private void callFunctionByMessage(Message m) { int id = m.getId(); BluetoothGatt gatt = gatts.get(m.getAddress()); System.out.println("Call Function: " + id); switch (id) { case 10: turnOnService(gatt, UUID_HUM_SERV, UUID_HUM_CONF); break; case 11: turnOnService(gatt, UUID_ACC_SERV, UUID_ACC_CONF); break; case 20: enableNotifications(gatt, UUID_HUM_SERV, UUID_HUM_DATA); break; case 21: enableNotifications(gatt, UUID_ACC_SERV, UUID_ACC_DATA); break; case 30: enableNotifications(gatt, UUID_SENSI_HUM_SERV, UUID_SENSI_HUM_DATA); break; case 31: enableNotifications(gatt, UUID_SENSI_TEMP_SERV, UUID_SENSI_TEMP_DATA); break; default: break; } }
@Override public boolean onMessage(final Message message) { if (message instanceof ClockMessage) { final ClockMessage clockMessage = (ClockMessage) message; MessageScheduler.getInstance().removeClock(clockMessage.getClockId()); if (this.m_cancelTimedPop) { return false; } this.popup(); return false; } else { switch (message.getId()) { case 19301: { final UIShowPopupInfosMessage msg = (UIShowPopupInfosMessage) message; boolean ok = false; if (this.m_popupDialog == null || this.m_fieldProvider == null) { MessageScheduler.getInstance().removeAllClocks(this); return false; } if (this.m_fieldProvider instanceof SpellLevel && msg.getContent() instanceof SpellLevel) { final SpellLevel spellLevel1 = (SpellLevel) this.m_fieldProvider; final SpellLevel spellLevel2 = (SpellLevel) msg.getContent(); ok = (spellLevel1.getSpell().getId() == spellLevel2.getSpell().getId()); } else { ok = this.m_fieldProvider.equals(msg.getContent()); } if (ok) { this.m_cancelTimedPop = !XulorActions.closePopup(null, this.m_popupDialog); PropertiesProvider.getInstance().removeProperty(this.m_property); } return false; } case 19300: { final UIShowPopupInfosMessage msg = (UIShowPopupInfosMessage) message; this.m_fieldProvider = msg.getContent(); if (this.m_fieldProvider == null) { return false; } if (msg.getIntValue() > 0) { this.m_cancelTimedPop = false; MessageScheduler.getInstance().addClock(this, msg.getIntValue(), -1, 1); } else { this.popup(); } return false; } default: { return true; } } } }
public void addMessage(Message message) { data.add(message); Message last = data.get(data.size() - 1); if (last.getText().length() > MESSAGE_LENGTH) { System.out.println(RED + "WARNING: long message (more than 140 symbols)." + END); } System.out.println("Successfully added: " + last.getFormattedMessage()); log("ADD " + last.getId() + " " + last.getAuthor() + " " + last.getText()); saveMessagesToJsonFile(MESSAGES_EXTERNAL_STORAGE); }
@Override public void onCharacteristicWrite( BluetoothGatt gatt, BluetoothGattCharacteristic characteristic, int status) { if (messageQueue.size() > 0) { Message m = messageQueue.getFirst(); messageQueue.removeFirst(); callFunctionByMessage(m); System.out.println("Activate Function on Write: " + m.getId()); } }
public void runHibernate() { // ############################################################################ Session session = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().openSession(); Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction(); Message message = new Message("Hello World");; tx.commit(); session.close(); // ############################################################################ Session secondSession = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().openSession(); Transaction secondTransaction = secondSession.beginTransaction(); List messages = secondSession.createQuery("from Message m order by m.text asc").list(); System.out.println(messages.size() + " message(s) found:"); for (Iterator iter = messages.