private void assertMinimumsAreEqual( java.util.PriorityQueue<Integer> oldQueue, PriorityQueue<Integer> newQueue) { assertThat(oldQueue.isEmpty()).isEqualTo(newQueue.isEmpty()); if (!newQueue.isEmpty()) { assertThat(oldQueue.peek()).isEqualTo(newQueue.head()); } }
public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException { String text = "C:\\Users\\Roshan Rajan\\Desktop\\squaredance.txt"; String gender = ""; PriorityQueue<String> men = new PriorityQueue<String>(); PriorityQueue<String> women = new PriorityQueue<String>(); BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(text)); String line = null; while ((line = input.readLine()) != null) { gender = line.substring(0, 1); if (gender.equals("M")) men.add(line.substring(2)); else women.add(line.substring(2)); } input.close(); while (!men.isEmpty() && !women.isEmpty()) { System.out.println("The couples are "); System.out.println(men.poll() + " is Dancing with " + women.poll()); } if (men.isEmpty()) { System.out.println(women.size() + " girls are Waiting to Dance"); System.out.println(women.peek() + " is the first one waiting"); } if (women.isEmpty()) { System.out.println(men.size() + " guys are Waiting to Dance"); System.out.println(men.peek() + " is the first one waiting"); } }
@Override void solve(Set<? extends Job> jobs) { Job[] sortedJobs = jobs.toArray(new Job[jobs.size()]); Arrays.sort(sortedJobs, Job::compareArrivalTime); processTime = totWT = 0; long usefulTime = 0; int jobCount = jobs.size(); PriorityQueue<Job> queue = new PriorityQueue<>(Job::compareBurstTime); for (Job job : sortedJobs) { if (job == null) { jobCount--; continue; } while (!queue.isEmpty() && processTime < job.getArrivalTime()) { Job nextJob = queue.poll(); long arrivalTime = nextJob.getArrivalTime(); long burstTime = nextJob.getBurstTime(); if (processTime < nextJob.getArrivalTime()) { processList.add(new RunningProcess("Idle", arrivalTime - processTime)); processTime = arrivalTime; } processList.add(new RunningProcess("P" + nextJob.getId(), burstTime)); usefulTime += burstTime; totWT += processTime - arrivalTime; processTime += burstTime; } queue.add(job); } while (!queue.isEmpty()) { Job nextJob = queue.poll(); long arrivalTime = nextJob.getArrivalTime(); long burstTime = nextJob.getBurstTime(); if (processTime < nextJob.getArrivalTime()) { processList.add(new RunningProcess("Idle", arrivalTime - processTime)); processTime = arrivalTime; } processList.add(new RunningProcess("P" + nextJob.getId(), burstTime)); usefulTime += burstTime; totWT += processTime - arrivalTime; processTime += burstTime; } totRT = totWT; totTAT = totWT + usefulTime; avgRT = avgWT = (double) totWT / (double) jobCount; avgTAT = (double) totTAT / (double) jobCount; utilization = usefulTime * 100.0 / processTime; }
/* * As per [S. Koenig,2002] except for two main modifications: * 1. We stop planning after a number of steps, 'maxsteps' we do this * because this algorithm can plan forever if the start is surrounded by obstacles * 2. We lazily remove states from the open list so we never have to iterate through it. */ private int computeShortestPath() { LinkedList<State> s = new LinkedList<State>(); if (openList.isEmpty()) return 1; int k = 0; while ((!openList.isEmpty()) && (openList.peek().lt(s_start = calculateKey(s_start))) || (getRHS(s_start) != getG(s_start))) { if (k++ > maxSteps) { System.out.println("At maxsteps"); return -1; } State u; boolean test = (getRHS(s_start) != getG(s_start)); // lazy remove while (true) { if (openList.isEmpty()) return 1; u = openList.poll(); if (!isValid(u)) continue; if (!( && (!test)) return 2; break; } openHash.remove(u); State k_old = new State(u); if ( { // u is out of date insert(u); } else if (getG(u) > getRHS(u)) { // needs update (got better) setG(u, getRHS(u)); s = getPred(u); for (State i : s) { updateVertex(i); } } else { // g <= rhs, state has got worse setG(u, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY); s = getPred(u); for (State i : s) { updateVertex(i); } updateVertex(u); } } // while return 0; }
