  public void listAllBound() throws Exception {
    registry.bind(KEY, VALUE);
    registry.bind("anotherkey", "anothervalue");

    final Set<String> expected = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(KEY, "anotherkey"));
    final Set<String> result = registry.listBound();

    assertEquals("Unexpected bound list", expected, result);
 public void lookupUnbound() throws Exception {
   registry.bind(KEY, VALUE);
   final String result = registry.lookup(KEY);
   assertNull("Expectected value not to be bound", result);
 @Test(expectedExceptions = AlreadyBoundException.class)
 public void doNotBoundTwice() throws Exception {
   registry.bind(KEY, VALUE);
   registry.bind(KEY, "another value 123!@#");
 public void lookupBound() throws Exception {
   registry.bind(KEY, VALUE);
   final String result = registry.lookup(KEY);
   assertSame("Unexpected value found", VALUE, result);