Exemple #1
 public static void main(String[] args) {
   Pair<String, Integer> grade1 = new Pair<String, Integer>("Williams", 90);
   Pair<String, Integer> grade2 = new Pair<String, Integer>("Brown", 44);
 // Find the euler path
 public static void eulerPath(ArrayList<ArrayList<Pair>> G, ListIterator<Integer> path, int u) {
   for (Pair v : G.get(u)) {
     if (v.second == 1) {
       v.second = 0;
       // remove the bidirectional edge
       for (Pair vu : G.get(v.first))
         if (vu.second == 1 && vu.first == u) {
           vu.second = 0;
       eulerPath(G, path, v.first);
Exemple #3
   * {@inheritDoc} Determines whether two pairs are essentially the same. That is that the two pairs
   * have the same label and the (second) values are also equal.
  public boolean equals(Object _pair) {
    if (_pair instanceof Pair) {
      Pair<?> pair = (Pair<?>) _pair;

      if (this.first().equals(pair.first()) == false) return false;

      if (this.second() == null & pair.second() == null) {
        return true;
      if (this.second() == null ^ pair.second() == null) {
        return false;
      if (this.second().equals(pair.second()) == false) return false;
    return true;
  protected void mergeHandler(
      Type type, T store, List<Pair<Type, String>> handlers, Map<String, T> stores) {
    for (Pair<Type, String> p : handlers) {
      Type handler = p.first();

      if (Type.isSubtype(handler, type)) {
        T nstore = propagate(handler, store);
        merge(p.second(), nstore, stores);
        return; // completely subsumed
      } else if (Type.isSubtype(type, handler)) {
        T nstore = propagate(handler, store);
        merge(p.second(), nstore, stores);
        // not completely subsumed
        type = Type.intersect(type, Type.Negation(handler));
  public TreeSet<Nonterminal> getLeavesForNonterminal(Nonterminal t) {
    Set<Pair<Terminal, Nonterminal>> tableSet = keySet();
    TreeSet<Nonterminal> terminalTree = new TreeSet<Nonterminal>();

    for (Pair<Terminal, Nonterminal> setMember : tableSet) {
      if (setMember.second() == t) terminalTree.add(t);

    return terminalTree;
Exemple #6
  * Extracts the first component name out of an info packet.
  * @param info An info packet for a component
  * @return The component name contained within the given info packet.
 private String getComponentNameFromInfo(InfoPacket info) {
   Iterator<Pair<?>> pairIt = info.namedValues.iterator();
   Pair<?> pair = null;
   String name = null;
   while (pairIt.hasNext() && name == null) {
     pair = pairIt.next();
     if (pair.getLabel() == Label.cNme) {
       name = (String) pair.second();
   return name;
  public static InputStream getInputStreamFromUrl(String url, String user, String password) {

    try {
      Pair<String, Integer> hostAndPort = validateUrl(url);
      HttpClient httpclient = new HttpClient(new MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager());
      if ((user != null) && (password != null)) {
        Credentials defaultcreds = new UsernamePasswordCredentials(user, password);
                new AuthScope(hostAndPort.first(), hostAndPort.second(), AuthScope.ANY_REALM),
            "Added username="******", password="******"for host "
                + hostAndPort.first()
                + ":"
                + hostAndPort.second());
      // Execute the method.
      GetMethod method = new GetMethod(url);
      int statusCode = httpclient.executeMethod(method);

      if (statusCode != HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
        s_logger.error("Failed to read from URL: " + url);
        return null;

      return method.getResponseBodyAsStream();
    } catch (Exception ex) {
      s_logger.error("Failed to read from URL: " + url);
      return null;
 public static ArrayList<Integer> getSubConcept(int now, ArrayList<Pair<Integer, Integer>> edge) {
   ArrayList<Integer> temp = new ArrayList<Integer>();
   for (Pair<Integer, Integer> e : edge) if (e.second() == now) temp.add(e.first());
   return temp;
Exemple #9
   * Using a list of Info Packets (generated from loading the same from file or elsewhere) Adds each
   * of the components described in the Info Packet list to the list of components in the power
   * plant Then sends the info packet to that component to initialize all its values Once all
   * components of the power plant are in the list and initialized, they are then all connected
   * together in the way described by the info packets.
   * @param allPowerPlantInfo A list of info packets containing all the information about all
   *     components to be put into the power plant.
  public void setupPowerPlantConfigureation(ArrayList<InfoPacket> allPowerPlantInfo) {
    Iterator<InfoPacket> infoIt = allPowerPlantInfo.iterator();
    InfoPacket currentInfo = null;
    String currentCompName = null;
    Component currentNewComponent = null;

