Exemple #1
   * (non-Javadoc)
   * @see java.nio.channels.SeekableByteChannel#read(java.nio.ByteBuffer)
  public int read(ByteBuffer dst) throws IOException {
    if (dst == null) {
      throw new NullPointerException("The destination buffer is null.");
    if (dst.limit() == 0) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("The destination buffer has zero length.");
    if (!_open) return -1;

    // Make an attempt to read up to r bytes from the channel, where
    // r is the number of bytes remaining in the buffer, that is,
    // dst.remaining(), at the moment this method is invoked.
    long _here = position();

    // Build temporary storage.
    int remain = dst.remaining();
    byte[] data = new byte[remain];

    int length = _backing.read(data, 0, remain);

    if (length > 0) {

      // Iterate thru each byte of temporary storage and decrypt those
      // bytes back
      // into the buffer
      for (int index = 0; index < length; index++) {
        data[index] = _head.crypt(data[index], index + _here);
      } // Decrypt all bytes.
      dst.put(data, 0, length);
    return length;
  public void write(byte[] arr, int off, int len) throws IOException {
    if (_closed) return;

    // first make copy of relevant part of array
    // TODO : add bounds checking
    // JMC: Why not just new byte[len]??
    byte[] encodedArr = new byte[len - off];
    System.arraycopy(arr, off, encodedArr, 0, len);

    for (int i = off; i < (off + len); i++) {
      byte b = arr[i];

      // Add to the message digest.
      _hash.update((byte) b);

      // Encode.
      b = _head.crypt((byte) b, _position);

      // Add encoded byte to b
      encodedArr[i] = b;

    // Write.
    //        System.out.println("SBJHBKJDBH");
Exemple #3
  * Read the next byte at the current position, and return it. Return -1 if the end of the file is
  * read.
  * @return The next byte.
  * @throws IOException The next byte cannot be read.
 public int read() throws IOException {
   if (!_open) return -1;
   long _here = position();
   int val = _backing.read();
   if (val >= 0) {
     val = _head.crypt((byte) val, _here);
   return val;
Exemple #4
   * Write a byte at the current position.
   * @param datum The byte.
   * @throws IOException The byte cannot be written.
  public void write(int datum) throws IOException {
    if (!_open) return;
    datum &= 0xff;
    long _here = position();

    // Are we synced up?
    if (_here == _digestvalidto) {

      // Yes, digest the byte and move the valid to pointer.
      _digest.update((byte) datum);
      _digestvalidto++; // JMC: Was missing.
    } // Otherwise, advancing of the position will destroy the digest sync.

    datum = _head.crypt((byte) datum, _here);
  /* (non-Javadoc)
   * @see java.io.OutputStream#write(int)
  public void write(int datum) throws IOException {
    if (_closed) return;

    // Byteify this.
    datum &= 0xff;

    // Add to the message digest.
    _hash.update((byte) datum);

    // Encode.
    datum = _head.crypt((byte) datum, _position);

    // Write.
    _position += 1;
Exemple #6
   * (non-Javadoc)
   * @see java.nio.channels.WritableByteChannel#write(java.nio.ByteBuffer)
   * NOTE: Changes the state of src in the normal case, i.e., position =
   * limit.
  public int write(ByteBuffer src) throws IOException {
    if (src == null) {
      throw new NullPointerException("The source buffer is null.");

    // Is there something to actually write in source.
    if (src.limit() == 0 || src.remaining() == 0) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "The source buffer has zero length or zero remaining bytes.");

    if (!_open) return -1;

    // based on the specification _hear is p.
    long _here = position();

    // Make an attempt to write up to r bytes to the channel, where
    // r is the number of bytes remaining in the buffer, that is,
    // src.remaining(), at the moment this method is invoked.
    // NOTE: not good to use the src.array() since that is the backing array
    // which
    // reflects the entire buffer and not from p to remaining.
    byte[] encr = new byte[src.remaining()];

    // Update the digest to the start of the write.

    // Have we reached source's limit?
    for (int index = 0; src.hasRemaining(); index++) {
      // The unencrypted data.
      byte b = src.get();
      // encrypt it into the buffer.
      encr[index] = _head.crypt(b, index + _here);
    return encr.length;