public Object remove(Data dataKey) { checkIfLoaded(); Record record = records.get(dataKey); Object oldValue = null; if (record == null) { if (mapContainer.getStore() != null) { oldValue = mapContainer.getStore().load(mapService.toObject(dataKey)); if (oldValue != null) { removeIndex(dataKey); mapStoreDelete(null, dataKey); } } } else { oldValue = record.getValue(); oldValue = mapService.interceptRemove(name, oldValue); if (oldValue != null) { removeIndex(dataKey); mapStoreDelete(record, dataKey); } // reduce size updateSizeEstimator(-calculateRecordSize(record)); deleteRecord(dataKey); cancelAssociatedSchedulers(dataKey); } return oldValue; }
public boolean remove(Data dataKey, Object testValue) { checkIfLoaded(); Record record = records.get(dataKey); Object oldValue = null; boolean removed = false; if (record == null) { if (mapContainer.getStore() != null) { oldValue = mapContainer.getStore().load(mapService.toObject(dataKey)); } if (oldValue == null) return false; } else { oldValue = record.getValue(); } if (, testValue, oldValue)) { mapService.interceptRemove(name, oldValue); removeIndex(dataKey); mapStoreDelete(record, dataKey); // reduce size updateSizeEstimator(-calculateRecordSize(record)); deleteRecord(dataKey); cancelAssociatedSchedulers(dataKey); removed = true; } return removed; }
public Object putIfAbsent(Data dataKey, Object value, long ttl) { checkIfLoaded(); Record record = records.get(dataKey); Object oldValue = null; if (record == null) { if (mapContainer.getStore() != null) { oldValue = mapContainer.getStore().load(mapService.toObject(dataKey)); if (oldValue != null) { record = mapService.createRecord(name, dataKey, oldValue, DEFAULT_TTL); records.put(dataKey, record); updateSizeEstimator(calculateRecordSize(record)); } } } else { accessRecord(record); oldValue = record.getValue(); } if (oldValue == null) { value = mapService.interceptPut(name, null, value); value = writeMapStore(dataKey, value, record); record = mapService.createRecord(name, dataKey, value, ttl); records.put(dataKey, record); updateSizeEstimator(calculateRecordSize(record)); updateTtl(record, ttl); } saveIndex(record); return oldValue; }
public Object put(Data dataKey, Object value, long ttl) { checkIfLoaded(); Record record = records.get(dataKey); Object oldValue = null; if (record == null) { if (mapContainer.getStore() != null) { oldValue = mapContainer.getStore().load(mapService.toObject(dataKey)); } value = mapService.interceptPut(name, null, value); value = writeMapStore(dataKey, value, null); record = mapService.createRecord(name, dataKey, value, ttl); records.put(dataKey, record); updateSizeEstimator(calculateRecordSize(record)); saveIndex(record); } else { oldValue = record.getValue(); value = mapService.interceptPut(name, oldValue, value); value = writeMapStore(dataKey, value, record); // if key exists before, first reduce size updateSizeEstimator(-calculateRecordSize(record)); setRecordValue(record, value); // then increase size. updateSizeEstimator(calculateRecordSize(record)); updateTtl(record, ttl); saveIndex(record); } return oldValue; }
void publishWanReplicationEventInternal(String mapName, ReplicationEventObject event) { final MapServiceContext mapServiceContext = this.mapServiceContext; final MapContainer mapContainer = mapServiceContext.getMapContainer(mapName); final WanReplicationPublisher wanReplicationPublisher = mapContainer.getWanReplicationPublisher(); wanReplicationPublisher.publishReplicationEvent(SERVICE_NAME, event); }
