/** Restores the heap after inserting a new object */
  private void heapValueUpwards() {
    int a = size();
    int c = a / 2;

    PriorityQueueElement recentlyInsertedElement = (PriorityQueueElement) queue.get(a - 1);

    while (c > 0 && getPriority(c - 1) < recentlyInsertedElement.getPriority()) {
      queue.set(a - 1, queue.get(c - 1)); // shift parent-node down
      a = c; // (c <= 0) => no parent-node remains
      c = a / 2;
    queue.set(a - 1, recentlyInsertedElement);
  /** Restores the heap after removing the next element */
  private void heapValueDownwards() {
    int a = 1;
    int c = 2 * a; // descendant

    PriorityQueueElement priorityQueueElement = (PriorityQueueElement) queue.get(a - 1);

    if (c < size() && (getPriority(c) > getPriority(c - 1))) c++;

    while (c <= size() && getPriority(c - 1) > priorityQueueElement.getPriority()) {
      queue.set(a - 1, queue.get(c - 1));
      a = c;
      c = 2 * a;
      if (c < size() && (getPriority(c) > getPriority(c - 1))) c++;
    queue.set(a - 1, priorityQueueElement);
  protected void checkPriorityQueue() throws HyracksDataException, IndexException {
    while (!outputPriorityQueue.isEmpty() || needPush == true) {
      if (!outputPriorityQueue.isEmpty()) {
        PriorityQueueElement checkElement = outputPriorityQueue.peek();
        if (proceed && !searchCallback.proceed(checkElement.getTuple())) {
          if (includeMemComponent) {
            PriorityQueueElement inMemElement = null;
            boolean inMemElementFound = false;
            // scan the PQ for the in-memory component's element
            Iterator<PriorityQueueElement> it = outputPriorityQueue.iterator();
            while (it.hasNext()) {
              inMemElement = it.next();
              if (inMemElement.getCursorIndex() == 0) {
                inMemElementFound = true;
            if (inMemElementFound) {
              // copy the in-mem tuple
              if (tupleBuilder == null) {
                tupleBuilder = new ArrayTupleBuilder(cmp.getKeyFieldCount());
              TupleUtils.copyTuple(tupleBuilder, inMemElement.getTuple(), cmp.getKeyFieldCount());
              copyTuple.reset(tupleBuilder.getFieldEndOffsets(), tupleBuilder.getByteArray());

              // unlatch/unpin

              // reconcile
              if (checkElement.getCursorIndex() == 0) {
              } else {
              // retraverse
              reusablePred.setLowKey(copyTuple, true);
              memBTreeAccessor.search(rangeCursors[0], reusablePred);
              if (cmp.compare(copyTuple, inMemElement.getTuple()) != 0) {
            } else {
              // the in-memory cursor is exhausted
          } else {
        // If there is no previous tuple or the previous tuple can be ignored
        if (outputElement == null) {
          if (isDeleted(checkElement)) {
            // If the key has been deleted then pop it and set needPush to true.
            // We cannot push immediately because the tuple may be
            // modified if hasNext() is called
            outputElement = outputPriorityQueue.poll();
            needPush = true;
            proceed = false;
          } else {
        } else {
          // Compare the previous tuple and the head tuple in the PQ
          if (compare(cmp, outputElement.getTuple(), checkElement.getTuple()) == 0) {
            // If the previous tuple and the head tuple are
            // identical
            // then pop the head tuple and push the next tuple from
            // the tree of head tuple

            // the head element of PQ is useless now
            PriorityQueueElement e = outputPriorityQueue.poll();
          } else {
            // If the previous tuple and the head tuple are different
            // the info of previous tuple is useless
            if (needPush == true) {
              needPush = false;
            proceed = true;
            outputElement = null;
      } else {
        // the priority queue is empty and needPush
        needPush = false;
        outputElement = null;
        proceed = true;