public void WRITE() {
    if (writeEnable == false) return;


    myPort.write(PApplet.parseInt(PitchP.value() * 100));
    myPort.write(PApplet.parseInt(RollP.value() * 100));
    myPort.write(PApplet.parseInt(YawP.value() * 100));

    myPort.write(PApplet.parseInt(PitchD.value() * 100));
    myPort.write(PApplet.parseInt(RollD.value() * 100));
    myPort.write(PApplet.parseInt(YawD.value() * 100));



    myPort.write(PApplet.parseInt(RollCal.value() * 10 + 100));
    // println (RollCal.value());
    // println (int (RollCal.value()*10+100));

    readStatus = "Write OK";
Exemple #2
    public void addPlant(int type, int mouseX, int mouseY) {
      if (mouseX <= left || mouseX >= right || mouseY <= top || mouseY >= bottom) return;
      println(mouseX, mouseY);
      int colIndex = floor((mouseX - left) / wSpacing);
      int rowIndex = floor((mouseY - top) / hSpacing);

      int x = PApplet.parseInt(left + colIndex * wSpacing);
      int y = PApplet.parseInt(top + rowIndex * hSpacing);
      if (plants[colIndex][rowIndex] == null) plants[colIndex][rowIndex] = new Plant(type, x, y);
 public void gameOver() { // trigger game over
   this.screen = 2; // sets screen to game over
   fill(255, 0, 0);
   rect(0, height / 8, width, height / 8 * 6);
   this.shooterlist[0] = null; // removes active ball
   String[] scores = loadStrings("scores.txt"); // loads high score from text file
   if (PApplet.parseInt(scores[0])
       < this.score) { // checks if current score is greater than high score
     scores[0] = "" + this.score + ""; // makes string
     saveStrings("data/scores.txt", scores); // saves to the scores.txt in data folder
   textAlign(CENTER, TOP);
   text("Game Over", width / 2, height / 8);
   text("Your Score\n" + this.score, 60, height / 8 * 2);
   text("High Score\n" + scores[0], width - (60 * width / 320), height / 8 * 2);
   fill(255, 0, 0);
   button = new Button(width / 2, 50, width / 4, height / 8 * 6, "Play Again", 18);
 public void InitSerial(float portValue) {
   // initialize the serial port selected in the listBox
       "initializing serial "
           + PApplet.parseInt(portValue)
           + " in serial.list()"); // for debugging
   // grab the name of the serial port
   String portPos = Serial.list()[PApplet.parseInt(portValue)];
   // initialize the port
   serial = new Serial(this, portPos, 115200);
   // read bytes into a buffer until you get a linefeed (ASCII 10):
   println("done init serial");
   // initialized com port flag
   init_com = 1;
  // \u30c7\u30fc\u30bf\u53d6\u5f97
  public void getAllData() {

    // xively\u304b\u3089\u306e\u30c7\u30fc\u30bf\u53d6\u5f97
    String lines[] = getDataFromXively(URL, MY_KEY);

    // \u53d6\u5f97\u3057\u305f\u30c7\u30fc\u30bf\u3092\u30ea\u30b9\u30c8\u306b\u683c\u7d0d
    dotLists = new ArrayList<ArrayList<dotObj>>();

    // \u30c1\u30e3\u30f3\u30cd\u30eb\u306e\u53d6\u5f97
    int max_channel = 0;
    int min_channel = 9999;
    for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
      String data[] = split(lines[i], ',');
      int theChannel = PApplet.parseInt(data[0]);
      if (min_channel > theChannel) {
        min_channel = theChannel;
      if (max_channel < theChannel) {
        max_channel = theChannel;

    // \u5168\u30c1\u30e3\u30f3\u30cd\u30eb\u306e\u30c7\u30fc\u30bf\u3092\u53d6\u5f97\u3057\u3001\u30ea\u30b9\u30c8\u306b\u683c\u7d0d
    for (int channel = min_channel; channel <= max_channel; channel++) {
      ArrayList<dotObj> dotList = getDataList(lines, channel);
  // \u30c7\u30fc\u30bf\u3092\u30ea\u30b9\u30c8\u306b\u683c\u7d0d\u3057\u3066\u53d6\u5f97
  public ArrayList<dotObj> getDataList(String[] lines, int targetChannel) {

    ArrayList<dotObj> retList = new ArrayList<dotObj>();