public List<Task> mockRunTaks(List<Task> tasks) { PriorityQueue<Task> taskQueue = new PriorityQueue<Task>( new Comparator<Task>() { @Override public int compare(Task t1, Task t2) { return t1.priority - t2.priority; } }); List<Task> runOrder = new ArrayList<Task>(); HashMap<Task, Integer> taskIndegrees = new HashMap<Task, Integer>(); for (Task task : tasks) { taskIndegrees.put(task, task.dependencies.size()); if (task.dependencies.size() == 0) { taskQueue.offer(task); } } while (!taskQueue.isEmpty()) { Task curTask = taskQueue.poll(); runOrder.add(curTask); for (Task task : curTask.dependencies) { taskIndegrees.put(task, taskIndegrees.get(task) - 1); if (taskIndegrees.get(task) == 0) taskQueue.offer(task); } } return runOrder; }
/** * Get top N elements * * @param vec the vec to extract the top elements from * @param N the number of elements to extract * @return the indices and the sorted top N elements */ private static List<Double> getTopN(INDArray vec, int N) { ArrayComparator comparator = new ArrayComparator(); PriorityQueue<Double[]> queue = new PriorityQueue<>(vec.rows(), comparator); for (int j = 0; j < vec.length(); j++) { final Double[] pair = new Double[] {vec.getDouble(j), (double) j}; if (queue.size() < N) { queue.add(pair); } else { Double[] head = queue.peek(); if (, head) > 0) { queue.poll(); queue.add(pair); } } } List<Double> lowToHighSimLst = new ArrayList<>(); while (!queue.isEmpty()) { double ind = queue.poll()[1]; lowToHighSimLst.add(ind); } return Lists.reverse(lowToHighSimLst); }
public static SearchResult generic(SearchProblem prob, Comparator<SearchNode> cmp) { PriorityQueue<SearchNode> frontier = new PriorityQueue<SearchNode>(10000, cmp); frontier.offer(prob.startNode()); Set<State> explored = new HashSet<State>(); while (!frontier.isEmpty()) { SearchNode candidate = frontier.poll(); if (candidate.isGoal()) { return new SearchResult(candidate, explored.size(), frontier.size()); } List<Action> nextActions = prob.actions(candidate.state); for (Action action : nextActions) { SearchNode child = prob.childNode(candidate, action); if (!explored.contains(child.state)) { frontier.offer(child); explored.add(candidate.state); } } } return null; }
/* * Initialise Method * @params start and goal coordinates */ public void init(int sX, int sY, int gX, int gY) { cellHash.clear(); path.clear(); openHash.clear(); while (!openList.isEmpty()) openList.poll(); k_m = 0; s_start.x = sX; s_start.y = sY; s_goal.x = gX; s_goal.y = gY; CellInfo tmp = new CellInfo(); tmp.g = 0; tmp.rhs = 0; tmp.cost = C1; cellHash.put(s_goal, tmp); tmp = new CellInfo(); tmp.g = tmp.rhs = heuristic(s_start, s_goal); tmp.cost = C1; cellHash.put(s_start, tmp); s_start = calculateKey(s_start); s_last = s_start; }
/** * piirtää reitin tiedostoon ja reittikartta taulukkoon * * @param käydytsolmut * @throws IOException */ public void piirräreitti(PriorityQueue<Solmu> käydytsolmut) throws IOException { String nimi = new String("uk"); BufferedWriter reittikarttatiedosto = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("uk")); Solmu solmu = new Solmu(0, 0, null, 0); while (!käydytsolmut.isEmpty()) { solmu = käydytsolmut.poll(); for (int n = 0; n < kartankoko; n++) { for (int i = 0; i < kartankoko; i++) { if (solmu.x == n && solmu.y == i) { // reittikartta[i][n] = '-'; reittikartta[i][n] = (char) (solmu.summaamatkat(0, solmu.annavanhempi()) + 65); // reittikarttatiedosto.write("-"); reittikarttatiedosto.write('-'); } else { reittikarttatiedosto.write(reittikartta[i][n]); } } reittikarttatiedosto.newLine(); } } reittikarttatiedosto.close(); tulostakartta(reittikartta); }
