private boolean entityInRange(BaseEntity entity) { switch (TYPE) { case 0: Player player = (Player) entity; return SETTINGS.isEmpty() || (SETTINGS.charAt(0) == 'g' && player.isInGroup(SETTINGS.substring(2))) || (SETTINGS.charAt(0) == 'p' && player.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(SETTINGS.substring(2))); case 1: case 2: return true; case 3: if ((entity.isMob() || entity.isAnimal()) && entity instanceof Mob) { Mob mob = (Mob) entity; if (SETTINGS.isEmpty() || mob.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(SETTINGS)) return true; } break; case 4: case 5: return true; } return false; }
public Npc(NPCLoc loc) { for (int i : Constants.GameServer.UNDEAD_NPCS) { if (loc.getId() == i) { this.undead = true; } } for (int i : Constants.GameServer.ARMOR_NPCS) { if (loc.getId() == i) { this.hasArmor = true; } } def = EntityHandler.getNpcDef(loc.getId()); curHits = def.getHits(); this.loc = loc; super.setID(loc.getId()); this.setLocation(Point.location(loc.startX(), loc.startY()), true); super.setCombatLevel( Formulae.getCombatLevel(def.getAtt(), def.getDef(), def.getStr(), def.getHits(), 0, 0, 0)); if (this.loc.getId() == 189 || this.loc.getId() == 53 || this.loc.getId() == 19) { // this should not be here this.def.aggressive = true; } }
@Override public void update(double t) { { // UPDATE TOWERS for (Tile[] tiles : getTiles()) for (Tile tile : tiles) if (tile.hasTower()) tile.getTower().update(t); } { // UPDATE BULLETS final Iterator<Bullet> it = getBullets().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { final Bullet b =; if (b.update(t)) it.remove(); } } { // UPDATE MOBS final Iterator<Mob> it = getMobs().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { final Mob m =; m.update(t); if (m.shouldBeRemoved()) { m.onRemove(getGame()); it.remove(); } } } }
ArrayList<Mob> getMobs() { ArrayList<Mob> realMobs = new ArrayList<Mob>(); for (JsonMob jm : mobs) { Mob xyz = null; Class<?> cl; try { cl = Class.forName(jm.getName()); Constructor<?> con = cl.getConstructor(float.class, float.class); xyz = (Mob) con.newInstance(jm.getX(), jm.getY()); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (SecurityException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InstantiationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } xyz.setID(jm.getID()); realMobs.add(xyz); } return realMobs; }
public void moveToTarget() { int px = target.getX(); int py = target.getY(); int tileSize = World.current.tileSize; Vector2 start = new Vector2(getX() / tileSize, getY() / tileSize); Vector2 goal = new Vector2(px / tileSize, py / tileSize); path = World.current.findPath(start, goal); if (path != null) { if (path.size() > 0) { Vector2 vec = path.get(path.size() - 1).tile; if (position.x < (vec.x * tileSize)) { move(1, 0); } if (position.x > (vec.x * tileSize)) { move(-1, 0); } if (position.y < (vec.y * tileSize)) { move(0, 1); } if (position.y > (vec.y * tileSize)) { move(0, -1); } } } }
public void setGiveItem(String give_) { String elements[] = give_.split(" "); if (elements.length < 3) { LOGGER.error("Give needs to be [mob] [room] [item] <load percentage>"); return; } Mob mob = World.getRoom(elements[1]).getMob(elements[0]); if (mob == null) { LOGGER.error("Mob was null for id: " + elements[0]); return; } Item item = EntityProvider.createItem(elements[2]); if (item == null) { LOGGER.error("Item was null for id: " + elements[2]); return; } if (elements.length == 4) { item.setLoadPercentage(Integer.parseInt(elements[3])); } if (item.isLoaded()) { mob.getInventory().add(item); // Gives to room mob only. } }
public void setMobs(ArrayList<Mob> realMobs) { for (Mob m : realMobs) { JsonMob jm = new JsonMob(m.getX(), m.getY(), m.getClass().getName()); jm.setID(m.getID()); mobs.add(jm); } }