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { Message loadedMsg = (Message); System.out.println(loadedMsg.getText()); } secondTransaction.commit(); secondSession.close(); // ############################################################################ Session thirdSession = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().openSession(); Transaction thirdTransaction = thirdSession.beginTransaction(); // message.getId() holds the identifier value of the first message Message loadedMessage = (Message) thirdSession.get(Message.class, message.getId()); loadedMessage.setText("Greetings Earthling"); loadedMessage.setNextMessage(new Message("Take me to your leader (please)")); thirdTransaction.commit(); thirdSession.close(); // ############################################################################ // Final unit of work (just repeat the query) // TODO: You can move this query into the thirdSession before the // commit, makes more sense! Session fourthSession = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().openSession(); Transaction fourthTransaction = fourthSession.beginTransaction(); messages = fourthSession.createQuery("from Message m order by m.text asc").list(); System.out.println(messages.size() + " message(s) found:"); for (Iterator iter = messages.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { Message loadedMsg = (Message); System.out.println(loadedMsg.getText()); } fourthTransaction.commit(); fourthSession.close(); // Shutting down the application HibernateUtil.shutdown(); }
public void announce(long anId) { // // Announcement an = announcementMgr.getAnnouncementById(anId); try { String tweet = ""; Message msg = msgMgr.generateMessageForAnnouncement(anId); tweet = msg.getTextWithParametersAdded(); announcementMgr.updateSetMessage(anId, tweet, msg.getId()); + " is tweeting :" + tweet); tweet(tweet); } catch (TwitterException e) { ExceptionUtil.getInstance().handleError(e); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error", e); } }
public void reply(long anId, long statusId) throws Exception { Announcement an = announcementMgr.getAnnouncementById(anId); Announcer customer = announcerMgr.getAnnouncer(an.getCustomerId()); if (customer == null) { throw new Exception("Customer not found for announcement: " + an.getId()); } // Product product = productMgr.getProductById(an.getProductId()); String cause = announcementMgr.getAnnouncementReasonStatusText(anId); // tweey check String customerName = customer.getName(); String tweet = ""; Message msg = msgMgr.generateMessageForAnnouncement(an.getId()); tweet = msg.getTextWithParametersAdded(); announcementMgr.updateSetMessage(an.getId(), tweet, msg.getId()); // // + " is following " + customerName + // " before replying..."); // follow(an.getCustomerId()); try { long tweetId = -1; getScreenName() + " is replying " + customerName + " : " + tweet + "\nBecause of: @" + customerName + ":" + cause); tweetId = reply(tweet, statusId); announcementMgr.updateSetTweetId(anId, tweetId); } catch (TwitterException e) { ExceptionUtil.getInstance().handleError(e); } }
@Override public boolean onMessage(final Message message) { switch (message.getId()) { case 5240: { final WalletUpdateMessage updateMessage = (WalletUpdateMessage) message; WakfuGameEntity.getInstance() .getLocalPlayer() .getOwnedDimensionalBag() .getWallet() .setAmountOfCash(updateMessage.getAmountOfCash()); return false; } default: { return true; } } }
@Override public boolean onMessage(final Message message) { switch (message.getId()) { case 2050: { final boolean success = NetCharacterChoiceFrame.onCharacterSelectionResult( (CharacterSelectionResultMessage) message, this); if (!success) { WakfuProgressMonitorManager.getInstance().done(); WakfuGameEntity.getInstance().removeFrame(this); NetCharacterChoiceFrame.getInstance().enableLoadUI(true); WakfuGameEntity.getInstance().pushFrame(NetCharacterChoiceFrame.getInstance()); } return false; } case 2054: { final CharacterCreationResultMessage msg = (CharacterCreationResultMessage) message; (Object) ("R\u00e9sultat de la cr\u00e9ation de perso : succes=" + msg.isCreationSuccessful() + ", code=" + msg.getCreationCode())); if (msg.isCreationSuccessful()) { WakfuProgressMonitorManager.getInstance() .getProgressMonitor(true) .beginTask(WakfuTranslator.getInstance().getString("loadingWorld.progress"), 0); } else { WakfuProgressMonitorManager.getInstance().done(); displayNameError(msg.getCreationCode()); CharacterCreationDialogActions.setCreateCharacterFlag(false); } return false; } default: { return true; } } }