public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner in = new Scanner(; PriorityQueue<Node> pq = new PriorityQueue<Node>(); HashSet<Integer> visited = new HashSet<Integer>(); int n = in.nextInt(); int[][] am = new int[n][n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) { am[i][j] = in.nextInt(); if (i == j) am[i][j] = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } n = in.nextInt(); int a, b; while (n-- > 0) { a = in.nextInt() - 1; b = in.nextInt() - 1; am[a][b] = 0; am[b][a] = 0; } int ret = 0; pq.add(new Node(0, 0)); Node curr; while (!pq.isEmpty()) { curr = pq.poll(); if (visited.contains(curr.a)) continue; ret += curr.w; visited.add(curr.a); for (int i = 0; i < am.length; i++) { pq.add(new Node(i, am[curr.a][i])); } } System.out.println(ret); }
static void test00() { Aron.beg(); PriorityQueue<Interval> queue = new PriorityQueue<Interval>(); Stack<Interval> stack = new Stack<Interval>(); int[] arr1 = {4, 1, 2, 6, 9}; int[] arr2 = {5, 1, 4, 9, 10}; for (int i = 0; i < arr1.length; i++) { queue.add(new Interval(arr1[i], arr2[i])); } if (queue.size() > 0) { stack.push(queue.remove()); } while (!queue.isEmpty()) { Interval top = stack.peek(); Interval inter = queue.remove(); if (top.end < inter.begin) stack.push(inter); else { stack.peek().end = Math.max(stack.peek().end, inter.end); } } while (!stack.empty()) { System.out.println("[" + stack.peek().begin + " " + stack.peek().end + "]"); stack.pop(); } Aron.end(); }
/** * This method is used for the UI to display the list of movies in priority order. * * @pre * @post the movies will be in the order of the priority the user queued them in, if two movies * have the same priority then they appear in FIFO order * @return an array of {@link Movie} objects that are in priority order */ public Movie[] displayWaitingMoviesByPriority() { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") PriorityQueue<Movie> cloneOfP = (PriorityQueue<Movie>) DeepCopier.copy(waitingQueue); Movie[] movieList = new Movie[cloneOfP.getSize()]; int i = 0; while (!cloneOfP.isEmpty()) { movieList[i] = cloneOfP.dequeueByPriority(); i++; } return movieList; }
public static void main(String[] args) { PriorityQueue<String> pque = new PriorityQueue<>(); System.out.println("Empty? " + pque.isEmpty()); pque.insert(0, "Mark"); System.out.println("Empty? " + pque.isEmpty()); System.out.println("Get min: " + pque.min()); System.out.println("Remove min: " + pque.removeMin()); pque.insert(6, "Hans"); pque.insert(3, "Ib"); pque.insert(6, "Jens"); pque.insert(4, "Mads"); pque.insert(6, "Lene"); pque.insert(2, "Finn"); System.out.println(pque); System.out.println(pque.size()); System.out.println(pque.removeMin()); System.out.println(pque); System.out.println(pque.removeMin()); System.out.println(pque.removeMin()); System.out.println(pque.removeMin()); System.out.println(pque.removeMin()); System.out.println(pque.isEmpty()); System.out.println(pque.removeMin()); System.out.println(pque.isEmpty()); try { System.out.println(pque.removeMin()); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { System.out.print("Got it."); } try { System.out.println(pque.min()); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { System.out.print("... Got it again."); } System.out.println(", size: " + pque.size()); pque.insert(-1, "neg kasper"); pque.insert(500, "stor kasper"); System.out.println(pque); }