    // \u5168\u30c7\u30fc\u30bf\u3092\u53c2\u7167\u3057\u3066\u5fc5\u8981\u306a\u60c5\u5831\u3092\u53d6\u308a\u51fa\u3059
    int index = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
      // ','\u3067\u533a\u5207\u308a\u914d\u5217\u306b\u683c\u7d0d
      String data[] = split(lines[i], ',');
      // channel, date, valuse
      // \u306e\u9806\u3067\u30c7\u30fc\u30bf\u304c\u683c\u7d0d\u3055\u308c\u3066\u3044\u308b
      int channel = PApplet.parseInt(data[0]); // \u30c1\u30e3\u30f3\u30cd\u30eb
      String timeStamp = data[1]; // \u65e5\u4ed8
      float val = PApplet.parseFloat(data[2]); // \u5024

      if (channel == targetChannel) {
        // println("channel: " + channel);
        // println("date   : " + timeStamp);
        // println("val    : " + val);

        // \u53d6\u5f97\u3057\u305f\u30c7\u30fc\u30bf\u3092\u30aa\u30d6\u30b8\u30a7\u30af\u30c8\u306b\u30bb\u30c3\u30c8\u3057\u3001\u914d\u5217\u306b\u683c\u7d0d
        float m = map(val, -0.5f, 0.5f, height / 4, height);
        dotObj theObj = new dotObj(index * width / 70, m, 0); = channel;
        theObj.timeStamp = timeStamp;
        theObj.val = val;


    return retList;
Exemple #7
  public void controlEvent(ControlEvent theEvent) {
    // PulldownMenu is if type ControlGroup.
    // A controlEvent will be triggered from within the ControlGroup.
    // therefore you need to check the originator of the Event with
    // if (theEvent.isGroup())
    // to avoid an error message from controlP5.
    if (theEvent.isGroup()) {
      if ( == "ruleChoiceList") {
        //    println(" from ";
        selectedRule = PApplet.parseInt(;
        // has to be here for the controlp5 library
    } else if (theEvent.isController()) {
      //    println(theEvent.controller().value()+" from "+theEvent.controller());

    //  switch(theEvent.controller().id()) {
    //    case(1):
    //    myColorRect = (int)(theEvent.controller().value());
    //    break;
    //    case(2):
    //    myColorBackground = (int)(theEvent.controller().value());
    //    break;
    //    case(3):
    //    println(theEvent.controller().stringValue());
    //    break;
    //  }

  public void setup() {
    size(1000, 1000);

    // presets
    int rows = 12;
    int cols = 12;
    float outerRadius = width / cols;

    // randomly generated
    int pointCount;
    int steps;
    float innerRadius;
    float innerRadiusRatio;
    float outerRadiusRatio;
    float shadeRatio;
    float rotationRatio;

    translate(outerRadius / 2, outerRadius / 2);
    for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
      for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
        pointCount = PApplet.parseInt(random(5, 15));
        steps = PApplet.parseInt(random(3, 20));
        innerRadius = outerRadius * random(0.3f, 0.9f);
        innerRadiusRatio = innerRadius / steps;
        outerRadiusRatio = outerRadius / steps;

        float randColor = random(225, 255);
        shadeRatio = randColor / steps;
        rotationRatio = random(90, 200) / steps;

        translate(outerRadius * j, outerRadius * i);
        for (int k = 0; k < steps; k++) {
          float shade = shadeRatio * k;
          stroke(randColor - shade, 100);
          rotate(rotationRatio * k * PI / 180);
          star(pointCount, outerRadius - outerRadiusRatio * k, innerRadius - innerRadiusRatio * k);
  public void mousePressed() {
    if (mouseButton == LEFT) {

      int xX = PApplet.parseInt(mouseX) / cellSize;
      int yY = PApplet.parseInt(mouseY) / cellSize;
      //    fill(255);
      //    textSize(12);
      //    text( xX + " " + yY, mouseX, mouseY);
    if (mouseButton == RIGHT) {
      starttime = millis();
      if (play == true) {
        play = false;
      } else {
        play = true;
Exemple #10
   * Part of the MessageConsumer interface, this is called
   * whenever a piece (usually a line) of error message is spewed
   * out from the compiler. The errors are parsed for their contents
   * and line number, which is then reported back to Editor.
  public void message(String s) {
    int i;

    // remove the build path so people only see the filename
    // can't use replaceAll() because the path may have characters in it which
    // have meaning in a regular expression.
    if (!verbose) {
      while ((i = s.indexOf(buildPath + File.separator)) != -1) {
        s = s.substring(0, i) + s.substring(i + (buildPath + File.separator).length());
    // look for error line, which contains file name, line number,
    // and at least the first line of the error message
    String errorFormat = "([\\w\\d_]+.\\w+):(\\d+):\\s*error:\\s*(.*)\\s*";
    String[] pieces = PApplet.match(s, errorFormat);