@Override public void onCharacteristicChanged( BluetoothGatt gatt, final BluetoothGattCharacteristic characteristic) { // this will get called anytime you perform a read or write characteristic operation if (characteristic.getUuid().equals(UUID_HUM_DATA)) { calculateHumidity(characteristic, gatt); } else if (characteristic.getUuid().equals(UUID_ACC_DATA)) { calculateAcceleration(characteristic, gatt); } else if (characteristic.getUuid().equals(UUID_SENSI_HUM_DATA)) { calculateHumSensi(characteristic, gatt); } else if (characteristic.getUuid().equals(UUID_SENSI_TEMP_DATA)) { calculateTempSensi(characteristic, gatt); } if (messageQueue.size() > 0) { Message m = messageQueue.getFirst(); messageQueue.removeFirst(); callFunctionByMessage(m); System.out.println("Activate Function on Change: " + m.getId()); } }
@Override public boolean onMessage(final Message message) { switch (message.getId()) { case 19070: { this.askToCloseRequest(); return false; } case 19071: { final AbstractUIMessage msg = (AbstractUIMessage) message; final byte closedReason = msg.getByteValue(); final int idPrivate = ChatWindowManager.getInstance().getModeratorWindowId(); String translatorKey = "contactModerator.closed"; switch (closedReason) { case 4: { translatorKey = "contactModerator.closed"; break; } case 5: { translatorKey = "contactModerator.disconnected"; break; } } final ChatMessage chatMessage = new ChatMessage(WakfuTranslator.getInstance().getString(translatorKey)); chatMessage.setPipeDestination(3); chatMessage.setWindowId(idPrivate); ChatManager.getInstance().pushMessage(chatMessage); return this.m_isRunning = false; } default: { return true; } } }
@Override public void onServicesDiscovered(final BluetoothGatt gatt, final int status) { // this will get called after the client initiates a // BluetoothGatt.discoverServices() call System.out.println("Services Discovered!"); services = gatt.getServices(); System.out.println("Anzahl Services: " + services.size()); for (int i = 0; i < services.size(); i++) { BluetoothGattService s = services.get(i); if (s.getUuid().equals(UUID_HUM_SERV)) { Message m10 = new Message(10, gatt.getDevice().getAddress()); Message m20 = new Message(20, gatt.getDevice().getAddress()); messageQueue.add(m10); messageQueue.add(m20); } else if (s.getUuid().equals(UUID_ACC_SERV)) { Message m11 = new Message(11, gatt.getDevice().getAddress()); Message m21 = new Message(21, gatt.getDevice().getAddress()); messageQueue.add(m11); messageQueue.add(m21); } else if (s.getUuid().equals(UUID_SENSI_HUM_SERV)) { Message m30 = new Message(30, gatt.getDevice().getAddress()); messageQueue.add(m30); } else if (s.getUuid().equals(UUID_SENSI_TEMP_SERV)) { Message m31 = new Message(31, gatt.getDevice().getAddress()); messageQueue.add(m31); } } /** * This is a self-contained function for turning on the magnetometer sensor. It must be * called AFTER the onServicesDiscovered callback is received. */ if (messageQueue.size() > 0) { Message m = messageQueue.getFirst(); messageQueue.removeFirst(); callFunctionByMessage(m); System.out.println("Activate Function on Services: " + m.getId()); } }
/** * Updates the unread state of all messages in the conversation. Persists the change to the * database and cache, and also updates the unread counts for the affected items' {@link Folder}s * and {@link Tag}s appropriately. * * <p>Messages in the conversation are omitted from this operation if one or more of the following * applies: * * <ul> * <li>The caller lacks {@link ACL#RIGHT_WRITE} permission on the <code>Message</code>. * <li>The caller has specified a {@link MailItem.TargetConstraint} that explicitly excludes the * <code>Message</code>. * <li>The caller has specified the maximum change number they know about, and the * (modification/content) change number on the <code>Message</code> is greater. * </ul> * * As a result of all these constraints, no messages may actually be marked read/unread. * * @perms {@link ACL#RIGHT_WRITE} on all the messages */ @Override void alterUnread(boolean unread) throws