protected int countMobs() { int counter = 0; for (Mob m : VolatileEntities.getMobs()) { if (!m.isDead() && !m.getSpawnZone().isNull()) if ((m != null) && (m.getSpawnZone().equals(this.m))) { counter++; } } return counter; }
/** * Mob then item space seperated then load percentage for item * * @param give_ */ public void setGive(String give_) { String elements[] = give_.split(" "); if (elements.length < 2) { LOGGER.error("Give needs to be [mob] [item] <load percentage>"); return; } Mob mob = World.getMob(elements[0]); Item item = EntityProvider.createItem(elements[1]); mob.getInventory().add(item); // Gives to template mob only if (elements.length == 3) { item.setLoadPercentage(Integer.parseInt(elements[2])); } }
@Override protected boolean act() { boolean justAlerted = alerted; boolean returnValue = super.act(); if (justAlerted && (!Dungeon.level.mobs.isEmpty())) { for (Mob mob : Dungeon.level.mobs) { if ((mob instanceof BrownWolf || mob instanceof GrayWolf) && (mob != this)) { mob.beckon(target); } } } return returnValue; }
@Override public void die(Object cause) { Badges.Badge badgeToCheck = null; switch (Dungeon.hero.heroClass) { case WARRIOR: badgeToCheck = Badge.MASTERY_WARRIOR; break; case MAGE: badgeToCheck = Badge.MASTERY_MAGE; break; case ROGUE: badgeToCheck = Badge.MASTERY_ROGUE; break; case HUNTRESS: badgeToCheck = Badge.MASTERY_HUNTRESS; break; } if (!Badges.isUnlocked(badgeToCheck) || Dungeon.hero.subClass != HeroSubClass.NONE) { Dungeon.level.drop(new TomeOfMastery(), pos).sprite.drop(); } GameScene.bossSlain(); Dungeon.level.drop(new SkeletonKey(), pos).sprite.drop(); super.die(cause); Badges.validateBossSlain(); yell(Game.getVar(R.string.Tengu_Info1)); }
@Override public void damage(int dmg, Object src) { super.damage(dmg, src); if (src instanceof ToxicGas) { ((ToxicGas) src).clear(pos); } }
@Override public void die(Object cause) { GameScene.bossSlain(); Dungeon.level.drop(new ArmorKit(), pos).sprite.drop(); if (Dungeon.gamemode == GameMode.REGULAR) { Dungeon.level.drop(new SkeletonKey(Dungeon.depth), pos).sprite.drop(); } else if (Dungeon.gamemode == GameMode.ARENA) { // Level up Dungeon.hero.earnExp(Dungeon.hero.maxExp()); ArenaShopKey key = new ArenaShopKey(); key.identify(); Dungeon.level.drop(key, pos).sprite.drop(); } super.die(cause); Badges.validateBossSlain(); LloydsBeacon beacon = Dungeon.hero.belongings.getItem(LloydsBeacon.class); if (beacon != null) { beacon.upgrade(); GLog.p("Your beacon grows stronger!"); } yell("You cannot kill me, " + Dungeon.hero.givenName() + "... I am... immortal..."); }
private boolean spawnMob() { if (myConfig.getDisabledWorlds().contains(world)) return false; final int maxHeight = 10; int x = this.radius - (int) (Math.random() * this.radius * 2.0D); int z = this.radius - (int) (Math.random() * this.radius * 2.0D); long d = x * x + z * z; if (d >= radius * radius) { x *= radius / (2 * d); z *= radius / (2 * d); } Location l1 = new Location( Bukkit.getWorld(, this.m.getX() + x, this.m.getY(), this.m.getZ() + z); int p = l1.getBlock().getType().equals(Material.AIR) ? -1 : 1; for (int h = 0; h < maxHeight; h++) { l1.setY(this.m.getY() + h * p); if ((!l1.getBlock().getType().equals(Material.AIR)) && (l1.getBlock().getRelative(BlockFace.UP).getType().equals(Material.AIR))) { l1.setY(l1.getY() + 2.0D); return Mob.spawnEntity(this.mob, l1, this.m) != null; } } return false; }
@Override public void move(int step) { if (state == FLEEING) { GameScene.add(Blob.seed(pos, Random.Int(5, 7), Web.class)); } super.move(step); }
@Override public void die(Object cause) { super.die(cause); if (Dungeon.visible[pos]) {; } }