//    if (pieces != null && exception == null) {
//      exception = sketch.placeException(pieces[3], pieces[1], PApplet.parseInt(pieces[2]) - 1);
//      if (exception != null) exception.hideStackTrace();
//    }
    if (pieces != null) {
      String error = pieces[3], msg = "";
      if (pieces[3].trim().equals("SPI.h: No such file or directory")) {
        error = _("Please import the SPI library from the Sketch > Import Library menu.");
        msg = _("\nAs of Arduino 0019, the Ethernet library depends on the SPI library." +
              "\nYou appear to be using it or another library that depends on the SPI library.\n\n");
      if (pieces[3].trim().equals("'BYTE' was not declared in this scope")) {
        error = _("The 'BYTE' keyword is no longer supported.");
        msg = _("\nAs of Arduino 1.0, the 'BYTE' keyword is no longer supported." +
              "\nPlease use Serial.write() instead.\n\n");
      if (pieces[3].trim().equals("no matching function for call to 'Server::Server(int)'")) {
        error = _("The Server class has been renamed EthernetServer.");
        msg = _("\nAs of Arduino 1.0, the Server class in the Ethernet library " +
              "has been renamed to EthernetServer.\n\n");
      if (pieces[3].trim().equals("no matching function for call to 'Client::Client(byte [4], int)'")) {
        error = _("The Client class has been renamed EthernetClient.");
        msg = _("\nAs of Arduino 1.0, the Client class in the Ethernet library " +
              "has been renamed to EthernetClient.\n\n");
      if (pieces[3].trim().equals("'Udp' was not declared in this scope")) {
        error = _("The Udp class has been renamed EthernetUdp.");
        msg = _("\nAs of Arduino 1.0, the Udp class in the Ethernet library " +
              "has been renamed to EthernetUdp.\n\n");
      if (pieces[3].trim().equals("'class TwoWire' has no member named 'send'")) {
        error = _("Wire.send() has been renamed Wire.write().");
        msg = _("\nAs of Arduino 1.0, the Wire.send() function was renamed " +
              "to Wire.write() for consistency with other libraries.\n\n");
      if (pieces[3].trim().equals("'class TwoWire' has no member named 'receive'")) {
        error = _("Wire.receive() has been renamed");
        msg = _("\nAs of Arduino 1.0, the Wire.receive() function was renamed " +
              "to for consistency with other libraries.\n\n");

      if (pieces[3].trim().equals("'Mouse' was not declared in this scope")) {
        error = _("'Mouse' only supported on the Arduino Leonardo");
        //msg = _("\nThe 'Mouse' class is only supported on the Arduino Leonardo.\n\n");
      if (pieces[3].trim().equals("'Keyboard' was not declared in this scope")) {
        error = _("'Keyboard' only supported on the Arduino Leonardo");
        //msg = _("\nThe 'Keyboard' class is only supported on the Arduino Leonardo.\n\n");
      RunnerException e = null;
      if (!sketchIsCompiled) {
        // Place errors when compiling the sketch, but never while compiling libraries
        // or the core.  The user's sketch might contain the same filename!
        e = sketch.placeException(error, pieces[1], PApplet.parseInt(pieces[2]) - 1);

      // replace full file path with the name of the sketch tab (unless we're
      // in verbose mode, in which case don't modify the compiler output)
      if (e != null && !verbose) {
        SketchCode code = sketch.getCode(e.getCodeIndex());
        String fileName = (code.isExtension("ino") || code.isExtension("pde")) ? code.getPrettyName() : code.getFileName();
        int lineNum = e.getCodeLine() + 1;
        s = fileName + ":" + lineNum + ": error: " + pieces[3] + msg;        
      if (exception == null && e != null) {
        exception = e;
  public void draw() {
    // background(33,22,223);
    scale(.45f, .45f);

    // rightline
    int test;
        offsety + width,
        offsetx - height + 250 - 30); // divide the with by the height of the original photo
    rotate(PI / 3);

    for (int i = 1; i < 6; i++) {
      //  if (int(random(1,filecount))%i == 0) {
      test = PApplet.parseInt(random(1, filecount));
      // println(filecount);

      image(img[PApplet.parseInt(random(1, filecount))], 250, 250);
      image(img[PApplet.parseInt(random(1, filecount))], offsetx * i + 250, 250);
      //    }

    // leftline
    // int test;
    translate(-90, offsetx + height + 550); // divide the with by the height of the original photo
    rotate(-PI / 3);

    for (int i = 1; i < 6; i++) {
      //  if (int(random(1,filecount))%i == 0) {
      // println(filecount);
      image(img[PApplet.parseInt(random(1, filecount))], 250, 250);
      image(img[PApplet.parseInt(random(1, filecount))], offsetx * i + 250, 250);
      //    }

    // bottomline

    for (int i = 1; i < 6; i++) {
      image(img[PApplet.parseInt(random(1, filecount))], 250, 2 * height - 310 + 250);
      image(img[PApplet.parseInt(random(1, filecount))], offsetx * i + 250, 2 * height - 310 + 250);

    xint = mouseX;
    yint = mouseY;