ServiceException { markItemModified(Change.MODIFIED_UNREAD); boolean excludeAccess = false; // Decrement the in-memory unread count of each message. Each message will // then implicitly decrement the unread count for its conversation, folder // and tags. TargetConstraint tcon = mMailbox.getOperationTargetConstraint(); List<Integer> targets = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (Message msg : getMessages()) { // skip messages that don't need to be changed, or that the client can't modify, doesn't know // about, or has explicitly excluded if (msg.isUnread() == unread) { continue; } else if (!msg.canAccess(ACL.RIGHT_WRITE)) { excludeAccess = true; continue; } else if (!msg.checkChangeID() || !TargetConstraint.checkItem(tcon, msg)) { continue; } int delta = unread ? 1 : -1; msg.updateUnread(delta, msg.isTagged(Flag.ID_FLAG_DELETED) ? delta : 0); msg.mData.metadataChanged(mMailbox); targets.add(msg.getId()); } // mark the selected messages in this conversation as read in the database if (targets.isEmpty()) { if (excludeAccess) throw ServiceException.PERM_DENIED("you do not have sufficient permissions"); } else { DbMailItem.alterUnread(mMailbox, targets, unread); } }
@Override public void run() { sending: // Label so that, if needed, we can completely kill the while loop from inside the // nested loop. while (sender.alive) { Queue<Task> queue = sender.getQueue(); while (sender.alive && !queue.isEmpty()) { Long messageLimit = sender.api.getMessageLimit(sender.ratelimitIdentifier); if (messageLimit != null) { try { Thread.sleep(messageLimit - System.currentTimeMillis()); } catch (InterruptedException e) { JDAImpl.LOG.log(e); } } Task task = queue.peek(); Message msg = task.message; Requester.Response response; if (sender.api.getTextChannelById(msg.getChannelId()) == null && sender.api.getPrivateChannelById(msg.getChannelId()) == null) { // We no longer have access to the MessageChannel that this message is queued to // send to. This is most likely because it was deleted. AsyncMessageSender.stop(sender.api, sender.ratelimitIdentifier); break sending; } if (task.isEdit) { response = sender .api .getRequester() .patch( Requester.DISCORD_API_PREFIX + "channels/" + msg.getChannelId() + "/messages/" + msg.getId(), new JSONObject().put("content", msg.getRawContent())); } else { response = sender .api .getRequester() .post( Requester.DISCORD_API_PREFIX + "channels/" + msg.getChannelId() + "/messages", new JSONObject() .put("content", msg.getRawContent()) .put("tts", msg.isTTS())); } if (response.responseText == null) { JDAImpl.LOG.debug( "Error sending async-message (returned null-text)... Retrying after 1s"); sender.api.setMessageTimeout(sender.ratelimitIdentifier, 1000); } else if (!response.isRateLimit()) // success/unrecoverable error { queue.poll(); // remove from queue try { if (response.isOk()) { if (task.callback != null) task.callback.accept( new EntityBuilder(sender.api).createMessage(response.getObject())); } else { // if response didn't have id, sending failed (due to permission/blocked pm,... JDAImpl.LOG.fatal( "Could not send/update async message to channel: " + msg.getChannelId() + ". Discord-response: " + response.toString()); if (task.callback != null) task.callback.accept(null); } } catch (JSONException ex) { // could not generate message from json JDAImpl.LOG.log(ex); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { JDAImpl.LOG.log(ex); } } else { sender.api.setMessageTimeout( sender.ratelimitIdentifier, response.getObject().getLong("retry_after")); } if (queue.isEmpty()) { queue = sender.getQueue(); } } sender.waitNew(); } }
