Exemple #1
  private static void checkEnum() throws Exception {
    String type = (String) server.getAttribute(heapPool, "Type");
    if (!type.equals("HEAP")) {
      throw new RuntimeException("TEST FAILED: " + " incorrect memory type for " + heapPool);

    type = (String) server.getAttribute(nonHeapPool, "Type");
    if (!type.equals("NON_HEAP")) {
      throw new RuntimeException("TEST FAILED: " + " incorrect memory type for " + nonHeapPool);
	public void testMbeans() throws MalformedObjectNameException, BundleException, InstanceNotFoundException, ReflectionException, MBeanException, AttributeNotFoundException {
		MBeanServer server = ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer();
		ObjectName digraphName = new ObjectName(REGION_DOMAIN_PROP + ":type=RegionDigraph,*");
		ObjectName regionNameAllQuery = new ObjectName(REGION_DOMAIN_PROP + ":type=Region,name=*,*");
		Set<ObjectInstance> digraphs = server.queryMBeans(null, digraphName);
		assertEquals("Expected only one instance of digraph", 1, digraphs.size());
		Set<ObjectInstance> regions = server.queryMBeans(null, regionNameAllQuery);
		assertEquals("Expected only one instance of region", 1, regions.size());

		Region pp1Region = digraph.createRegion(PP1);
		Bundle pp1Bundle = bundleInstaller.installBundle(PP1, pp1Region);
		Region sp1Region = digraph.createRegion(SP1);
		Bundle sp1Bundle = bundleInstaller.installBundle(SP1, sp1Region);

		regions = server.queryMBeans(null, regionNameAllQuery);
		assertEquals("Wrong number of regions", 3, regions.size());

		Set<ObjectInstance> pp1Query = server.queryMBeans(null, new ObjectName(REGION_DOMAIN_PROP + ":type=Region,name=" + PP1 + ",*"));
		assertEquals("Expected only one instance of: " + PP1, 1, pp1Query.size());
		Set<ObjectInstance> sp1Query = server.queryMBeans(null, new ObjectName(REGION_DOMAIN_PROP + ":type=Region,name=" + SP1 + ",*"));
		assertEquals("Expected only one instance of: " + SP1, 1, sp1Query.size());
		ObjectName pp1Name = (ObjectName) server.invoke(digraphs.iterator().next().getObjectName(), "getRegion", new Object[] {PP1}, new String[] {String.class.getName()});
		assertEquals(PP1 + " regions not equal.", pp1Query.iterator().next().getObjectName(), pp1Name);
		ObjectName sp1Name = (ObjectName) server.invoke(digraphs.iterator().next().getObjectName(), "getRegion", new Object[] {SP1}, new String[] {String.class.getName()});
		assertEquals(SP1 + " regions not equal.", sp1Query.iterator().next().getObjectName(), sp1Name);

		// test non existing region
		ObjectName shouldNotExistName = (ObjectName) server.invoke(digraphs.iterator().next().getObjectName(), "getRegion", new Object[] {"ShouldNotExist"}, new String[] {String.class.getName()});
		assertNull("Should not exist", shouldNotExistName);

		long[] bundleIds = (long[]) server.getAttribute(pp1Name, "BundleIds");
		assertEquals("Wrong number of bundles", 1, bundleIds.length);
		assertEquals("Wrong bundle", pp1Bundle.getBundleId(), bundleIds[0]);
		String name = (String) server.getAttribute(pp1Name, "Name");
		assertEquals("Wrong name", PP1, name);

		bundleIds = (long[]) server.getAttribute(sp1Name, "BundleIds");
		assertEquals("Wrong number of bundles", 1, bundleIds.length);
		assertEquals("Wrong bundle", sp1Bundle.getBundleId(), bundleIds[0]);
		name = (String) server.getAttribute(sp1Name, "Name");
		assertEquals("Wrong name", SP1, name);


		// Now make sure we have no mbeans
		digraphs = server.queryMBeans(digraphName, null);
		assertEquals("Wrong number of digraphs", 0, digraphs.size());
		regions = server.queryMBeans(null, regionNameAllQuery);
		assertEquals("Wrong number of regions", 0, regions.size());
Exemple #3
  private static void checkThreadInfo() throws Exception {
    // assume all threads stay alive
    long[] ids = (long[]) server.getAttribute(thread, "AllThreadIds");
    Object result = server.invoke(thread, "getThreadInfo", new Object[] {ids}, new String[] {"[J"});
    for (CompositeData cd : (CompositeData[]) result) {

    result =
            new Object[] {ids, new Integer(2)},
            new String[] {"[J", "int"});
    for (CompositeData cd : (CompositeData[]) result) {

    long id = Thread.currentThread().getId();
    result =
        server.invoke(thread, "getThreadInfo", new Object[] {new Long(id)}, new String[] {"long"});
    printThreadInfo((CompositeData) result);