public void publishWanReplicationRemove(String mapName, Data key, long removeTime) { MapContainer mapContainer = mapServiceContext.getMapContainer(mapName); MapReplicationRemove replicationEvent = new MapReplicationRemove(mapName, key, removeTime); mapContainer .getWanReplicationPublisher() .publishReplicationEvent(mapServiceContext.serviceName(), replicationEvent); }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void dispatchEvent(EventData eventData, EntryListener listener) { Member member = nodeEngine.getClusterService().getMember(eventData.getCaller()); EntryEvent event = new DataAwareEntryEvent( member, eventData.getEventType(), eventData.getMapName(), eventData.getDataKey(), eventData.getDataNewValue(), eventData.getDataOldValue(), getSerializationService()); switch (event.getEventType()) { case ADDED: listener.entryAdded(event); break; case EVICTED: listener.entryEvicted(event); break; case UPDATED: listener.entryUpdated(event); break; case REMOVED: listener.entryRemoved(event); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid event type: " + event.getEventType()); } MapContainer mapContainer = getMapContainer(eventData.getMapName()); if (mapContainer.getMapConfig().isStatisticsEnabled()) { getLocalMapStatsImpl(eventData.getMapName()).incrementReceivedEvents(); } }
public void publishWanReplicationRemove(String mapName, Data key, long removeTime) { MapContainer mapContainer = getMapContainer(mapName); MapReplicationRemove replicationEvent = new MapReplicationRemove(mapName, key, removeTime); mapContainer .getWanReplicationPublisher() .publishReplicationEvent(SERVICE_NAME, replicationEvent); }
public Runnable prepareMergeRunnable() { Map<MapContainer, Collection<Record>> recordMap = new HashMap<MapContainer, Collection<Record>>(mapContainers.size()); InternalPartitionService partitionService = nodeEngine.getPartitionService(); int partitionCount = partitionService.getPartitionCount(); Address thisAddress = nodeEngine.getClusterService().getThisAddress(); for (MapContainer mapContainer : mapContainers.values()) { for (int i = 0; i < partitionCount; i++) { RecordStore recordStore = getPartitionContainer(i).getRecordStore(mapContainer.getName()); // add your owned entries to the map so they will be merged if (thisAddress.equals(partitionService.getPartitionOwner(i))) { Collection<Record> records = recordMap.get(mapContainer); if (records == null) { records = new ArrayList<Record>(); recordMap.put(mapContainer, records); } records.addAll(recordStore.getReadonlyRecordMap().values()); } // clear all records either owned or backup recordStore.reset(); } } return new Merger(recordMap); }
public void publishWanReplicationUpdate(String mapName, EntryView entryView) { MapContainer mapContainer = getMapContainer(mapName); MapReplicationUpdate replicationEvent = new MapReplicationUpdate(mapName, mapContainer.getWanMergePolicy(), entryView); mapContainer .getWanReplicationPublisher() .publishReplicationEvent(SERVICE_NAME, replicationEvent); }
public void publishWanReplicationUpdate(String mapName, EntryView entryView) { MapContainer mapContainer = mapServiceContext.getMapContainer(mapName); MapReplicationUpdate replicationEvent = new MapReplicationUpdate(mapName, mapContainer.getWanMergePolicy(), entryView); mapContainer .getWanReplicationPublisher() .publishReplicationEvent(mapServiceContext.serviceName(), replicationEvent); }
private void destroyMapStores() { for (MapContainer mapContainer : mapContainers.values()) { MapStoreWrapper store = mapContainer.getStore(); if (store != null) { store.destroy(); } } }
private void accessRecord(Record record) { increaseRecordEvictionCounter(record, mapContainer.getMapConfig().getEvictionPolicy()); record.onAccess(); final int maxIdleSeconds = mapContainer.getMapConfig().getMaxIdleSeconds(); if (maxIdleSeconds > 0) { mapService.scheduleIdleEviction( name, record.getKey(), TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(maxIdleSeconds)); } }