public static void main(String[] args) { try { // connect to mongoDB, ip and port number Mongo mongo = new Mongo("", 27017); // get database from MongoDB, // if database doesn't exists, mongoDB will create it automatically DB db = mongo.getDB("yourdb"); // Getting A List Of Collections Set<String> collections = db.getCollectionNames(); for (String s : collections) { System.out.println(s); } // Get collection from MongoDB, database named "yourDB" // if collection doesn't exists, mongoDB will create it automatically DBCollection collection = db.getCollection("yourCollection"); // create a document to store key and value DBObject document = new BasicDBObject(); document.put("id", 1001); document.put("msg", "hello world mongoDB in Java"); // save it into collection named "yourCollection" collection.insert(document); // search query DBObject searchQuery = new BasicDBObject(); searchQuery.put("id", 1001); // query it DBCursor cursor = collection.find(searchQuery); // loop over the cursor and display the retrieved result while (cursor.hasNext()) { System.out.println("Our collection after putting document here: " +; } // Counting Documents in Collection System.out.println("Elements in collection " + collection.getCount()); // update document (just replase exist - it is normal practise) DBObject updatedDocument = new BasicDBObject(); updatedDocument.put("id", 1001); updatedDocument.put("msg", "hello world mongoDB in Java updated"); collection.update(new BasicDBObject().append("id", 1001), updatedDocument); // query it DBCursor cursorAfterUpdate = collection.find(searchQuery); // loop over the cursor and display the retrieved result while (cursorAfterUpdate.hasNext()) { System.out.println("Our collection after update: " +; } // Counting Documents in Collection System.out.println("Elements in collection " + collection.getCount()); // Map to object Message message = new Message(); message.setId((Integer) document.get("id")); message.setMessage((String) document.get("msg")); System.out.println("Id putted in object: " + message.getId()); System.out.println("Message putted in object: " + message.getMessage()); // Remove document from collection DBObject doc = collection.findOne(); // get first document collection.remove(doc); // query it DBCursor cursorAfterDelete = collection.find(searchQuery); // loop over the cursor and display the retrieved result while (cursorAfterDelete.hasNext()) { System.out.println("Our collection after delete: " +; } // Counting Documents in Collection System.out.println("Elements in collection " + collection.getCount()); // Close connection to db mongo.close(); System.out.println("Done"); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (MongoException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
private void vanish(MessageContext context, String args) { Message message = context.getMessage(); if (args.isEmpty()) { return; } try { final int cap = 100; final int capPages = 10; String[] vals = args.split(" "); String userId; int numMsgs; if (vals.length == 2) { User user = findUser(context, vals[0]); userId = user.getId(); if (user == NO_USER) { userId = vals[0]; } numMsgs = Math.max(1, Math.min(cap, Integer.parseInt(vals[1]))); } else if (vals.length == 1) { userId = ""; numMsgs = Math.max(1, Math.min(cap, Integer.parseInt(vals[0]))); } else { userId = ""; numMsgs = 10; } int limit = numMsgs; String before = message.getId(); // Limit search to 10 pages (500 msgs) // Instead of deleting them when we find them, we build a list instead List<String> messagesToDelete = new ArrayList<>(limit); for (int k = 0; k < capPages && limit > 0; k++) { Map<String, String> headers = new HashMap<>(); headers.put(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON.getMimeType()); headers.put(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION, apiClient.getToken()); Map<String, Object> queryParams = new HashMap<>(); queryParams.put("limit", 50); queryParams.put("before", before); HttpResponse<JsonNode> response = Unirest.get(ApiConst.CHANNELS_ENDPOINT + message.getChannelId() + "/messages") .headers(headers) .queryString(queryParams) .asJson(); JSONArray ret = response.getBody().getArray(); if (userId.isEmpty()) { for (int i = 0; i < ret.length() && limit > 0; i++) { JSONObject msg = ret.getJSONObject(i); String mid = msg.getString("id"); before = mid; messagesToDelete.add(mid); limit--; } } else { for (int i = 0; i < ret.length() && limit > 0; i++) { JSONObject msg = ret.getJSONObject(i); String mid = msg.getString("id"); JSONObject msgUsr = msg.getJSONObject("author"); String uid = msgUsr.getString("id"); before = mid; if (userId.equals(uid)) { messagesToDelete.add(mid); limit--; } } } }"Deleting {} messages", messagesToDelete.size()); // Using bulk delete endpoint apiClient.bulkDeleteMessages( context.getChannel().getId(), messagesToDelete.toArray(new String[messagesToDelete.size()])); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.warn("Unable to get messages", e); } }