    // Create component list.
    while (infoIt.hasNext()) {
      currentInfo = infoIt.next();
      currentCompName = getComponentNameFromInfo(currentInfo);

      // Determine component types we are dealing with.
      if (currentCompName.contains("Consenser")) {
        currentNewComponent = new Condenser(currentCompName);
      } else if (currentCompName.contains("Generator")) {
        currentNewComponent = new Generator(currentCompName);
      } else if (currentCompName.contains("Pump")) {
        currentNewComponent = new Pump(currentCompName);
      } else if (currentCompName.contains("Reactor")) {
        currentNewComponent = new Reactor(currentCompName);
      } else if (currentCompName.contains("Turbine")) {
        currentNewComponent = new Turbine(currentCompName);
      } else if (currentCompName.contains("Valve")) {
        currentNewComponent = new Valve(currentCompName);
      addComponent(currentNewComponent); // add the component to the power plant

      try {
        assignInfoToComponent(currentInfo); // send the just added component its info.
      } catch (Exception e) {

    // Connect components together
    infoIt = allPowerPlantInfo.iterator(); // reset the iterator TODO i think this works.
    ArrayList<String> inputComponents = new ArrayList<String>();
    ArrayList<String> outputComponents = new ArrayList<String>();

    Iterator<Pair<?>> pairIt = null;
    Pair currentPair = null;
    Label currentLabel = null;

    Component currentComponent = null;
    Iterator<Component> compIt = null;

    Iterator<String> connectionNameIt = null;
    Component attachComp = null;

    // get info for each components
    while (infoIt.hasNext()) {
      currentInfo = infoIt.next();
      pairIt = currentInfo.namedValues.iterator();

      // get the useful information out of the info.
      while (pairIt.hasNext()) {
        currentPair = pairIt.next();
        currentLabel = currentPair.getLabel();

        switch (currentLabel) {
          case cNme:
            currentCompName = (String) currentPair.second();
          case rcIF:
            inputComponents.add((String) currentPair.second());
          case oPto:
            outputComponents.add((String) currentPair.second());

      // Get the component that we are going to conect other components to.
      currentComponent = getPowerPlantComponent(currentCompName);

      // Attach each input component to the current component.
      connectionNameIt = inputComponents.iterator();
      while (connectionNameIt.hasNext()) {
        attachComp = getPowerPlantComponent(connectionNameIt.next());
        connectComponentTo(currentComponent, attachComp, true);
      // Attach each output component to the current compoennt
      connectionNameIt = outputComponents.iterator();
      while (connectionNameIt.hasNext()) {
        attachComp = getPowerPlantComponent(connectionNameIt.next());
        connectComponentTo(currentComponent, attachComp, false);
Exemple #10
  public int run(String[] args) throws Exception {
    MyOptions options = new MyOptions(args, getConf());
    traceWriter = options.clazzTraceOutputter.newInstance();
    traceWriter.init(options.traceOutput, getConf());
    topologyWriter = new DefaultOutputter<LoggedNetworkTopology>();
    topologyWriter.init(options.topologyOutput, getConf());

    try {
      JobBuilder jobBuilder = null;

      for (Path p : options.inputs) {
        InputDemuxer inputDemuxer = options.inputDemuxerClass.newInstance();

        try {
          inputDemuxer.bindTo(p, getConf());
        } catch (IOException e) {
          LOG.warn("Unable to bind Path " + p + " .  Skipping...", e);