@Override public void die(Object cause) { Dungeon.level.drop(new MysteryMeat(), pos).sprite.drop(); super.die(cause); Statistics.piranhasKilled++; Badges.validatePiranhasKilled(); }
@Override public void damage(int dmg, Object src) { if (state == PASSIVE) { state = HUNTING; } super.damage(dmg, src); }
@Override public void takeHit(int damage, int damageSpecial, int hitDirection) { if (!attaquing) { super.takeHit( damage, damageSpecial, hitDirection); // To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates. } }
public void attemptAttack() { if (target != null) { if (Vector2.distance(position, target.position) <= 64) { switch (textureIndex) { case 0: target.hurt(1, 0, -30); break; case 1: target.hurt(1, 0, 30); break; case 2: target.hurt(1, 30, 0); break; case 3: target.hurt(1, -30, 0); break; } } } }
/** * Spawns a mob somewhere on the map. Ensures it doesn't intersect anything and is on a spawn tile * * @param mob * @return */ public boolean spawnMob(Mob mob) { float x = mob.getX(); float y = mob.getY(); TextureSet textureSet = mob.getWalkingTextureSet(); // Check mob isn't out of bounds. if (x < 0 || x > getMapWidth() - textureSet.getWidth() || y > getMapHeight() - textureSet.getHeight()) { return false; } // Check mob doesn't intersect anything. for (Entity entity : entities) { if (entity instanceof Character && (mob.intersects(entity.getX(), entity.getY(), entity.getWidth(), entity.getHeight()) || mob.collidesX(0) || mob.collidesY(0))) { return false; } } if (getSpawnLayer().getCell((int) x / getTileWidth(), (int) y / getTileHeight()) == null) { return false; } entities.add(mob); return true; }
@Override public void setLocation(Point p, boolean teleported) { Area r = Area.getArea(p); Area cur = area.get(); if (cur != r) { if (cur != null) { cur.removeNpc(this); } r.addNpc(this); area.getAndSet(r); } super.setLocation(p, teleported); }
/** * Creates a mob and adds it to the list of entities, but only if it doesn't intersect with * another character. * * @param x the initial x coordinate * @param y the initial y coordinate * @param health the initial health of the mob * @param textureSet the texture set to use * @param speed how fast the mob moves in pixels per second * @return true if the mob was successfully added, false if there was an intersection and the mob * wasn't added */ public boolean createMob( Mob mob, float x, float y, int health, TextureSet textureSet, int speed) { // Check mob isn't out of bounds. if (x < 0 || x > getMapWidth() - textureSet.getWidth() || y > getMapHeight() - textureSet.getHeight()) { return false; } // Check mob doesn't intersect anything. for (Entity entity : entities) { if (entity instanceof Character && (mob.intersects(entity.getX(), entity.getY(), entity.getWidth(), entity.getHeight()) || mob.collidesX(0) || mob.collidesY(0))) { return false; } } entities.add(mob); return true; }
public void updatePosition() { long now = GameEngine.getAccurateTimestamp(); Player victim = findVictim(); if (!isBusy() && def.isAggressive() && now - getCombatTimer() > 3000 && victim != null) { resetPath(); victim.resetPath(); victim.resetAll(); victim.setStatus(Action.FIGHTING_MOB); victim.getActionSender().sendSound("underattack"); victim.getActionSender().sendMessage("You are under attack!"); if (victim.isSleeping()) { victim.getActionSender().sendWakeUp(false, false); victim.getActionSender().sendFatigue(victim.getFatigue()); } this.setLocation(victim.getLocation(), true); for (Player p : getViewArea().getPlayersInView()) { p.removeWatchedNpc(this); } victim.setBusy(true); victim.setSprite(9); victim.setOpponent(this); victim.setCombatTimer(); setBusy(true); setSprite(8); setOpponent(victim); setCombatTimer(); FightEvent fighting = new FightEvent(victim, this, true); fighting.setLastRun(0); World.getWorld().getDelayedEventHandler().add(fighting); } if (now - lastMovement > 2200) { lastMovement = now; int rand = DataConversions.random(0, 1); if (!isBusy() && finishedPath() && rand == 1 && !isRemoved()) { int newX = DataConversions.random(loc.minX(), loc.maxX()); int newY = DataConversions.random(loc.minY(), loc.maxY()); setPath(new Path(getX(), getY(), newX, newY)); } } super.updatePosition(); }
