   * Fills a list with Privileges that reflect the input 'privileges' element. The 'privileges'
   * element has this format:
   * <p><privileges> <group id="..."> <operation name="..."> ... </group> ... </privileges>
   * <p>Operation names are: view, download, edit, etc... User defined operations are taken into
   * account.
  private void addPrivileges(Element privil) throws BadInputEx {

    if (privil == null) return;

    for (Object o : privil.getChildren("group")) {
      Element group = (Element) o;
      String groupID = group.getAttributeValue("id");

      if (groupID == null) {
        throw new MissingParameterEx("attribute:id", group);

      Privileges p = new Privileges(groupID);

      for (Object o1 : group.getChildren("operation")) {
        Element oper = (Element) o1;
        int op = getOperationId(oper);