/** Adds near cache stats. */ protected void addNearCacheStats( LocalMapStatsImpl stats, LocalMapOnDemandCalculatedStats onDemandStats, MapContainer mapContainer) { if (!mapContainer.getMapConfig().isNearCacheEnabled()) { return; } NearCache nearCache = nearCacheProvider.getOrCreateNearCache(mapContainer.getName()); NearCacheStats nearCacheStats = nearCache.getNearCacheStats(); long nearCacheHeapCost = mapContainer.getNearCacheSizeEstimator().getSize(); stats.setNearCacheStats(nearCacheStats); onDemandStats.incrementHeapCost(nearCacheHeapCost); }
public boolean compare(String mapName, Object value1, Object value2) { if (value1 == null && value2 == null) { return true; } if (value1 == null) { return false; } if (value2 == null) { return false; } MapContainer mapContainer = getMapContainer(mapName); return mapContainer.getRecordFactory().isEquals(value1, value2); }
private Record getRecordInternal(Data dataKey, boolean enableIndex) { Record record = null; if (mapContainer.getStore() != null) { final Object value = mapContainer.getStore().load(mapService.toObject(dataKey)); if (value != null) { record = mapService.createRecord(name, dataKey, value, DEFAULT_TTL); records.put(dataKey, record); if (enableIndex) { saveIndex(record); } updateSizeEstimator(calculateRecordSize(record)); } } return record; }
protected AbstractEvictableRecordStore(MapContainer mapContainer, int partitionId) { super(mapContainer, partitionId); final MapConfig mapConfig = mapContainer.getMapConfig(); this.minEvictionCheckMillis = mapConfig.getMinEvictionCheckMillis(); this.evictionEnabled = !MapConfig.EvictionPolicy.NONE.equals(mapConfig.getEvictionPolicy()); this.expirable = isRecordStoreExpirable(); }
private void mapStoreDelete(Record record, Data key) { final MapStoreWrapper store = mapContainer.getStore(); if (store != null) { long writeDelayMillis = mapContainer.getWriteDelayMillis(); if (writeDelayMillis == 0) { store.delete(mapService.toObject(key)); // todo ea record will be deleted then why calling onStore if (record != null) { record.onStore(); } } else { mapService.scheduleMapStoreDelete(name, key, writeDelayMillis); toBeRemovedKeys.add(key); } } }
public void clear() { checkIfLoaded(); resetSizeEstimator(); final Collection<Data> lockedKeys = lockStore != null ? lockStore.getLockedKeys() : Collections.<Data>emptySet(); final Map<Data, Record> lockedRecords = new HashMap<Data, Record>(lockedKeys.size()); // Locked records should not be removed! for (Data key : lockedKeys) { Record record = records.get(key); if (record != null) { lockedRecords.put(key, record); updateSizeEstimator(calculateRecordSize(record)); } } Set<Data> keysToDelete = records.keySet(); keysToDelete.removeAll(lockedRecords.keySet()); final MapStoreWrapper store = mapContainer.getStore(); // Use an ArrayList so that we don't trigger calls to equals or hashCode on the key objects Collection<Object> keysObject = new ArrayList<Object>(keysToDelete.size()); for (Data key : keysToDelete) { // todo ea have a clear(Keys) method for optimizations removeIndex(key); keysObject.add(mapService.toObject(key)); } if (store != null) { store.deleteAll(keysObject); toBeRemovedKeys.removeAll(keysToDelete); } clearRecordsMap(lockedRecords); cancelAssociatedSchedulers(keysToDelete); resetAccessSequenceNumber(); }
private void updateTtl(Record record, long ttl) { if (ttl > 0) { mapService.scheduleTtlEviction(name, record, ttl); } else if (ttl == 0) { mapContainer.getTtlEvictionScheduler().cancel(record.getKey()); } }
private void saveIndex(Record record) { Data dataKey = record.getKey(); final IndexService indexService = mapContainer.getIndexService(); if (indexService.hasIndex()) { SerializationService ss = mapService.getSerializationService(); QueryableEntry queryableEntry = new QueryEntry(ss, dataKey, dataKey, record.getValue()); indexService.saveEntryIndex(queryableEntry); } }