static void sweep(ArrayList<Integer> indexes) { PriorityQueue<Event> pq = new PriorityQueue<Event>(); for (int i = 0; i < indexes.size(); i++) { pq.offer(new Event(lo[val[indexes.get(i)]] + 1, 1, indexes.get(i))); pq.offer(new Event(hi[val[indexes.get(i)]], -1, indexes.get(i))); } TreeSet<Integer> active = new TreeSet<Integer>(); while (!pq.isEmpty()) { Event curr = pq.poll(); if (curr.type == 1) active.add(curr.index); else if (curr.type == -1) { active.remove(curr.index); Integer lower = active.lower(curr.index); if (lower != null && lower > lo[val[curr.index]]) { Interval add = new Interval(lower, curr.index); Interval prev = intervals.floor(add); Interval next = intervals.ceiling(add); boolean intersectPrev = true; boolean intersectNext = true; if (prev != null) { if (Math.max(add.l, prev.l) < Math.min(add.r, prev.r)) { if (add.r - add.l <= prev.r - prev.l) { intervals.remove(prev); intersectPrev = false; } } else { intersectPrev = false; } } else { intersectPrev = false; } if (next != null) { if (Math.max(add.l, next.l) < Math.min(add.r, next.r)) { if (add.r - add.l <= next.r - next.l) { intervals.remove(next); intersectNext = false; } } else { intersectNext = false; } } else { intersectNext = false; } if (!intersectPrev && !intersectNext) intervals.add(add); } } } }
public static void main(String[] args) { PriorityQueue<GregorianCalendar> pq = new PriorityQueue<GregorianCalendar>(); // 优先级队列对GC设置优先级:月->日 pq.add(new GregorianCalendar(1906, Calendar.DECEMBER, 9)); // G. Hopper pq.add(new GregorianCalendar(1815, Calendar.DECEMBER, 10)); // A. Lovelace pq.add(new GregorianCalendar(1923, Calendar.DECEMBER, 3)); // J. von Neumann pq.add(new GregorianCalendar(1910, Calendar.JUNE, 22)); // K. Zuse System.out.println("Iterating over elements..."); for (GregorianCalendar date : pq) System.out.println(date.get(Calendar.YEAR)); System.out.println("Removing elements..."); while (!pq.isEmpty()) System.out.println(pq.remove().get(Calendar.YEAR)); }
public void testPriorityQueueAscending() { PriorityQueue pq = new PriorityQueue(); try { pq.dequeue(); fail("NoSuchElementException not thrown on empty queue"); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { } pq.enqueue("Test 2", 2); pq.enqueue("Test 3", 3); pq.enqueue("Test 1", 1); assertTrue("isEmpty is returned true on an nonempty queue", !pq.isEmpty()); String peek1 = (String) pq.peek(); String s1 = (String) pq.dequeue(); String peek2 = (String) pq.peek(); String s2 = (String) pq.dequeue(); String s3 = (String) pq.dequeue(); assertTrue("size was incorrect (should be 3)", pq.size() != 3); assertTrue("isEmpty is returned false on an empty queue", pq.isEmpty()); try { pq.dequeue(); fail("NoSuchElementException not thrown on empty queue"); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { } assertTrue("Peek #1 incorrect", peek1.equals("Test 1")); assertTrue("Peek #2 incorrect", peek2.equals("Test 2")); assertTrue("Dequeue #1 incorrect", s1.equals("Test 1")); assertTrue("Dequeue #2 incorrect", s2.equals("Test 2")); assertTrue("Dequeue #3 incorrect", s3.equals("Test 3")); }