protected void die() { super.die(); // Parent death call int count = random.nextInt(2) + 1; // Random amount of cloth to drop from 1 to 2 for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { // loops through the count level.add( new ItemEntity( new ResourceItem(Resource.cloth), x + random.nextInt(11) - 5, y + random.nextInt(11) - 5)); // creates cloth } if (level.player != null) { // if player is on zombie level level.player.score += 50 * lvl; // add score for zombie death } }
public void tick() { super.tick(); // ticks the part of this class if (level.player != null && randomWalkTime == 0) { // checks if player is on zombies level and if there is no time left on timer int xd = level.player.x - x; // gets the horizontal distance between the zombie and the player int yd = level.player.y - y; // gets the vertical distance between the zombie and the player if (xd * xd + yd * yd < 50 * 50) { // more evil distance checker code xa = 0; // sets direction to nothing ya = 0; if (xd < 0) xa = -1; // if the horizontal difference is smaller than 0, then the x acceleration will be // 1 (negative direction) if (xd > 0) xa = +1; // if the horizontal difference is larger than 0, then the x acceleration will be // 1 if (yd < 0) ya = -1; // if the vertical difference is smaller than 0, then the y acceleration will be 1 // (negative direction) if (yd > 0) ya = +1; // if the vertical difference is larger than 0, then the y acceleration will be 1 } } // halp david! I have no idea what the & sign does in maths! Unless it's a bit opereator, in // which case I'm rusty // Calm down, go google "java bitwise AND operator" for information about this. -David int speed = tickTime & 1; // Speed is either 0 or 1 depending on the tickTime if (!move(xa * speed, ya * speed) || random.nextInt(200) == 0) { // moves the zombie, doubles as a check to see if it's still moving -OR- random // chance out of 200 randomWalkTime = 60; // sets the not-so-random walk time to 60 xa = (random.nextInt(3) - 1) * random.nextInt(2); // sets the acceleration to random i.e. idling code ya = (random.nextInt(3) - 1) * random.nextInt(2); // sets the acceleration to random i.e. idling code } if (randomWalkTime > 0) randomWalkTime--; // if walk time is larger than 0, decrement! }
public void update() { super.update(); if (health <= 0) { die(); } attackTimer++; if (attackTimer % 150 == 0) { attemptAttack(); } ArrayList<Player> nearMobs = World.current.getPlayersInRadius(this, World.current.tileSize * 4); if (nearMobs.size() > 0) { if (target == null) target = nearMobs.get(0); } if (target != null) { moveToTarget(); } else { int changeDir = random.nextInt(100); if (changeDir == 5) { direction = random.nextInt(5); } if (direction == 1) { move(1, 0); } else if (direction == 2) { move(-1, 0); } else if (direction == 3) { move(0, 1); } else if (direction == 4) { move(0, -1); } } }