        Pair<String, InputStream> filePair = null;

        try {
          while ((filePair = inputDemuxer.getNext()) != null) {
            RewindableInputStream ris = new RewindableInputStream(filePair.second());

            JobHistoryParser parser = null;

            try {
              String jobID = JobHistoryUtils.extractJobID(filePair.first());
              if (jobID == null) {
                LOG.warn("File skipped: Invalid file name: " + filePair.first());
              if ((jobBuilder == null) || (!jobBuilder.getJobID().equals(jobID))) {
                if (jobBuilder != null) {
                jobBuilder = new JobBuilder(jobID);

              if (JobHistoryUtils.isJobConfXml(filePair.first())) {
                processJobConf(JobConfigurationParser.parse(ris.rewind()), jobBuilder);
              } else {
                parser = JobHistoryParserFactory.getParser(ris);
                if (parser == null) {
                  LOG.warn("File skipped: Cannot find suitable parser: " + filePair.first());
                } else {
                  processJobHistory(parser, jobBuilder);
            } finally {
              if (parser == null) {
              } else {
                parser = null;
        } catch (Throwable t) {
          if (filePair != null) {
                "TraceBuilder got an error while processing the [possibly virtual] file "
                    + filePair.first()
                    + " within Path "
                    + p,
        } finally {
      if (jobBuilder != null) {
        jobBuilder = null;
      } else {
        LOG.warn("No job found in traces: ");

    } finally {

    return 0;
Exemple #11
  /** Test if {@link CurrentJHParser} can read events from current JH files. */
  public void testCurrentJHParser() throws Exception {
    final Configuration conf = new Configuration();
    final FileSystem lfs = FileSystem.getLocal(conf);

    final Path rootTempDir =
        new Path(System.getProperty("test.build.data", "/tmp")).makeQualified(lfs);

    final Path tempDir = new Path(rootTempDir, "TestCurrentJHParser");
    lfs.delete(tempDir, true);

    String queueName = "testQueue";
    // Run a MR job
    // create a MR cluster
    conf.setInt("mapred.tasktracker.map.tasks.maximum", 1);
    conf.setInt("mapred.tasktracker.reduce.tasks.maximum", 1);
    conf.set("mapred.queue.names", queueName);
    MiniMRCluster mrCluster = new MiniMRCluster(1, "file:///", 1, null, null, new JobConf(conf));

    // run a job
    Path inDir = new Path(tempDir, "input");
    Path outDir = new Path(tempDir, "output");
    JobHistoryParser parser = null;
    RewindableInputStream ris = null;
    ArrayList<String> seenEvents = new ArrayList<String>(10);
    RunningJob rJob = null;

    try {
      JobConf jobConf = mrCluster.createJobConf();
      // construct a job with 1 map and 1 reduce task.
      rJob = UtilsForTests.runJob(jobConf, inDir, outDir, 1, 1);
      assertTrue("Job failed", rJob.isSuccessful());

      JobID id = rJob.getID();

      // get the jobhistory filepath
      Path inputPath =
          new Path(JobHistory.getHistoryFilePath(org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobID.downgrade(id)));
      // wait for 10 secs for the jobhistory file to move into the done folder
      for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
        if (lfs.exists(inputPath)) {

      assertTrue("Missing job history file", lfs.exists(inputPath));

      InputDemuxer inputDemuxer = new DefaultInputDemuxer();
      inputDemuxer.bindTo(inputPath, conf);

      Pair<String, InputStream> filePair = inputDemuxer.getNext();


      ris = new RewindableInputStream(filePair.second());

      // Test if the JobHistoryParserFactory can detect the parser correctly
      parser = JobHistoryParserFactory.getParser(ris);

      // Get ParsedJob
      String jobId = TraceBuilder.extractJobID(filePair.first());
      JobBuilder builder = new JobBuilder(jobId);

      HistoryEvent e;
      while ((e = parser.nextEvent()) != null) {
        String eventString = e.getEventType().toString();
        if (builder != null) {

