private void closeDueToException(PooledConnectionAndInfo info) {
   if (info != null) {
     try {
     } catch (Exception e) {
       // do not throw this exception because we are in the middle
       // of handling another exception.  But record it because
       // it potentially leaks connections from the pool.
               "[ERROR] Could not return connection to "
                   + "pool during exception handling. "
                   + e.getMessage());
  /** Attempt to establish a database connection. */
  public synchronized Connection getConnection(String username, String password)
      throws SQLException {
    if (isNew) {
      throw new SQLException(
          "Must set the ConnectionPoolDataSource "
              + "through setDataSourceName or setConnectionPoolDataSource"
              + " before calling getConnection.");

    getConnectionCalled = true;
    Map pools = (Map) dsInstanceMap.get(instanceKey);
    PoolKey key = getPoolKey(username);
    Object pool = pools.get(key);
    if (pool == null) {
      try {
        registerPool(username, password);
        pool = pools.get(key);
      } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new SQLException(e.getMessage());

    PooledConnectionAndInfo info = null;
    if (pool instanceof ObjectPool) {
      try {
        info = (PooledConnectionAndInfo) ((ObjectPool) pool).borrowObject();
      } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
        throw new SQLException(e.getMessage());
      } catch (RuntimeException e) {
        throw e;
      } catch (SQLException e) {
        throw e;
      } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new SQLException(e.getMessage());
    } else {
      // assume KeyedObjectPool
      try {
        UserPassKey upkey = getUserPassKey(username, password);
        info = (PooledConnectionAndInfo) ((KeyedObjectPool) pool).borrowObject(upkey);
      } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
        throw new SQLException(e.getMessage());
      } catch (RuntimeException e) {
        throw e;
      } catch (SQLException e) {
        throw e;
      } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new SQLException(e.getMessage());
    if (!(null == password ? null == info.getPassword() : password.equals(info.getPassword()))) {
      throw new SQLException(
          "Given password did not match password used " + "to create the PooledConnection.");
    PooledConnection pc = info.getPooledConnection();

    boolean defaultAutoCommit = isDefaultAutoCommit();
    if (username != null) {
      Boolean userMax = getPerUserDefaultAutoCommit(username);
      if (userMax != null) {
        defaultAutoCommit = userMax.booleanValue();

    boolean defaultReadOnly = isDefaultReadOnly();
    if (username != null) {
      Boolean userMax = getPerUserDefaultReadOnly(username);
      if (userMax != null) {
        defaultReadOnly = userMax.booleanValue();

    Connection con = pc.getConnection();
    return con;
   * Attempt to retrieve a database connection using {@link #getPooledConnectionAndInfo(String,
   * String)} with the provided username and password. The password on the {@link
   * PooledConnectionAndInfo} instance returned by <code>getPooledConnectionAndInfo</code> is
   * compared to the <code>password</code> parameter. If the comparison fails, a database connection
   * using the supplied username and password is attempted. If the connection attempt fails, an
   * SQLException is thrown, indicating that the given password did not match the password used to
   * create the pooled connection. If the connection attempt succeeds, this means that the database
   * password has been changed. In this case, the <code>PooledConnectionAndInfo</code> instance
   * retrieved with the old password is destroyed and the <code>getPooledConnectionAndInfo</code> is
   * repeatedly invoked until a <code>PooledConnectionAndInfo</code> instance with the new password
   * is returned.
  public Connection getConnection(String username, String password) throws SQLException {
    if (instanceKey == null) {
      throw new SQLException(
          "Must set the ConnectionPoolDataSource "
              + "through setDataSourceName or setConnectionPoolDataSource"
              + " before calling getConnection.");
    getConnectionCalled = true;
    PooledConnectionAndInfo info = null;
    try {
      info = getPooledConnectionAndInfo(username, password);
    } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
      throw new SQLException("Cannot borrow connection from pool", e);
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
      throw e;
    } catch (SQLException e) {
      throw e;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new SQLException("Cannot borrow connection from pool", e);

    if (!(null == password
        ? null == info.getPassword()
        : password.equals(
            info.getPassword()))) { // Password on PooledConnectionAndInfo does not match
      try { // See if password has changed by attempting connection
        testCPDS(username, password);
      } catch (SQLException ex) {
        // Password has not changed, so refuse client, but return connection to the pool
        throw new SQLException(
            "Given password did not match password used" + " to create the PooledConnection.", ex);
      } catch (javax.naming.NamingException ne) {
        throw new SQLException("NamingException encountered connecting to database", ne);
       * Password must have changed -> destroy connection and keep retrying until we get a new, good one,
       * destroying any idle connections with the old passowrd as we pull them from the pool.
      final UserPassKey upkey = info.getUserPassKey();
      final PooledConnectionManager manager = getConnectionManager(upkey);
      manager.invalidate(info.getPooledConnection()); // Destroy and remove from pool
          upkey.getPassword()); // Reset the password on the factory if using CPDSConnectionFactory
      info = null;
      for (int i = 0;
          i < 10;
          i++) { // Bound the number of retries - only needed if bad instances return
        try {
          info = getPooledConnectionAndInfo(username, password);
        } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
          throw new SQLException("Cannot borrow connection from pool", e);
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
          throw e;
        } catch (SQLException e) {
          throw e;
        } catch (Exception e) {
          throw new SQLException("Cannot borrow connection from pool", e);
        if (info != null && password != null && password.equals(info.getPassword())) {
        if (info != null) {
        info = null;
      if (info == null) {
        throw new SQLException("Cannot borrow connection from pool - password change failure.");

    Connection con = info.getPooledConnection().getConnection();
    try {
      setupDefaults(con, username);
      return con;
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      try {
      } catch (Exception exc) {
        getLogWriter().println("ignoring exception during close: " + exc);
      throw ex;