private Object writeMapStore(Data dataKey, Object recordValue, Record record) { final MapStoreWrapper store = mapContainer.getStore(); if (store != null) { if (mapContainer.getWriteDelayMillis() <= 0) { Object objectValue = mapService.toObject(recordValue);, objectValue); if (record != null) { record.onStore(); } // if store is not a post-processing map-store, then avoid extra de-serialization phase. return store.isPostProcessingMapStore() ? objectValue : recordValue; } else { mapService.scheduleMapStoreWrite( name, dataKey, recordValue, mapContainer.getWriteDelayMillis()); } } return recordValue; }
public MapEntrySet getAll(Set<Data> keySet) { checkIfLoaded(); final MapEntrySet mapEntrySet = new MapEntrySet(); Map<Object, Data> keyMapForLoader = null; if (mapContainer.getStore() != null) { keyMapForLoader = new HashMap<Object, Data>(); } for (Data dataKey : keySet) { Record record = records.get(dataKey); if (record == null) { if (mapContainer.getStore() != null) { keyMapForLoader.put(mapService.toObject(dataKey), dataKey); } } else { accessRecord(record); Object value = record.getValue(); value = mapService.interceptGet(name, value); if (value != null) { mapEntrySet.add(new AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry(dataKey, mapService.toData(value))); } } } if (mapContainer.getStore() == null || keyMapForLoader.size() == 0) { return mapEntrySet; } final Map<Object, Object> loadedKeys = mapContainer.getStore().loadAll(keyMapForLoader.keySet()); for (Map.Entry entry : loadedKeys.entrySet()) { final Object objectKey = entry.getKey(); Object value = entry.getValue(); Data dataKey = keyMapForLoader.get(objectKey); if (value != null) { Record record = mapService.createRecord(name, dataKey, value, DEFAULT_TTL); records.put(dataKey, record); saveIndex(record); updateSizeEstimator(calculateRecordSize(record)); } value = mapService.interceptGet(name, value); if (value != null) { mapEntrySet.add(new AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry(dataKey, mapService.toData(value))); } } return mapEntrySet; }
@Override public void onReplicationEvent(WanReplicationEvent replicationEvent) { Object eventObject = replicationEvent.getEventObject(); if (eventObject instanceof MapReplicationUpdate) { MapReplicationUpdate replicationUpdate = (MapReplicationUpdate) eventObject; EntryView entryView = replicationUpdate.getEntryView(); MapMergePolicy mergePolicy = replicationUpdate.getMergePolicy(); String mapName = replicationUpdate.getMapName(); MapContainer mapContainer = getMapContainer(mapName); MergeOperation operation = new MergeOperation( mapName, toData(entryView.getKey(), mapContainer.getPartitioningStrategy()), entryView, mergePolicy); try { int partitionId = nodeEngine.getPartitionService().getPartitionId(entryView.getKey()); Future f = nodeEngine .getOperationService() .invokeOnPartition(SERVICE_NAME, operation, partitionId); f.get(); } catch (Throwable t) { throw ExceptionUtil.rethrow(t); } } else if (eventObject instanceof MapReplicationRemove) { MapReplicationRemove replicationRemove = (MapReplicationRemove) eventObject; WanOriginatedDeleteOperation operation = new WanOriginatedDeleteOperation( replicationRemove.getMapName(), replicationRemove.getKey()); try { int partitionId = nodeEngine.getPartitionService().getPartitionId(replicationRemove.getKey()); Future f = nodeEngine .getOperationService() .invokeOnPartition(SERVICE_NAME, operation, partitionId); f.get(); } catch (Throwable t) { throw ExceptionUtil.rethrow(t); } } }