public void getIndexInfo(String indexdir, int freqThreshold) { IndexReader reader = null; try { Directory dir = File(indexdir)); System.out.println(dir); reader =; System.out.println("document num:" + reader.numDocs()); System.out.println("======================"); TermEnum terms = reader.terms(); sortedTermQueue.clear(); maxDocNum = reader.maxDoc(); linkMap.clear(); termList.clear(); while ( { // System.out.print(terms.term() + "\tDocFreq:" + TermDocs termDocs = reader.termDocs(terms.term()); MyTerm temp = new MyTerm(terms.term(), termDocs, maxDocNum); if (temp.totalFreq < freqThreshold) { continue; } /* * if(temp.originTrem.text().length()==1){ continue; } */ linkMap.put(temp.originTrem.text(), temp); sortedTermQueue.add(temp); termList.add(temp); } System.out.println("total Size:" + sortedTermQueue.size()); System.out.println("mapsize:" + linkMap.keySet().size()); // System.exit(0); int num = 0; this.maxFreq = sortedTermQueue.peek().totalFreq; while (!sortedTermQueue.isEmpty()) { num++; System.out.println(num + ":" + sortedTermQueue.poll()); } System.out.println("read index info done"); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { reader.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
/* * 获取客户极坐标的排序 * * */ public Queue<Client> sortClientsByPolarCoordinate(Client[] clients) { Queue<Client> queue = new LinkedList<Client>(); ClientPolarCoordinateComparator clientPolarCoordinateComparator = new ClientPolarCoordinateComparator(); PriorityQueue<Client> priorityQueue = new PriorityQueue<Client>(clients.length - 1, clientPolarCoordinateComparator); for (int i = 1; i < clients.length; i++) { priorityQueue.add(clients[i]); } while (!priorityQueue.isEmpty()) { queue.add(priorityQueue.remove()); } return queue; }
// You can add extra function if needed // -------------------------------------------- int dijkstra() { IntegerPair current; while (!q.isEmpty()) { current = q.poll(); if (weights.get(current.first()) == current.second()) for (IntegerPair next : AdjList.get(current.first())) { if (weights.get(next.first()) > current.second() + next.second()) { weights.set(next.first(), current.second() + next.second()); q.offer(new IntegerPair(next.first(), weights.get(next.first()))); } } } return weights.get(1); }
private void advance() { nextAlignment = null; Row nextRow = null; while (nextAlignment == null && !rows.isEmpty()) { while ((nextRow = rows.poll()) != null) { if (nextRow.hasNext()) { nextAlignment = nextRow.nextAlignment(); break; } } } if (nextRow != null && nextAlignment != null) { rows.add(nextRow); } }
public int nthUglyNumber(int n) { if (n <= 0) return 0; PriorityQueue<Long> queue = new PriorityQueue<>(); queue.add(1l); long result = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { result = queue.poll(); while (!queue.isEmpty() && queue.peek() == result) queue.poll(); queue.add(result * 2); queue.add(result * 3); queue.add(result * 5); } return (int) result; }
// returns the single move to make given a board, depth, piecelist, heuristic // whill choose the best terminal board at the max depth, // or if none exists, the best board with no children (inevitable death) public Board.Direction nextMove(Board start, List<Integer> nextPiece) { int maxDepth = Math.min(exploreDepth, nextPiece.size()); double bestLiveScore = -1; Board.Direction bestLiveDirection = null; // cus why not? // add the first round seperately so we know which move to return for (Board.Direction d : Board.Direction.values()) { Board next = start.move(d, nextPiece.get(0)); if (next != null) { PriorityQueue<Double> pq = new PriorityQueue<Double>(); Deque<StackItem> stack = new ArrayDeque<StackItem>(); stack.push(new StackItem(next, 1, d)); // DFS while (!stack.isEmpty()) { StackItem cur = stack.pop(); // add more moves if not beyond max depth if (cur.d < maxDepth) { for (Board.Direction d2 : Board.Direction.values()) { Board next2 = cur.b.move(d2, nextPiece.get(cur.d)); if (next2 != null) { stack.push(new StackItem(next2, cur.d + 1, cur.move)); } } } // update live only at the bottom of the tree if (cur.d == maxDepth) { pq.add(heuristic.useHeuristic(cur.b)); if (pq.size() > 10) pq.poll(); } } double sum = 0; int count = 0; count = pq.size(); while (!pq.isEmpty()) sum += pq.poll(); if (count > 0 && sum / count > bestLiveScore) { bestLiveScore = sum / count; bestLiveDirection = d; } } } return bestLiveDirection; }