/** * Tags or untags all messages in the conversation. Persists the change to the database and cache. * If the conversation includes at least one unread {@link Message} whose tagged state is * changing, updates the {@link Tag}'s unread count appropriately. * * <p>Messages in the conversation are omitted from this operation if one or more of the following * applies: * * <ul> * <li>The caller lacks {@link ACL#RIGHT_WRITE} permission on the <code>Message</code>. * <li>The caller has specified a {@link MailItem.TargetConstraint} that explicitly excludes the * <code>Message</code>. * <li>The caller has specified the maximum change number they know about, and the * (modification/content) change number on the <code>Message</code> is greater. * </ul> * * As a result of all these constraints, no messages may actually be tagged/untagged. * * @perms {@link ACL#RIGHT_WRITE} on all the messages */ @Override void alterTag(Tag tag, boolean add) throws ServiceException { if (tag == null) throw ServiceException.FAILURE("missing tag argument", null); if (!add && !isTagged(tag)) return; if (tag.getId() == Flag.ID_FLAG_UNREAD) throw ServiceException.FAILURE("unread state must be set with alterUnread", null); // don't let the user tag things as "has attachments" or "draft" if (tag instanceof Flag && (tag.getBitmask() & Flag.FLAG_SYSTEM) != 0) throw MailServiceException.CANNOT_TAG(tag, this); markItemModified(tag instanceof Flag ? Change.MODIFIED_FLAGS : Change.MODIFIED_TAGS); TargetConstraint tcon = mMailbox.getOperationTargetConstraint(); boolean excludeAccess = false; List<Message> msgs = getMessages(); List<Integer> targets = new ArrayList<Integer>(msgs.size()); for (Message msg : msgs) { // skip messages that don't need to be changed, or that the client can't modify, doesn't know // about, or has explicitly excluded if (msg.isTagged(tag) == add) { continue; } else if (!msg.canAccess(ACL.RIGHT_WRITE)) { excludeAccess = true; continue; } else if (!msg.checkChangeID() || !TargetConstraint.checkItem(tcon, msg)) { continue; } else if (add && !tag.canTag(msg)) { throw MailServiceException.CANNOT_TAG(tag, this); } targets.add(msg.getId()); msg.tagChanged(tag, add); // since we're adding/removing a tag, the tag's unread count may change int delta = add ? 1 : -1; if (tag.trackUnread() && msg.isUnread()) tag.updateUnread(delta, isTagged(Flag.ID_FLAG_DELETED) ? delta : 0); // if we're adding/removing the \Deleted flag, update the folder and tag "deleted" and // "deleted unread" counts if (tag.getId() == Flag.ID_FLAG_DELETED) { getFolder().updateSize(0, delta, 0); // note that Message.updateUnread() calls updateTagUnread() if (msg.isUnread()) msg.updateUnread(0, delta); } } if (targets.isEmpty()) { if (excludeAccess) throw ServiceException.PERM_DENIED("you do not have sufficient permissions"); } else { if (ZimbraLog.mailop.isDebugEnabled()) { String operation = add ? "Setting" : "Unsetting"; ZimbraLog.mailop.debug( "%s %s for %s. Affected ids: %s", operation, getMailopContext(tag), getMailopContext(this), StringUtil.join(",", targets)); } recalculateCounts(msgs); DbMailItem.alterTag(tag, targets, add); } }
