Exemple #1
 public void finish() {
   for (PointValue value : values) {
  public void testRealData() throws Exception {

    // Define projection for the test case
    TiledMap map = new TiledMap(492, 690, new LatLng(2.293492496, 30.538372993), 9);

    // Read data
    BufferedReader in =
        new BufferedReader(
            new InputStreamReader(

    double originalSum = 0;

    List<PointValue> points = new ArrayList<PointValue>();
    while (in.ready()) {

      String line = in.readLine();
      String[] columns = line.split(",");

      double lat = Double.parseDouble(columns[0]);
      double lng = Double.parseDouble(columns[1]);

      PointValue pv = new PointValue();
      pv.px = map.fromLatLngToPixel(new LatLng(lat, lng));
      pv.value = Double.parseDouble(columns[2]);
      pv.symbol = new MapSymbol();

      originalSum += pv.value;


    // Now build the graph

    MarkerGraph graph =
        new MarkerGraph(points, new BubbleLayerGenerator.IntersectionCalculator(15));

    // make sure nothing was lost in the merging of coincident points
    double nodeSum = 0;
    for (MarkerGraph.Node node : graph.getNodes()) {
      nodeSum += node.getPointValue().value;
    Assert.assertEquals("values after construction of graph", originalSum, nodeSum, 0.001);

    saveGraphImage("clusterTest2", graph, 15);

    GeneticSolver solver = new GeneticSolver();

    List<Cluster> clusters =
            new GsLogCalculator(5, 15),
            new CircleFitnessFunctor(),
            UpperBoundsCalculator.calculate(graph, new FixedRadiiCalculator(5)));

    // check to make sure all values were included
    double sumAfterClustering = 0;
    for (Cluster cluster : clusters) {
      sumAfterClustering += cluster.sumValues();

    Assert.assertEquals(originalSum, sumAfterClustering, 0.001);

    Assert.assertEquals(16, clusters.size());

    saveClusters(graph, "clusterTest-solution", clusters);
Exemple #3
 public void update(float scale) {
   for (PointValue value : values) {