private void delete(ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception { HttpSession session = request.getSession(); Profile profile = SessionMethods.getProfile(session); ModifyBagForm mbf = (ModifyBagForm) form; for (int i = 0; i < mbf.getSelectedBags().length; i++) { String bagName = mbf.getSelectedBags()[i]; InterMineBag bag = profile.getSavedBags().get(bagName); if (bag != null) { deleteQueriesThatMentionBag(profile, bag.getName()); deleteBag(session, profile, bag); } else { bag = profile.getSharedBags().get(bagName); if (bag == null) { LOG.error("Asked to delete a bag this user does not have access to."); } else { unshareBag(session, profile, bag); } } } }
/** * Forward to the correct method based on the button pressed * * @param mapping The ActionMapping used to select this instance * @param form The optional ActionForm bean for this request (if any) * @param request The HTTP request we are processing * @param response The HTTP response we are creating * @return an ActionForward object defining where control goes next * @exception Exception if the application business logic throws an exception */ @Override public ActionForward execute( ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { ModifyBagForm mbf = (ModifyBagForm) form; String[] selectedBagNames = mbf.getSelectedBags(); // This should already be caught by Ajax code if (selectedBagNames.length == 0) { recordError(new ActionMessage("errors.bag.listnotselected"), request); return getReturn(mbf.getPageName(), mapping); } if (request.getParameter("union") != null || (mbf.getListsButton() != null && "union".equals(mbf.getListsButton()))) { combine(form, request, BagOperations.UNION); } else if (request.getParameter("intersect") != null || (mbf.getListsButton() != null && "intersect".equals(mbf.getListsButton()))) { combine(form, request, BagOperations.INTERSECT); } else if (request.getParameter("subtract") != null || (mbf.getListsButton() != null && "subtract".equals(mbf.getListsButton()))) { combine(form, request, BagOperations.SUBTRACT); } else if (request.getParameter("delete") != null || (mbf.getListsButton() != null && "delete".equals(mbf.getListsButton()))) { delete(form, request); } else if (request.getParameter("copy") != null || (mbf.getListsButton() != null && "copy".equals(mbf.getListsButton()))) { copy(form, request); } return getReturn(mbf.getPageName(), mapping); }
private void combine(ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, String opText) { HttpSession session = request.getSession(); final InterMineAPI im = SessionMethods.getInterMineAPI(session); Profile profile = SessionMethods.getProfile(session); ModifyBagForm mbf = (ModifyBagForm) form; BagManager bagManager = im.getBagManager(); Map<String, InterMineBag> allBags = bagManager.getBags(profile); String[] selectedBagNames = mbf.getSelectedBags(); Collection<InterMineBag> selectedBags = getSelectedBags(allBags, selectedBagNames); String newBagName = NameUtil.validateName(allBags.keySet(), mbf.getNewBagName()); int newBagSize = 0; try { if (opText.equals(BagOperations.UNION)) { newBagSize = BagOperations.union(selectedBags, newBagName, profile, im.getClassKeys()); } else if (opText.equals(BagOperations.INTERSECT)) { newBagSize = BagOperations.intersect(selectedBags, newBagName, profile, im.getClassKeys()); } else if (opText.equals(BagOperations.SUBTRACT)) { newBagSize = BagOperations.subtract(selectedBags, newBagName, profile, im.getClassKeys()); } } catch (IncompatibleTypesException e) { SessionMethods.recordError( "You can only perform operations on lists of the same type." + " Lists " + StringUtil.prettyList(Arrays.asList(selectedBagNames)) + " do not match.", session); return; } catch (ObjectStoreException e) { LOG.error(e); ActionMessage actionMessage = new ActionMessage("An error occurred while saving the list"); recordError(actionMessage, request); return; } if (newBagSize > 0) { SessionMethods.recordMessage( "Created list \"" + newBagName + "\" as " + opText + " of " + StringUtil.prettyList(Arrays.asList(selectedBagNames)) + ".", session); // track the list creation im.getTrackerDelegate() .trackListCreation( BagOperations.getCommonBagType(selectedBags), newBagSize, ListBuildMode.OPERATION, profile, session.getId()); } else { SessionMethods.recordError( opText + " operation on lists " + StringUtil.prettyList(Arrays.asList(selectedBagNames)) + " produced no results.", session); } }
private void copy(ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request) throws ObjectStoreException { HttpSession session = request.getSession(); final InterMineAPI im = SessionMethods.getInterMineAPI(session); Profile profile = SessionMethods.getProfile(session); ModifyBagForm frm = (ModifyBagForm) form; String[] selectedBagNames = frm.getSelectedBags(); BagManager bagManager = im.getBagManager(); Map<String, InterMineBag> allBags = bagManager.getBags(profile); String newNameTextBox = getNewNameTextBox(request, frm.getNewBagName()); if (selectedBagNames.length == 1) { String selectedBagName = selectedBagNames[0]; InterMineBag origBag = allBags.get(selectedBagName); if (origBag == null) { recordError(new ActionMessage("errors.bag.notfound"), request); return; } String newBagName = ""; if (newNameTextBox != null) { newBagName = NameUtil.validateName(allBags.keySet(), newNameTextBox); if (newBagName.isEmpty()) { recordError(new ActionMessage("bag.createdlists.notvalidname", newNameTextBox), request); return; } } if (newNameTextBox == null) { newBagName = NameUtil.generateNewName(allBags.keySet(), selectedBagName); } if (createBag(origBag, newBagName, profile)) { recordMessage(new ActionMessage("bag.createdlists", newBagName), request); // track the list creation im.getTrackerDelegate() .trackListCreation( origBag.getType(), origBag.getSize(), ListBuildMode.OPERATION, profile, session.getId()); } } else { if (newNameTextBox != null) { recordError(new ActionMessage("errors.bag.namecannotbespecified"), request); return; } String msg = ""; for (int i = 0; i < selectedBagNames.length; i++) { String selectedBagName = selectedBagNames[i]; InterMineBag origBag = allBags.get(selectedBagName); if (origBag == null) { recordError(new ActionMessage("errors.bag.notfound"), request); return; } String newBagName = NameUtil.generateNewName(allBags.keySet(), selectedBagName); if (createBag(origBag, newBagName, profile)) { msg += newBagName + ", "; } } if (msg.length() > 2) { msg = msg.substring(0, msg.length() - 2); } if (msg.length() > 0) { recordMessage(new ActionMessage("bag.createdlists", msg), request); } } }