private void initializeListData() {
   mListData = new ArrayList<Integer>();
   // Add duration and suppression at the top
   mListData.add(LIST_POS_DURATION, mNotifDesc.getDuration());
   mListData.add(LIST_POS_SUPPRESSION, mNotifDesc.getSuppression());
   // Add something at the repeat header pos to make the array index
   // consistent
   mListData.add(LIST_POS_REPEAT_HEADER, 0);
   // Now add all the repeat items at the end
   * Helper function to prepare the list of active surveys corresponding
   * to trigger.
   * A trigger is active if it has not expired (the notification duration
   * has not been reached) after going off the last time.
   * All surveys associated with an active active trigger are active
   * 	- EXCEPT those which have already been taken by the user within
   * 	  the suppression window.
  private static HashSet<String> getActiveSurveys(Context context, Cursor trig) {

    HashSet<String> actSurveys = new HashSet<String>();

    String runTime = trig.getString(trig.getColumnIndexOrThrow(TriggerDB.KEY_RUNTIME_DESCRIPT));

    String notif = trig.getString(trig.getColumnIndexOrThrow(TriggerDB.KEY_NOTIF_DESCRIPT));

    String actions = trig.getString(trig.getColumnIndexOrThrow(TriggerDB.KEY_TRIG_ACTION_DESCRIPT));

    String campaignUrn = trig.getString(trig.getColumnIndexOrThrow(TriggerDB.KEY_CAMPAIGN_URN));

    Log.i(DEBUG_TAG, "NotifSurveyAdaptor: Calculating active surveys for trigger");

    TriggerRunTimeDesc rtDesc = new TriggerRunTimeDesc();
    NotifDesc notifDesc = new NotifDesc();
    TriggerActionDesc actDesc = new TriggerActionDesc();

    if (!rtDesc.loadString(runTime)
        || !notifDesc.loadString(notif)
        || !actDesc.loadString(actions)) {

      Log.w(DEBUG_TAG, "NotifSurveyAdaptor: Descritptor(s) failed to parse");

      return actSurveys;

    if (!rtDesc.hasTriggerTimeStamp()) {
      Log.i(DEBUG_TAG, "NotifSurveyAdaptor: Trigger time stamp is invalid");

      return actSurveys;

    long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
    long trigTS = rtDesc.getTriggerTimeStamp();

    if (trigTS > now) {
      Log.w(DEBUG_TAG, "NotifSurveyAdaptor: Trigger time stamp is in the future!");
      return actSurveys;

    // How long it has been since the trigger went off
    long elapsedMS = now - trigTS;

    long durationMS = notifDesc.getDuration() * 60000;
    long suppressMS = notifDesc.getSuppression() * 60000;

    if (elapsedMS < durationMS) {

      // The trigger has not expired, check each survey

      String[] surveys = actDesc.getSurveys();
      for (int i = 0; i < surveys.length; i++) {

        // Has the survey been taken in within the
        // suppression window?
        if (IsSurveyTaken(context, campaignUrn, surveys[i], trigTS - suppressMS)) {

        // Add the active survey to the set

    return actSurveys;