/** * Moves all the conversation's {@link Message}s to a different {@link Folder}. Persists the * change to the database and the in-memory cache. Updates all relevant unread counts, folder * sizes, etc. * * <p>Messages moved to the Trash folder are automatically marked read. Conversations moved to the * Junk folder will not receive newly-delivered messages. * * <p>Messages in the conversation are omitted from this operation if one or more of the following * applies: * * <ul> * <li>The caller lacks {@link ACL#RIGHT_WRITE} permission on the <code>Message</code>. * <li>The caller has specified a {@link MailItem.TargetConstraint} that explicitly excludes the * <code>Message</code>. * <li>The caller has specified the maximum change number they know about, and the * (modification/content) change number on the <code>Message</code> is greater. * </ul> * * As a result of all these constraints, no messages may actually be moved. * * @perms {@link ACL#RIGHT_INSERT} on the target folder, {@link ACL#RIGHT_DELETE} on the messages' * source folders */ @Override boolean move(Folder target) throws ServiceException { if (!target.canContain(TYPE_MESSAGE)) throw MailServiceException.CANNOT_CONTAIN(); markItemModified(Change.UNMODIFIED); List<Message> msgs = getMessages(); TargetConstraint tcon = mMailbox.getOperationTargetConstraint(); boolean toTrash = target.inTrash(); int oldUnread = 0; for (Message msg : msgs) if (msg.isUnread()) oldUnread++; // if mData.unread is wrong, what to do? right now, always use the calculated value mData.unreadCount = oldUnread; boolean excludeAccess = false; List<Integer> markedRead = new ArrayList<Integer>(); List<Message> moved = new ArrayList<Message>(); List<Message> indexUpdated = new ArrayList<Message>(); for (Message msg : msgs) { Folder source = msg.getFolder(); // skip messages that don't need to be moved, or that the client can't modify, doesn't know // about, or has explicitly excluded if (source.getId() == target.getId()) { continue; } else if (!source.canAccess(ACL.RIGHT_DELETE)) { excludeAccess = true; continue; } else if (target.getId() != Mailbox.ID_FOLDER_TRASH && target.getId() != Mailbox.ID_FOLDER_SPAM && !target.canAccess(ACL.RIGHT_INSERT)) { excludeAccess = true; continue; } else if (!msg.checkChangeID() || !TargetConstraint.checkItem(tcon, msg)) { continue; } boolean isDeleted = msg.isTagged(Flag.ID_FLAG_DELETED); if (msg.isUnread()) { if (!toTrash || msg.inTrash()) { source.updateUnread(-1, isDeleted ? -1 : 0); target.updateUnread(1, isDeleted ? 1 : 0); } else { // unread messages moved from Mailbox to Trash need to be marked read: // update cached unread counts (message, conversation, folder, tags) msg.updateUnread(-1, isDeleted ? -1 : 0); // note that we need to update this message in the DB markedRead.add(msg.getId()); } } // moved an item out of the spam folder, need to index it if (msg.inSpam() && !target.inSpam()) { if (msg.isIndexed() && msg.getIndexId() != -1) { msg.indexIdChanged(msg.getId()); indexUpdated.add(msg); } } // if a draft is being moved to Trash then remove any "send-later" info from it if (toTrash && msg.isDraft()) msg.setDraftAutoSendTime(0); // handle folder message counts source.updateSize(-1, isDeleted ? -1 : 0, -msg.getTotalSize()); target.updateSize(1, isDeleted ? 1 : 0, msg.getTotalSize()); moved.add(msg); msg.folderChanged(target, 0); } // mark unread messages moved from Mailbox to Trash/Spam as read in the DB if (!markedRead.isEmpty()) DbMailItem.alterUnread(target.getMailbox(), markedRead, false); if (moved.isEmpty()) { if (excludeAccess) throw ServiceException.PERM_DENIED("you do not have sufficient permissions"); } else { // moving a conversation to spam closes it if (target.inSpam()) detach(); if (ZimbraLog.mailop.isInfoEnabled()) { StringBuilder ids = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < moved.size(); i++) { if (i > 0) { ids.append(','); } ids.append(moved.get(i).getId()); } "Moving %s to %s. Affected message ids: %s.", getMailopContext(this), getMailopContext(target), ids); } DbMailItem.setFolder(moved, target); if (!indexUpdated.isEmpty()) { DbMailItem.setIndexIds(mMailbox, indexUpdated); for (Message msg : indexUpdated) { mMailbox.queueForIndexing(msg, false, null); } } } return !moved.isEmpty(); }
/** * Deletes a Message from the queue. * * @param msg The message to delete. * @throws HTTPException If the IronMQ service returns a status other than 200 OK. * @throws IOException If there is an error accessing the IronMQ server. */ public void deleteMessage(Message msg) throws IOException { deleteMessage(msg.getId()); }