private void tryReduceOperandsForOp(Node n) {
   switch (n.getType()) {
     case ADD:
       Node left = n.getFirstChild();
       Node right = n.getLastChild();
       if (!NodeUtil.mayBeString(left, shouldUseTypes)
           && !NodeUtil.mayBeString(right, shouldUseTypes)) {
     case ASSIGN_BITOR:
     case ASSIGN_BITXOR:
     case ASSIGN_BITAND:
       // TODO(johnlenz): convert these to integers.
     case ASSIGN_LSH:
     case ASSIGN_RSH:
     case ASSIGN_URSH:
     case ASSIGN_SUB:
     case ASSIGN_MUL:
     case ASSIGN_MOD:
     case ASSIGN_DIV:
     case BITNOT:
     case BITOR:
     case BITXOR:
     case BITAND:
     case LSH:
     case RSH:
     case URSH:
     case SUB:
     case MUL:
     case MOD:
     case DIV:
     case POS:
     case NEG:
  private Node tryFoldAdd(Node node, Node left, Node right) {

    if (NodeUtil.mayBeString(node, shouldUseTypes)) {
      if (NodeUtil.isLiteralValue(left, false) && NodeUtil.isLiteralValue(right, false)) {
        // '6' + 7
        return tryFoldAddConstantString(node, left, right);
      } else {
        // a + 7 or 6 + a
        return tryFoldChildAddString(node, left, right);
    } else {
      // Try arithmetic add
      Node result = tryFoldArithmeticOp(node, left, right);
      if (result != node) {
        return result;
      return tryFoldLeftChildOp(node, left, right);
   * Expressions such as [foo() * 10 * 20] generate parse trees where no node has two const children
   * ((foo() * 10) * 20), so performArithmeticOp() won't fold it -- tryFoldLeftChildOp() will.
   * Specifically, it folds associative expressions where: - The left child is also an associative
   * expression of the same time. - The right child is a constant NUMBER constant. - The left
   * child's right child is a NUMBER constant.
  private Node tryFoldLeftChildOp(Node n, Node left, Node right) {
    Token opType = n.getType();
        (NodeUtil.isAssociative(opType) && NodeUtil.isCommutative(opType)) || n.isAdd());

    Preconditions.checkState(!n.isAdd() || !NodeUtil.mayBeString(n, shouldUseTypes));

    // Use getNumberValue to handle constants like "NaN" and "Infinity"
    // other values are converted to numbers elsewhere.
    Double rightValObj = NodeUtil.getNumberValue(right, shouldUseTypes);
    if (rightValObj != null && left.getType() == opType) {
      Preconditions.checkState(left.getChildCount() == 2);

      Node ll = left.getFirstChild();
      Node lr = ll.getNext();

      Node valueToCombine = ll;
      Node replacement = performArithmeticOp(opType, valueToCombine, right);
      if (replacement == null) {
        valueToCombine = lr;
        replacement = performArithmeticOp(opType, valueToCombine, right);
      if (replacement != null) {
        // Remove the child that has been combined
        // Replace the left op with the remaining child.
        n.replaceChild(left, left.removeFirstChild());
        // New "-Infinity" node need location info explicitly
        // added.
        n.replaceChild(right, replacement);

    return n;
  /** Try to fold arithmetic binary operators */
  private Node performArithmeticOp(Token opType, Node left, Node right) {
    // Unlike other operations, ADD operands are not always converted
    // to Number.
    if (opType == Token.ADD
        && (NodeUtil.mayBeString(left, shouldUseTypes)
            || NodeUtil.mayBeString(right, shouldUseTypes))) {
      return null;

    double result;

    // TODO(johnlenz): Handle NaN with unknown value. BIT ops convert NaN
    // to zero so this is a little awkward here.

    Double lValObj = NodeUtil.getNumberValue(left, shouldUseTypes);
    if (lValObj == null) {
      return null;
    Double rValObj = NodeUtil.getNumberValue(right, shouldUseTypes);
    if (rValObj == null) {
      return null;

    double lval = lValObj;
    double rval = rValObj;

    switch (opType) {
      case BITAND:
        result = NodeUtil.toInt32(lval) & NodeUtil.toInt32(rval);
      case BITOR:
        result = NodeUtil.toInt32(lval) | NodeUtil.toInt32(rval);
      case BITXOR:
        result = NodeUtil.toInt32(lval) ^ NodeUtil.toInt32(rval);
      case ADD:
        result = lval + rval;
      case SUB:
        result = lval - rval;
      case MUL:
        result = lval * rval;
      case MOD:
        if (rval == 0) {
          return null;
        result = lval % rval;
      case DIV:
        if (rval == 0) {
          return null;
        result = lval / rval;
        throw new Error("Unexpected arithmetic operator");

    // TODO(johnlenz): consider removing the result length check.
    // length of the left and right value plus 1 byte for the operator.
    if ((String.valueOf(result).length()
                <= String.valueOf(lval).length() + String.valueOf(rval).length() + 1

            // Do not try to fold arithmetic for numbers > 2^53. After that
            // point, fixed-point math starts to break down and become inaccurate.
            && Math.abs(result) <= MAX_FOLD_NUMBER)
        || Double.isNaN(result)
        || result == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY
        || result == Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) {
      return NodeUtil.numberNode(result, null);
    return null;