIL_LOOKUP, emailAddress, Uri.withAppendedPath(TEmail.CONTENT_LOOKUP_URI, Uri.encode(emailAddress)), EMAIL_LOOKUP_PROJECTION, null, null, null); }
private void startQuery() { mAdapter.setLoading(true); // Cancel any pending queries mQueryHandler.cancelOperation(QUERY_TOKEN); mQueryHandler.startQuery( QUERY_TOKEN, null, Calls.CONTENT_URI, CALL_LOG_PROJECTION, null, null, Calls.DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER); }
public void query() { mLoadingBar.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); // 查询类型为游戏的所有数据 String selectionString = AppData.App.TYPE + "=?"; String args[] = {"" + AppManager.ZHAOYAN_APP}; mQueryHandler.startQuery( 11, null, AppData.App.CONTENT_URI, PROJECTION, selectionString, args, AppData.App.SORT_ORDER_LABEL); }
/** * startPhotoQuery * * <p>internal method to query contact photo by photo id and uri. * * @param photoId the photo id. * @param lookupKey the lookup uri. * @param resetQueryHandler whether to use a new AsyncQueryHandler or not. */ protected void startPhotoQuery(long photoId, Uri lookupKey, boolean resetQueryHandler) { if (resetQueryHandler) { resetAsyncQueryHandler(); } mQueryHandler.startQuery( TOKEN_PHOTO_QUERY, lookupKey, ContentUris.withAppendedId(TData.CONTENT_URI, photoId), PhotoQuery.COLUMNS, null, null, null); }
@Override protected void onResume() { super.onResume(); // If the cursor is null, start the async handler. If it is not null just requery. if (mCursor == null) { Uri uri = CalendarAlerts.CONTENT_URI_BY_INSTANCE; mQueryHandler.startQuery( 0, null, uri, PROJECTION, SELECTION, SELECTIONARG, CalendarContract.CalendarAlerts.DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER); } else { if (!mCursor.requery()) { Log.w(TAG, "Cursor#requery() failed."); mCursor.close(); mCursor = null; } } }
/** * Internal method to query contact by Uri. * * @param contactUri the contact uri */ private void startContactQuery(Uri contactUri) { mQueryHandler.startQuery( TOKEN_CONTACT_INFO, contactUri, contactUri, ContactQuery.COLUMNS, null, null, null); }
/** * Common method for performing a query of the music database, called for both top-level queries * and filtering. * * @param sync If true, this query should be done synchronously and the resulting cursor returned. * If false, it will be done asynchronously and null returned. * @param filterstring If non-null, this is a filter to apply to the query. */ Cursor doQuery(boolean sync, String filterstring) { MusicLogUtils.d(TAG, "doQuery(" + sync + ", " + filterstring + ")"); // Cancel any pending queries mQueryHandler.cancelOperation(MY_QUERY_TOKEN); StringBuilder where = new StringBuilder(); where.append(MediaStore.Audio.Media.TITLE + " != ''"); /// M: determine the Dim level for query @{ if (MusicFeatureOption.IS_SUPPORT_DRM) { String sIsDrm = MediaStore.Audio.Media.IS_DRM; String sDrmMethod = MediaStore.Audio.Media.DRM_METHOD; switch (mDrmLevel) { case OmaDrmStore.DrmExtra.DRM_LEVEL_FL: where.append( " AND (" + sIsDrm + "!=1 OR (" + sIsDrm + "=1" + " AND " + sDrmMethod + "=" + OmaDrmStore.DrmMethod.METHOD_FL + "))"); break; case OmaDrmStore.DrmExtra.DRM_LEVEL_SD: where.append( " AND (" + sIsDrm + "!=1 OR (" + sIsDrm + "=1" + " AND " + sDrmMethod + "=" + OmaDrmStore.DrmMethod.METHOD_SD + "))"); break; case OmaDrmStore.DrmExtra.DRM_LEVEL_ALL: break; case -1: default: // this intent does not contain DRM Extras where.append(" AND " + sIsDrm + "!=1"); break; } MusicLogUtils.d(TAG, "doQuery: where=" + where); } /// @} // We want to show all audio files, even recordings. Enforcing the // following condition would hide recordings. // where.append(" AND " + MediaStore.Audio.Media.IS_MUSIC + "=1"); Uri uri = mBaseUri; if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(filterstring)) { uri = uri.buildUpon().appendQueryParameter("filter", Uri.encode(filterstring)).build(); } if (sync) { try { return getContentResolver().query(uri, CURSOR_COLS, where.toString(), null, mSortOrder); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException ex) { } } else { mAdapter.setLoading(true); mQueryHandler.startQuery( MY_QUERY_TOKEN, null, uri, CURSOR_COLS, where.toString(), null, mSortOrder); } return null; }
private void query() { Uri uri = resolveIntent(); if (DBG) log("query: starting an async query"); mQueryHandler.startQuery(QUERY_TOKEN, null, uri, COLUMN_NAMES, null, null, null); displayProgress(true); }
private void doQuery(QuerySpec queryData) { if (!mAdapterInfos.isEmpty()) { int start = mAdapterInfos.getFirst().start; int end = mAdapterInfos.getLast().end; int queryDuration = calculateQueryDuration(start, end); switch (queryData.queryType) { case QUERY_TYPE_OLDER: queryData.end = start - 1; queryData.start = queryData.end - queryDuration; break; case QUERY_TYPE_NEWER: queryData.start = end + 1; queryData.end = queryData.start + queryDuration; break; } // By "compacting" cursors, this fixes the disco/ping-pong problem // b/5311977 if (mRowCount < 20 && queryData.queryType != QUERY_TYPE_CLEAN) { if (DEBUGLOG) { Log.e( TAG, "Compacting cursor: mRowCount=" + mRowCount + " totalStart:" + start + " totalEnd:" + end + " query.start:" + queryData.start + " query.end:" + queryData.end); } queryData.queryType = QUERY_TYPE_CLEAN; if (queryData.start > start) { queryData.start = start; } if (queryData.end < end) { queryData.end = end; } } } if (BASICLOG) { Time time = new Time(mTimeZone); time.setJulianDay(queryData.start); Time time2 = new Time(mTimeZone); time2.setJulianDay(queryData.end); Log.v( TAG, "startQuery: " + time.toString() + " to " + time2.toString() + " then go to " + queryData.goToTime); } mQueryHandler.cancelOperation(0); if (BASICLOG) queryData.queryStartMillis = System.nanoTime(); Uri queryUri = buildQueryUri(queryData.start, queryData.end, queryData.searchQuery); mQueryHandler.startQuery( 0, queryData, queryUri, PROJECTION, buildQuerySelection(), null, AGENDA_SORT_ORDER); }