    // tri.beginDraw();
    // tri.scale(2.2, 2.2);
    // tri.translate(3,6);
    // tri.noStroke();

    scale(2.2f, 2.2f);
    translate(3, 6);

    // stroke(33,22,223);
    line(88, 655, 450, 18);
    line(450, 18, 815, 655);
    line(815, 655, 88, 655);
    // tri.endDraw();

Exemple #12
  public void draw() {
    // Strings composition
    textFont(createFont("Arial bold", 24));
    text("OpenWheels GUI V1.0", 20, 30);
    // textAlign(CENTER);
    text("Acc_RAW:  " + Acc_RAW, 150, 65);
    text("Gyro_RAW: " + Gyro_RAW, 150, 90);
    text("Acc_Angle:  " + Acc_Angle + "\u00b0", 150, 115);
    text("Gyro_Rate: " + Gyro_Rate + "\u00b0/sec", 150, 140);
    text("Drive: " + Drive, 150, 165);
    text("Steer: " + Steer, 150, 190);
    text("BatLevel: " + nf(BatLevel, 1, 1) + "V", 150, 215);
    text("Status: " + statusFlag, 150, 240);

    // call the function that plot the angular of acc, with few screen settings
    graphRoll(PApplet.parseFloat(Acc_Angle), VideoBuffer2, c_red); // xPos, YPos, YSpan
    // call the function that plot the estimate angular, with few screen settings
    graphRoll(Angle, VideoBuffer1, c_yellow); // xPos, YPos, YSpan

    // call arduino for data every timePolling [msec]
    int timePolling = 50; // 50msec=20Hz
    time1 = millis();
    if (init_com == 1) {
      while (serial.available() > 0) processSerialData();
      if ((time1 - time2) > timePolling) {
        if (requestPID == true) {
          requestPID = false;
        } else if (writePID == true) {
          int P = PApplet.parseInt(conf_KP.value());
          int I = PApplet.parseInt(conf_KI.value());
          int D = PApplet.parseInt(conf_KD.value());
          char data[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
          data[0] = 'W';
          data[1] = PApplet.parseChar(P);
          data[2] = PApplet.parseChar(I);
          data[3] = PApplet.parseChar(D);
          data[4] = ' ';
          String str = new String(data);
          // println(" P=" + P + " I=" + I + " D=" + D);
          writePID = false;
        // else if (RUN==true ) {serial.write('A');}
        else {
        time2 = time1;
Exemple #13
  public void setup() {
    minim = new Minim(this);
    size(winWidth, winHeight, OPENGL);
    sm = new SceneManager(minim);
    rulesChecker = new RulesChecker();

    controlP5 = new ControlP5(this);
    // ruleChoiceList = controlP5.addDropdownList("ruleChoiceList",850,100,100,100);
    // customize(ruleChoiceList);
    selectedRule = 0;
    selectedCamera = 0;
    gl = ((PGraphicsOpenGL) g).gl;

    picker = new Picker(this);
    oscP5 = new OscP5(this, port);
    // TODO(sanjeet): Change the address
    interfaceAddr = new NetAddress("", port);

    lines = loadStrings("fileFriedrich.txt"); // Hardcoded input file name
    String[] tokens = split(lines[0], " ");
    if (tokens.length != 1) {
      println("Incorrect file format for number of cameras");
    int numOfCams = PApplet.parseInt(tokens[0]);
    for (int i = 1; i < numOfCams + 1; i++) {

      tokens = split(lines[i], " ");
      float[] matrix = new float[16];
      for (int j = 0; j < tokens.length; j++) {
        matrix[j] = PApplet.parseFloat(tokens[j]);

      cameras.add(new Cam(FloatBuffer.wrap(matrix))); // add all the cameras

    tokens = split(lines[1 + numOfCams], " ");
    if (tokens.length != 1) {
      println("Incorrect file format for number of characters");
    int numOfChars = PApplet.parseInt(tokens[0]);
    for (int i = 2 + numOfCams; i < lines.length; i++) {
      tokens = split(lines[i], " ");
      float[] matrix = new float[16];
      for (int j = 0; j < tokens.length; j++) {
        matrix[j] = PApplet.parseFloat(tokens[j]);

      characters.add(new Character(FloatBuffer.wrap(matrix))); // add all the characters

    characters.get(0).col = color(255, 255, 0);
    characters.get(1).col = color(255, 0, 255);

    timeline = new Timeline(sm);
    // add initial tick to the begining of the timeline

    debug = new Debug(controlP5);

    // title, start, end, initVal, xpos, ypos, width, height
    // controlP5.addSlider("Timeline", 0,120,0,100,winHeight-50,winWidth-200,30);
