/* private support methods */
  private List<ArticleMetadata> setupContentForAU(
      ArchivalUnit au, String url, String content, boolean isHtmlExtractor)
      throws IOException, PluginException {
    FileMetadataExtractor me;

    InputStream input = null;
    CIProperties props = null;
    if (isHtmlExtractor) {
      input = IOUtils.toInputStream(content, "utf-8");
      props = getContentHtmlProperties();
      me =
          new BaseAtyponHtmlMetadataExtractorFactory()
              .createFileMetadataExtractor(MetadataTarget.Any(), "text/html");
    } else {
      input = IOUtils.toInputStream(content, "utf-8");
      props = getContentRisProperties();
      me =
          new BaseAtyponRisMetadataExtractorFactory()
              .createFileMetadataExtractor(MetadataTarget.Any(), "text/plain");
    UrlData ud = new UrlData(input, props, url);
    UrlCacher uc = au.makeUrlCacher(ud);
    CachedUrl cu = uc.getCachedUrl();
    FileMetadataListExtractor mle = new FileMetadataListExtractor(me);
    return mle.extract(MetadataTarget.Any(), cu);
  public void testFunctionalFromTarHierarchy() throws Exception {
    log.debug3("in testFromTarHierarchy");
    // load the tarballs
    InputStream file_input = null;
    try {
      file_input = getResourceAsStream(realTARFile_A);
      // UrlCacher uc = au.makeUrlCacher(TAR_A_BASE);
      // uc.storeContent(file_input, tarHeader);
      UrlCacher uc = tarAu.makeUrlCacher(new UrlData(file_input, tarHeader, TAR_A_BASE));

      file_input = getResourceAsStream(realTARFile_B);
      // uc = au.makeUrlCacher(TAR_B_BASE);
      // uc.storeContent(file_input, tarHeader);
      uc = tarAu.makeUrlCacher(new UrlData(file_input, tarHeader, TAR_B_BASE));

    } catch (IOException e) {
      // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    } finally {

    CachedUrlSet cus = tarAu.getAuCachedUrlSet();
    for (CachedUrl cu : cus.getCuIterable()) {
      log.debug3("AU - cu is: " + cu.getUrl());

    // We need to start from the level of the ArticleMetadataExtractor
    MyListEmitter emitter = new MyListEmitter();
    ArticleMetadataExtractor amEx =
        new ElsevierDeferredArticleMetadataExtractor(ArticleFiles.ROLE_ARTICLE_METADATA);

    Iterator<ArticleFiles> it = tarAu.getArticleIterator(MetadataTarget.Any());
    while (it.hasNext()) {
      ArticleFiles af = it.next();
      log.debug3("Metadata test - articlefiles " + af.toString());
      // CachedUrl cu = af.getFullTextCu();
      CachedUrl cu = af.getRoleCu(ArticleFiles.ROLE_ARTICLE_METADATA);
      log.debug3("metadata cu is " + cu.getUrl());
      // List<ArticleMetadata> mdlist = mle.extract(MetadataTarget.Any(), cu);
      amEx.extract(MetadataTarget.Any(), af, emitter);
      List<ArticleMetadata> returnList = emitter.getAmList();

      log.debug3("size of returnList is " + returnList.size());
      Iterator<ArticleMetadata> mdIt = returnList.iterator();
      ArticleMetadata mdRecord = null;
      while (mdIt.hasNext()) {
        mdRecord = (ArticleMetadata) mdIt.next();
  * hasArticleMetadata(CachedUrl cu)
  *   Given the CachedUrl for the potential abstract file, using the existing
  *   SimpleHtmlMetaTagMetadataExtractor to parse the file and
  *   retrieve any contained metadata. If a doi or author exists, it's an article
  *   NOT defining the Metadata Extractor here!
 private boolean hasArticleMetadata(CachedUrl cu) {
   MetadataTarget at = new MetadataTarget(MetadataTarget.PURPOSE_ARTICLE);
   ArticleMetadata am;
   SimpleHtmlMetaTagMetadataExtractor ext = new SimpleHtmlMetaTagMetadataExtractor();
   if (cu != null && cu.hasContent()) {
     try {
       am = ext.extract(at, cu);
       if ((am.containsRawKey("bepress_citation_journal_title"))
           || (am.containsRawKey("bepress_citation_abstract_html_url"))
           || (am.containsRawKey("bepress_citation_doi"))
           || (am.containsRawKey("bepress_citation_author"))) {
         return true;
     } catch (IOException e) {
   return false; // no reasonable metadata, probably a toc
Exemple #4
  public Metadata applyRule(String name, TagAttribute attribute, MetadataTarget meta) {
    if (meta.isTargetInstanceOf(ValueHolder.class)) {

      if ("converter".equals(name)) {
        if (attribute.isLiteral()) {
          return new LiteralConverterMetadata(attribute.getValue());
        } else {
          return new DynamicConverterMetadata2(attribute);

      if ("value".equals(name)) {
        // if (attribute.isLiteral()) {
        //    return new LiteralValueMetadata(attribute.getValue());
        // } else {
        return new DynamicValueExpressionMetadata(attribute);
        // }
    return null;