  public void createText(
      final CoverageTable c,
      final TextTable texttable,
      final Vector textvec,
      final float latitude,
      final float longitude,
      final String text,
      final String featureType) {

    // get the colour
    final java.awt.Color res = getColor(featureType);

    // set the colour

    // find the screen location
    final java.awt.Point pt = _myCanvas.toScreen(_workingLocation);

    // and plot it
    _myCanvas.drawText(text, pt.x, pt.y);
  public void createText(
      final CoverageTable c,
      final TextTable texttable,
      final Vector textvec,
      final float latitude,
      final float longitude,
      final String text) {

    // is the current painter interested in text?
    if (_drawText != null) {
      final boolean res = _drawText.booleanValue();
      if (!res) return;
    } else {
      // hey the client hasn't set a preference, so lets just paint anyway

    // set the colour

    // find the screen location


    // convert to screen coordinates
    final java.awt.Point pt = _myCanvas.toScreen(_workingLocation);

    // and plot it
    _myCanvas.drawText(text, pt.x, pt.y);
   * look through the list of coordinate, and see if any are contained within the currently visible
   * area
  private boolean isVisible(
      final LatLonPoint tl, final LatLonPoint br, final CoordFloatString coords) {
    boolean res = false;
    final MWC.GenericData.WorldLocation _tl =
        new MWC.GenericData.WorldLocation(tl.getLatitude(), tl.getLongitude(), 0);
    final MWC.GenericData.WorldLocation _br =
        new MWC.GenericData.WorldLocation(br.getLatitude(), br.getLongitude(), 0);
    final MWC.GenericData.WorldArea area = new MWC.GenericData.WorldArea(_tl, _br);

    for (int i = 0; i < coords.maxIndex(); i++) {
      final float x = coords.getXasFloat(i);
      final float y = coords.getYasFloat(i);


      if (area.contains(_workingLocation)) {
        res = true;

    return res;
  /** method to convert multiple polylines into a single area */
  private java.awt.Polygon extendArea(
      final Vector ipts,
      final int totalSize,
      final LatLonPoint ll1,
      final LatLonPoint ll2,
      final float dpplat,
      final float dpplon,
      final boolean doAntarcticaWorkaround,
      final MWC.Algorithms.PlainProjection proj) {
    Polygon res = null;

    int i, j;
    final int size = ipts.size();
    int npts = 0;

    // create the output arrays
    final int[] xlpts = new int[totalSize];
    final int[] ylpts = new int[totalSize];

    boolean antarcticaWorkaround = doAntarcticaWorkaround;
    // only do it if we're in the vicinity
    if (antarcticaWorkaround) {
      antarcticaWorkaround = (ll2.getLatitude() < -62f);

    // step through the areas we've been provided
    for (j = 0; j < size; j++) {
      final CoordFloatString cfs = (CoordFloatString) ipts.elementAt(j);
      int cfscnt = cfs.tcount;
      final int cfssz = cfs.tsize;
      final float cfsvals[] = cfs.vals;
      // see if this line is going clockwise or anti-clockwise
      if (cfscnt > 0) { // normal
        for (i = 0; i < cfscnt; i++) {
          _workingLocation.setLat(cfsvals[i * cfssz + 1]);
          _workingLocation.setLong(cfsvals[i * cfssz]);
          final java.awt.Point pt = proj.toScreen(_workingLocation);
          xlpts[npts] = pt.x;
          ylpts[npts++] = pt.y;
          // res.addPoint(pt.x, pt.y);
      } else { // reverse
        cfscnt *= -1;
        for (i = cfscnt - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
          _workingLocation.setLat(cfsvals[i * cfssz + 1]);
          _workingLocation.setLong(cfsvals[i * cfssz]);
          final java.awt.Point pt = proj.toScreen(_workingLocation);
          xlpts[npts] = pt.x;
          ylpts[npts++] = pt.y;
          // res.addPoint(pt.x, pt.y);

    // pop the data into a polygon (just for tidy storage really)
    res = new java.awt.Polygon(xlpts, ylpts, npts);
    return res;
   * Edge painter. In this implementation we build the edges up into a polygon which we then plot -
   * this works much more quickly and is an option because we get the edges in the correctly tiled
   * order.
   * @param c parameter for createEdge
   * @param edgevec parameter for createEdge
   * @param ll2 parameter for createEdge
   * @param dpplon parameter for createEdge
   * @param coords list of coordinates which make up this edge
   * @param featureType the type for this feature
  public void createEdge(
      final CoverageTable c,
      final EdgeTable edgetable,
      final Vector edgevec,
      final LatLonPoint ll1,
      final LatLonPoint ll2,
      final float dpplat,
      final float dpplon,
      final CoordFloatString coords,
      final String featureType) {

    // get this feature painter
    final FeaturePainter fp = _currentFeatures.get(featureType);

    // is this feature currently visible?
    if (!fp.getVisible()) return;

    // is this line currently visible?
    if (!isVisible(ll1, ll2, coords)) return;

    // get the colour
    final java.awt.Color res = fp.getColor();

    if (res == null) {
      System.out.println(" not painting!");

    // set the colour

    // now plot the polygon
    final int len = coords.maxIndex();
    final int[] points = new int[len * 2];


    try {
      for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        final float x = coords.getXasFloat(i);
        final float y = coords.getYasFloat(i);

        final java.awt.Point pt = _myCanvas.toScreen(_workingLocation);

        points[i * 2] = pt.x;
        points[i * 2 + 1] = pt.y;

      // finally plot the polygon
    } catch (final Exception E) {
   * edge plotter for when we're not plotting by features this is really only used for coastlines -
   * which aren't tiled. We can't build up the coastline into a single large polyline, since it
   * jumps around a little!
  public void createEdge(
      final CoverageTable c,
      final EdgeTable edgetable,
      final Vector edgevec,
      final LatLonPoint ll1,
      final LatLonPoint ll2,
      final float dpplat,
      final float dpplon,
      final CoordFloatString coords) {

    // is the current painter interested in text?
    if (_drawLines != null) {
      final boolean res = _drawLines.booleanValue();
      if (!res) return;
    } else {
      // hey the client hasn't set a preference, so lets just paint anyway

    // is this line currently visible?
    if (!isVisible(ll1, ll2, coords)) return;

    // get the colour
    final java.awt.Color res = getColor(null);

    // set the colour

    // now plot the polygon
    final int len = coords.maxIndex();
    java.awt.Point _lastPoint = null;

    // create working location
    try {
      for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        final float x = coords.getXasFloat(i);
        final float y = coords.getYasFloat(i);

        final java.awt.Point pt = _myCanvas.toScreen(_workingLocation);

        // xpoints[i] = pt.x;
        // ypoints[i] = pt.y;
        if (_lastPoint != null) {
          _myCanvas.drawLine(_lastPoint.x, _lastPoint.y, pt.x, pt.y);

        _lastPoint = new java.awt.Point(pt);

      // finally plot the polygon
      // _myCanvas.drawPolygon(xpoints, ypoints, len);
    } catch (final Exception E) {
Exemple #7
    public final void setUp() {
      // set the earth model we are expecting
      MWC.GenericData.WorldLocation.setModel(new MWC.Algorithms.EarthModels.FlatEarth());

      w1 = new WorldLocation(12.3, 12.4, 12.5);
      w2 = new WorldLocation(12.3, 12.4, 12.5);
      wv1 = new WorldVector(0, 1, 0);
      w4 = new WorldLocation(13.3, 12.4, 12.5);
      w5 = new WorldLocation(12.225, 12.275, 12.5);