public List<int[]> getSkyline(int[][] buildings) { List<int[]> result = new ArrayList<>(); if (buildings == null || buildings.length == 0) { return result; } Comparator<Point> comp = new Comparator<Point>() { @Override public int compare(Point a, Point b) { if (a.x != b.x) { return a.x - b.x; } else { return a.y - b.y; } } }; PriorityQueue<Point> pq = new PriorityQueue<>(5, comp); for (int[] data : buildings) { pq.add(new Point(data[0], -data[2])); pq.add(new Point(data[1], data[2])); } TreeMap<Integer, Integer> map = new TreeMap<>(); map.put(0, 1); int max = 0; while (!pq.isEmpty()) { Point cur = pq.poll(); if (cur.y < 0) { if (!map.containsKey(-cur.y)) { map.put(-cur.y, 0); } map.put(-cur.y, map.get(-cur.y) + 1); } else { map.put(cur.y, map.get(cur.y) - 1); if (map.get(cur.y) == 0) { map.remove(cur.y); } } int curMax = map.lastEntry().getKey(); if (curMax != max) { result.add(new int[] {cur.x, curMax}); max = curMax; } } return result; }
public LazyPrimMST(EdgeWeightedGraph G) { pq = new PriorityQueue<>(Collections.reverseOrder()); marked = new boolean[G.V()]; mst = new LinkedList<>(); visit(G, 0); while (!pq.isEmpty()) { Edge e = pq.poll(); int v = e.either(); int w = e.other(v); if (marked[v] && marked[w]) continue; mst.offer(e); if (!marked[v]) visit(G, v); if (!marked[w]) visit(G, w); } }
public boolean resolve(LinkedList<Clause> clauses) { // Storing onto the stack to verify clauses in reverse order // LinkedList<Clause> expansionStack = new LinkedList<Clause>(); PriorityQueue<Clause> expansionQueue = new PriorityQueue<Clause>(10000, new ClauseSizeComparator()); for (int count = 0; count < clauses.size(); count++) { expansionQueue.add(clauses.get(count)); } while (!expansionQueue.isEmpty()) // Until the stack is empty { Clause lastClause = expansionQueue.poll(); for (int clauseCount = 0; clauseCount < lastClause.getClauseID() - 1; clauseCount++) { // If any new clauses are added since last execution // if(!clauses.getLast().equals(lastClause)) { // break; } Clause tempClause = clauses.get(clauseCount); int numClausesBeforeExpansion = clauses.size(); boolean result = lastClause.resolution(tempClause, clauses); if (!result) { return false; } int numClausesAfterExpansion = clauses.size(); // System.out.println(numClausesAfterExpansion - numClausesBeforeExpansion); //Size does not // change // If new clauses are added, expand the newly added clause before expanding any other clause if (numClausesAfterExpansion - numClausesBeforeExpansion > 0) { expansionQueue.add(clauses.getLast()); } } } return true; }
/* * This is somewhat of a hack, to change the position of the goal we * first save all of the non-empty nodes on the map, clear the map, move the * goal and add re-add all of the non-empty cells. Since most of these cells * are not between the start and goal this does not seem to hurt performance * too much. Also, it frees up a good deal of memory we are probably not * going to use. */ public void updateGoal(int x, int y) { List<Pair<ipoint2, Double>> toAdd = new ArrayList<Pair<ipoint2, Double>>(); Pair<ipoint2, Double> tempPoint; for (Map.Entry<State, CellInfo> entry : cellHash.entrySet()) { if (!close(entry.getValue().cost, C1)) { tempPoint = new Pair(new ipoint2(entry.getKey().x, entry.getKey().y), entry.getValue().cost); toAdd.add(tempPoint); } } cellHash.clear(); openHash.clear(); while (!openList.isEmpty()) openList.poll(); k_m = 0; s_goal.x = x; s_goal.y = y; CellInfo tmp = new CellInfo(); tmp.g = tmp.rhs = 0; tmp.cost = C1; cellHash.put(s_goal, tmp); tmp = new CellInfo(); tmp.g = tmp.rhs = heuristic(s_start, s_goal); tmp.cost = C1; cellHash.put(s_start, tmp); s_start = calculateKey(s_start); s_last = s_start; Iterator<Pair<ipoint2, Double>> iterator = toAdd.