public void run() { LivingThing thnStore; Mob mobStore; Condition cndStore; Script scrStore; int i, i2; while (true) { try { // 1000 milliseconds(1 second) per tick lngPause = 1000L - (System.currentTimeMillis() - lngTime); if (lngPause > 0) Thread.currentThread().sleep(lngPause); lngTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (i = 0; i < engGame.vctMobs.size(); i++) { mobStore = (Mob) engGame.vctMobs.elementAt(i); if (mobStore.intLocX == -6) { mobStore.hp++; if (mobStore.hp > -1) { mobStore.changeLocBypass(mobStore.originalX, mobStore.originalY); mobStore.hp = mobStore.maxhp; } } else { try { if (engGame.blnAI && mobStore.blnCanSeePlayer && (mobStore.fctFaction != null)) { mobStore.fctFaction.runAI(mobStore); } } catch (Exception e) { mobStore.blnCanSeePlayer = false; engGame.log.printError( " trying to runAI for mob \"" + mobStore.strName + "\".", e); } synchronized (mobStore.vctMovement) { if (mobStore.vctMovement.size() > 0) { try { String strStore = (String) mobStore.vctMovement.elementAt(0); char charStore = strStore.charAt(0); switch (charStore) { case 'n': mobStore.moveN(); break; case 's': mobStore.moveS(); break; case 'w': mobStore.moveW(); break; case 'e': mobStore.moveE(); break; } mobStore.vctMovement.removeElement(mobStore.vctMovement.elementAt(0)); } catch (Exception e) { engGame.log.printError(" movement tick for mobs", e); } } } } } for (i = 0; i < engGame.vctCheckConditions.size(); i++) { thnStore = (LivingThing) engGame.vctCheckConditions.elementAt(i); i2 = 0; while (i2 < thnStore.vctConditions.size()) { cndStore = (Condition) thnStore.vctConditions.elementAt(i2); if (cndStore.intTicksPast >= cndStore.intOccurance) { try { if (cndStore.strOnOccurance != null) { scrStore = new Script("scripts/" + cndStore.strOnOccurance, engGame, false); scrStore.varVariables.addVariable("trigger", thnStore); scrStore.varVariables.addVariable("condition", cndStore.strName); scrStore.runScript(); scrStore.close(); } if (cndStore.intDuration > 0) cndStore.intDuration--; if (cndStore.intDuration == 0) { try { if (cndStore.strOnEnd != null) { scrStore = new Script("scripts/" + cndStore.strOnEnd, engGame, false); scrStore.varVariables.addVariable("trigger", thnStore); scrStore.varVariables.addVariable("condition", cndStore.strName); scrStore.runScript(); scrStore.close(); } thnStore.vctConditions.removeElementAt(i2); } catch (Exception e) { } } else i2++; cndStore.intTicksPast = 1; } catch (Exception e) { engGame.log.printError( " executing occurance of condition " + cndStore.strName, e); i2++; } } else { cndStore.intTicksPast++; i2++; } } } if (tick > 120) tick = 0; tick++; } catch (Exception e) { engGame.log.printError("", e); } } }
@Test public void testUnhide() { Mob player1Mob = TestHelper.makeDefaultPlayerMob("player1"); // Teach rescue to player Ability ability = new Ability("hide", 100); player1Mob.getLearned().add(ability); World.add(new BaseSkill("hide")); Race human = new Race(); World.getInstance().addToWorld(human); // have test resource file to load in a mob sheep and mob player // test files. Mob sheepMob = new Mob(); sheepMob.setNameAndId("sheep"); sheepMob.setAlias("sheep"); sheepMob.setHp("2d10+50"); Room whiteRoom = new Room(); whiteRoom.add(sheepMob); whiteRoom.add(player1Mob); Command hide = new Hide(); hide.execute(player1Mob, player1Mob.getAlias()); assertEquals("player should be hidden", true, player1Mob.isHidden()); Command unhide = new Unhide(); unhide.execute(player1Mob, player1Mob.getAlias()); assertEquals("player should be unhidden", false, player1Mob.isHidden()); Command kill = new Kill(); assertEquals("Check sheep name", "sheep", sheepMob.getName()); assertNotNull("Check sheep exists in the room", whiteRoom.getMob(sheepMob.getName())); assertEquals("Check sheep is in the room", sheepMob, whiteRoom.getMob(sheepMob.getName())); World.getInstance(); // Starts time. // kill.execute(player1Mob, sheepMob.getName()); kill.execute(sheepMob, player1Mob.getName()); // Check they are targeting each other. assertEquals("sheep should not target player1", player1Mob, sheepMob.getFight().getTarget()); }
@Override public void restoreFromBundle(Bundle bundle) { super.restoreFromBundle(bundle); chainsUsed = bundle.getBoolean(CHAINSUSED); }