public void run() { for (final MapContainer mapContainer : recordMap.keySet()) { Collection<Record> recordList = recordMap.get(mapContainer); String mergePolicyName = mapContainer.getMapConfig().getMergePolicy(); MapMergePolicy mergePolicy = getMergePolicy(mergePolicyName); // todo number of records may be high. below can be optimized a many records can be send in // single invocation final MapMergePolicy finalMergePolicy = mergePolicy; for (final Record record : recordList) { // todo too many submission. should submit them in subgroups nodeEngine .getExecutionService() .submit( "hz:map-merge", new Runnable() { public void run() { SimpleEntryView entryView = new SimpleEntryView( record.getKey(), toData(record.getValue()), record.getStatistics(), record.getCost(), record.getVersion()); MergeOperation operation = new MergeOperation( mapContainer.getName(), record.getKey(), entryView, finalMergePolicy); try { int partitionId = nodeEngine.getPartitionService().getPartitionId(record.getKey()); Future f = nodeEngine .getOperationService() .invokeOnPartition(SERVICE_NAME, operation, partitionId); f.get(); } catch (Throwable t) { throw ExceptionUtil.rethrow(t); } } }); } } }
public void destroyDistributedObject(String name) { MapContainer mapContainer = mapContainers.remove(name); if (mapContainer != null) { if (mapContainer.isNearCacheEnabled()) { NearCache nearCache = nearCacheMap.remove(name); if (nearCache != null) { nearCache.clear(); } } mapContainer.shutDownMapStoreScheduledExecutor(); } final PartitionContainer[] containers = partitionContainers; for (PartitionContainer container : containers) { if (container != null) { container.destroyMap(name); } } nodeEngine.getEventService().deregisterAllListeners(SERVICE_NAME, name); }
public void flush() { checkIfLoaded(); Set<Data> keys = new HashSet<Data>(); for (Record record : records.values()) { keys.add(record.getKey()); } EntryTaskScheduler writeScheduler = mapContainer.getMapStoreScheduler(); if (writeScheduler != null) { Set<Data> processedKeys = writeScheduler.flush(keys); for (Data key : processedKeys) { records.get(key).onStore(); } } EntryTaskScheduler deleteScheduler = mapContainer.getMapStoreScheduler(); if (deleteScheduler != null) { deleteScheduler.flush(toBeRemovedKeys); toBeRemovedKeys.clear(); } }
private void flush(Data key) { checkIfLoaded(); EntryTaskScheduler writeScheduler = mapContainer.getMapStoreScheduler(); Set<Data> keys = new HashSet<Data>(1); keys.add(key); if (writeScheduler != null) { Set<Data> processedKeys = writeScheduler.flush(keys); for (Data pkey : processedKeys) { records.get(pkey).onStore(); } } EntryTaskScheduler deleteScheduler = mapContainer.getMapStoreScheduler(); if (deleteScheduler != null) { if (toBeRemovedKeys.contains(key)) { deleteScheduler.flush(keys); toBeRemovedKeys.remove(key); } } }
public boolean containsKey(Data dataKey) { checkIfLoaded(); Record record = records.get(dataKey); if (record == null) { if (mapContainer.getStore() != null) { Object value = mapContainer.getStore().load(mapService.toObject(dataKey)); if (value != null) { record = mapService.createRecord(name, dataKey, value, DEFAULT_TTL); records.put(dataKey, record); updateSizeEstimator(calculateRecordSize(record)); } } } boolean contains = record != null; if (contains) { accessRecord(record); } return contains; }
public DefaultRecordStore( MapContainer mapContainer, int partitionId, MapKeyLoader keyLoader, ILogger logger) { super(mapContainer, partitionId); this.logger = logger; this.keyLoader = keyLoader; this.lockStore = createLockStore(); this.mapStoreContext = mapContainer.getMapStoreContext(); MapStoreManager mapStoreManager = mapStoreContext.getMapStoreManager(); this.mapDataStore = mapStoreManager.getMapDataStore(partitionId); this.recordStoreLoader = createRecordStoreLoader(mapStoreContext); }