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { tempPoint =; updateCell(tempPoint.first().x, tempPoint.first().y, tempPoint.second()); } }
public int astar(Vertex start, Vertex goal, Heuristic h) { int count; Collection<Vertex> vertices_; Comparator<Vertex> comp; PriorityQueue<Vertex> fringe; count = 0; vertices_ = vertices.values(); comp = new Comparator<Vertex>() { public int compare(Vertex i, Vertex j) { return (i.cost + i.estimate - j.cost - j.estimate); } }; // use estimates fringe = new PriorityQueue<Vertex>(20, comp); for (Vertex v : vertices_) { v.visited = false; v.cost = 999999; } start.cost = 0; start.parent = null; fringe.add(start); while (!fringe.isEmpty()) { Vertex v = fringe.remove(); // lowest-cost count++; // count nodes if (v.equals(goal)) { // if the goal is found, quit break; } if (!v.visited) { v.visited = true; for (Edge e : v.edges) { int newcost = v.cost + e.cost; if (newcost < { = newcost; = v; = h.fn(, goal); // use heuristic fringe.add(; } } } } return count; }
public static void computePaths(City source) { source.minDistance = 0.; PriorityQueue<City> cityQueue = new PriorityQueue<City>(); cityQueue.add(source); while (!cityQueue.isEmpty()) { City u = cityQueue.poll(); // Visit each edge exiting u for (Route e : u.neighbours) { City v =; double weight = e.weight; double distanceThroughU = u.minDistance + weight; if (distanceThroughU < v.minDistance) { cityQueue.remove(v); v.minDistance = distanceThroughU; v.previous = u; cityQueue.add(v); } } } }
public int dijkstra(Vertex s) { int count; Collection<Vertex> vertices_; Comparator<Vertex> comp; PriorityQueue<Vertex> fringe; count = 0; vertices_ = vertices.values(); comp = new Comparator<Vertex>() { public int compare(Vertex i, Vertex j) { return (i.cost - j.cost); } }; fringe = new PriorityQueue<Vertex>(20, comp); for (Vertex v : vertices_) { v.visited = false; v.cost = 999999; } s.cost = 0; s.parent = null; fringe.add(s); while (!fringe.isEmpty()) { Vertex v = fringe.remove(); // lowest-cost count++; // count nodes if (!v.visited) { v.visited = true; for (Edge e : v.edges) { int newcost = v.cost + e.cost; if (newcost < { if ( < 999999) // target on queue already? fringe.remove(; // if yes, remove it. = newcost; = v; fringe.add(; } } } } return count; }
static void solve(Scanner sc) throws IOException { int h = sc.nextInt(); int w = sc.nextInt(); int k = sc.nextInt(); PriorityQueue<Node> pq = new PriorityQueue<Node>(); for (int i = 0; i < h; i++) { String s =; for (int j = 0; j < w; j++) { grid[i][j] = s.charAt(j); dis[i][j] = grid[i][j] == '#' ? 0 : inf; if (grid[i][j] == 'S') pq.offer(new Node(i, j, 0)); } } // Dijkstra // There is always a solution according to problem statement while (!pq.isEmpty()) { Node z = pq.poll(); int x = z.x; int y = z.y; int d = z.dis; if (d > dis[x][y]) continue; if (x == 0 || x == h - 1 || y == 0 || y == w - 1) { System.out.println(d + 1); break; } for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { int nx = x + dx[i]; int ny = y + dy[i]; // if(nx<0||nx>=h||ny<0||ny>=w) // continue; int nd = d + 1 + (grid[nx][ny] == '@' ? k : 0); if (nd < dis[nx][ny]) { dis[nx][ny] = nd; pq.offer(new Node(nx, ny, nd)); } } } }