    result =
            new Object[] {new Long(id), new Integer(2)},
            new String[] {"long", "int"});
    printThreadInfo((CompositeData) result);
Exemple #4
 private static void checkMemoryUsage() throws Exception {
   // sanity check to have non-zero usage
   Object u1 = server.getAttribute(memory, "HeapMemoryUsage");
   Object u2 = server.getAttribute(memory, "NonHeapMemoryUsage");
   Object u3 = server.getAttribute(heapPool, "Usage");
   Object u4 = server.getAttribute(nonHeapPool, "Usage");
   if (getCommitted(u1) <= 0
       || getCommitted(u2) <= 0
       || getCommitted(u3) <= 0
       || getCommitted(u4) <= 0) {
     throw new RuntimeException("TEST FAILED: " + " expected non-zero committed usage");
   server.invoke(memory, "gc", new Object[0], new String[0]);
   Object u5 = server.getAttribute(heapPool, "CollectionUsage");
   if (getCommitted(u5) <= 0) {
     throw new RuntimeException("TEST FAILED: " + " expected non-zero committed collected usage");
Exemple #5
 private boolean isModified(ObjectName name) {
   boolean modified = false;
   if (name != null) {
     try {
       modified = (Boolean) server.getAttribute(name, "Modified");
     } catch (Exception e) {
       // Okay to fail
   return modified;
Exemple #6
 private int getState(ObjectName name) {
   int status = -1;
   if (name != null) {
     try {
       status = (Integer) server.getAttribute(name, "State");
     } catch (Exception e) {
       log.warn("getState", e);
   return status;
Exemple #7
 private static void checkSunGC() throws Exception {
   // Test com.sun.management proxy
   List<GarbageCollectorMXBean> gcs = getGarbageCollectorMXBeans();
   for (GarbageCollectorMXBean gc : gcs) {
     ObjectName sunGc =
         new ObjectName(GARBAGE_COLLECTOR_MXBEAN_DOMAIN_TYPE + ",name=" + gc.getName());
     CompositeData cd = (CompositeData) server.getAttribute(sunGc, "LastGcInfo");
     if (cd != null) {
       System.out.println("GC statistic for : " + gc.getName());
  @Test(expectedExceptions = IllegalStateException.class)
  void registerMBeanFailed2()
      throws NotCompliantMBeanException, InstanceAlreadyExistsException, MBeanException,
          MalformedObjectNameException, AttributeNotFoundException, ReflectionException,
          InstanceNotFoundException {
    MBeanServer server = EasyMock.createMock(MBeanServer.class);
    ObjectName oName = new ObjectName(JolokiaMBeanServerHolderMBean.OBJECT_NAME);
    EasyMock.expect(server.registerMBean(EasyMock.anyObject(), EasyMock.eq(oName)))
        .andThrow(new InstanceAlreadyExistsException());
                EasyMock.eq(oName), eq(JolokiaMBeanServerUtil.JOLOKIA_MBEAN_SERVER_ATTRIBUTE)))
        .andThrow(new AttributeNotFoundException());

    MBeanServer m = JolokiaMBeanServerUtil.registerJolokiaMBeanServerHolderMBean(server);
Exemple #9
 private static void checkList() throws Exception {
   String[] args = (String[]) server.getAttribute(runtime, "InputArguments");
   if (args.length < 1) {
     throw new RuntimeException("TEST FAILED: " + " empty input arguments");
   // check if -verbose:gc exists
   boolean found = false;
   for (String option : args) {
     if (option.equals(OPTION)) {
       found = true;
   if (!found) {
     throw new RuntimeException("TEST FAILED: " + "VM option " + OPTION + " not found");
  void registerMBean2()
      throws NotCompliantMBeanException, InstanceAlreadyExistsException, MBeanException,
          MalformedObjectNameException, AttributeNotFoundException, ReflectionException,
          InstanceNotFoundException {
    MBeanServer server = EasyMock.createMock(MBeanServer.class);
    MBeanServer ret = MBeanServerFactory.newMBeanServer();
    ObjectName oName = new ObjectName(JolokiaMBeanServerHolderMBean.OBJECT_NAME);
    EasyMock.expect(server.registerMBean(EasyMock.anyObject(), EasyMock.eq(oName)))
        .andThrow(new InstanceAlreadyExistsException());
                EasyMock.eq(oName), eq(JolokiaMBeanServerUtil.JOLOKIA_MBEAN_SERVER_ATTRIBUTE)))

    MBeanServer m = JolokiaMBeanServerUtil.registerJolokiaMBeanServerHolderMBean(server);
    Assert.assertEquals(ret, m);
Exemple #11
 private long persist(File f, ObjectName name) {
   long deployed = f.lastModified();
   try {
     Element e = (Element) server.getAttribute(name, "Persist");
     if (e != null) {
       XMLOutputter out = new XMLOutputter(Format.getPrettyFormat());
       Document doc = new Document();
       File tmp = new File(f.getAbsolutePath() + ".tmp");
       FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(tmp);
       out.output(doc, writer);
       deployed = f.lastModified();
   } catch (Exception ex) {
     log.warn("persist", ex);
   return deployed;
Exemple #12
  private static void checkMap() throws Exception {
    // Add new system properties
    System.setProperty(KEY1, VALUE1);
    System.setProperty(KEY2, VALUE2);