      ParsedJob parsedJob = builder.build();
      // validate the obtainXXX api of ParsedJob, ParsedTask and
      // ParsedTaskAttempt.
      validateParsedJob(parsedJob, 1, 1, queueName);
    } finally {
      // stop the MR cluster

      if (ris != null) {
      if (parser != null) {

      // cleanup the filesystem
      lfs.delete(tempDir, true);

    // Check against the gold standard
    System.out.println("testCurrentJHParser validating using gold std ");
    String[] goldLines =
        new String[] {

    // Check the output with gold std
    assertEquals("Size mismatch", goldLines.length, seenEvents.size());

    int index = 0;
    for (String goldLine : goldLines) {
      assertEquals("Content mismatch", goldLine, seenEvents.get(index++));
  protected T propagate(int start, int end, T store, List<Pair<Type, String>> handlers) {
    for (int i = start; i < end; ++i) {
      Entry entry = block.get(i);
      try {
        Code code = entry.code;

        // First, check for a label which may have incoming information.
        if (code instanceof Code.Label) {
          Code.Label l = (Code.Label) code;
          T tmp = stores.get(l.label);
          if (tmp != null && store != null) {
            store = join(store, tmp);
          } else if (tmp != null) {
            store = tmp;

        T oldStore = store;

        if (store == null) {
          // this indicates dead-code has been reached.
        } else if (code instanceof Code.Loop) {
          Code.Loop loop = (Code.Loop) code;
          Block.Entry nEntry = entry;
          int s = i;
          // Note, I could make this more efficient!
          while (++i < block.size()) {
            nEntry = block.get(i);
            if (nEntry.code instanceof Code.Label) {
              Code.Label l = (Code.Label) nEntry.code;
              if (l.label.equals(loop.target)) {
                // end of loop body found
          store = propagate(s, i, loop, entry, store, handlers);
        } else if (code instanceof Code.IfGoto) {
          Code.IfGoto ifgoto = (Code.IfGoto) code;
          Pair<T, T> r = propagate(i, ifgoto, entry, store);
          store = r.second();
          merge(ifgoto.target, r.first(), stores);
        } else if (code instanceof Code.IfType) {
          Code.IfType ifgoto = (Code.IfType) code;
          Pair<T, T> r = propagate(i, ifgoto, entry, store);
          store = r.second();
          merge(ifgoto.target, r.first(), stores);
        } else if (code instanceof Code.Switch) {
          Code.Switch sw = (Code.Switch) code;

          List<T> r = propagate(i, sw, entry, store);

          // assert r.second().size() == nsw.branches.size()
          Code.Switch nsw = (Code.Switch) entry.code;
          for (int j = 0; j != nsw.branches.size(); ++j) {
            String target = nsw.branches.get(j).second();
            T nstore = r.get(j);
            merge(target, nstore, stores);
          merge(sw.defaultTarget, store, stores);
          store = null;
        } else if (code instanceof Code.TryCatch) {
          Code.TryCatch sw = (Code.TryCatch) code;
          int s = i;

          // Note, I could make this more efficient!
          while (++i < block.size()) {
            entry = block.get(i);
            if (entry.code instanceof Code.Label) {
              Code.Label l = (Code.Label) entry.code;
              if (l.label.equals(sw.target)) {
                // end of loop body found

          ArrayList<Pair<Type, String>> nhandlers = new ArrayList<Pair<Type, String>>(handlers);
          nhandlers.addAll(0, sw.catches);
          store = propagate(s + 1, i, store, nhandlers);
          i = i - 1; // this is necessary since last label of
          // try-catch is first label of catch handler
        } else if (code instanceof Code.Goto) {
          Code.Goto gto = (Code.Goto) entry.code;
          merge(gto.target, store, stores);
          store = null;
        } else {
          // This indicates a sequential statement was encountered.
          store = propagate(i, entry, store);
          if (entry.code instanceof Code.Return || entry.code instanceof Code.Throw) {
            store = null;

        mergeHandlers(i, code, oldStore, handlers, stores);

      } catch (SyntaxError se) {
        throw se;
      } catch (Throwable ex) {
        internalFailure("internal failure", filename, entry, ex);

    return store;