    TabularData props1 = (TabularData) server.getAttribute(runtime, "SystemProperties");

    String value1 = getProperty(props1, KEY1);
    if (value1 == null || !value1.equals(VALUE1)) {
      throw new RuntimeException(
          "TEST FAILED: "
              + KEY1
              + " property found"
              + " with value = "
              + value1
              + " but expected to be "
              + VALUE1);

    String value2 = getProperty(props1, KEY2);
    if (value2 == null || !value2.equals(VALUE2)) {
      throw new RuntimeException(
          "TEST FAILED: "
              + KEY2
              + " property found"
              + " with value = "
              + value2
              + " but expected to be "
              + VALUE2);

    String value3 = getProperty(props1, KEY3);
    if (value3 != null) {
      throw new RuntimeException(
          "TEST FAILED: " + KEY3 + " property found" + " but should not exist");
Exemple #13
  // The Run Method.
  // Started by main() on a single thread, this code publishes Cloud membership
  // to the Cloud once a second (across all members).  If anybody disagrees
  // with the membership Heartbeat, they will start a round of Paxos group
  // discovery.
  public void run() {
    MBeanServer mbs = ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer();
    ObjectName os;
    try {
      os = new ObjectName("java.lang:type=OperatingSystem");
    } catch (MalformedObjectNameException e) {
      throw Log.errRTExcept(e);
    int counter = 0;
    while (true) {
      // Once per second, for the entire cloud a Node will multi-cast publish
      // itself, so other unrelated Clouds discover each other and form up.
      try {
      } // Only once-sec per entire Cloud
      catch (InterruptedException e) {

      // Update the interesting health self-info for publication also
      H2O cloud = H2O.CLOUD;
      HeartBeat hb = H2O.SELF._heartbeat;
      hb._hb_version = HB_VERSION++;
      hb._jvm_boot_msec = TimeLine.JVM_BOOT_MSEC;
      final Runtime run = Runtime.getRuntime();
      hb._keys = (H2O.STORE.size());
      hb._num_cpus = (char) run.availableProcessors();
      if (counter % 300 == 2) {
        // run mini-benchmark every 5 mins
        hb._gflops = Linpack.run();
        hb._membw = MemoryBandwidth.run();
      Object load = null;
      try {
        load = mbs.getAttribute(os, "SystemLoadAverage");
      } catch (Exception e) {
        // Ignore, data probably not available on this VM
      hb._system_load_average = load instanceof Double ? ((Double) load).floatValue() : 0;
      int rpcs = 0;
      for (H2ONode h2o : cloud._memary) rpcs += h2o.taskSize();
      hb._rpcs = (char) rpcs;
      // Scrape F/J pool counts
      hb._fjthrds = new short[H2O.MAX_PRIORITY + 1];
      hb._fjqueue = new short[H2O.MAX_PRIORITY + 1];
      for (int i = 0; i < hb._fjthrds.length; i++) {
        hb._fjthrds[i] = (short) H2O.getWrkThrPoolSize(i);
        hb._fjqueue[i] = (short) H2O.getWrkQueueSize(i);
      hb._tcps_active = (char) H2ONode.TCPS.get();

      // get the usable and total disk storage for the partition where the
      // persistent KV pairs are stored

      // get cpu utilization for the system and for this process.  (linux only.)
      LinuxProcFileReader lpfr = new LinuxProcFileReader();
      if (lpfr.valid()) {
        hb._system_idle_ticks = lpfr.getSystemIdleTicks();
        hb._system_total_ticks = lpfr.getSystemTotalTicks();
        hb._process_total_ticks = lpfr.getProcessTotalTicks();
        hb._process_num_open_fds = lpfr.getProcessNumOpenFds();
      } else {
        hb._system_idle_ticks = -1;
        hb._system_total_ticks = -1;
        hb._process_total_ticks = -1;
        hb._process_num_open_fds = -1;
      hb._pid = lpfr.getProcessID();

      // Announce what Cloud we think we are in.
      // Publish our health as well.
      UDPHeartbeat.build_and_multicast(cloud, hb);

      // If we have no internet connection, then the multicast goes
      // nowhere and we never receive a heartbeat from ourselves!
      // Fake it now.
      long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
      H2O.SELF._last_heard_from = now;

      // Look for napping Nodes & propose removing from Cloud
      for (H2ONode h2o : cloud._memary) {
        long delta = now - h2o._last_heard_from;
        if (delta > SUSPECT) { // We suspect this Node has taken a dirt nap
          if (!h2o._announcedLostContact) {
            Paxos.print("hart: announce suspect node", cloud._memary, h2o.toString());
            h2o._announcedLostContact = true;
        } else if (h2o._announcedLostContact) {
          Paxos.print("hart: regained contact with node", cloud._memary, h2o.toString());
          h2o._announcedLostContact = false;
Exemple #14
 private static void checkOS() throws Exception {
   Integer cpus = (Integer) server.getAttribute(os, "AvailableProcessors");
   System.out.println("# CPUs = " + cpus);
   Long vmem = (Long) server.getAttribute(os, "CommittedVirtualMemorySize");
   System.out.println("Committed virtual memory = " + vmem);