Exemple #1
 /** Try one deferred flatten (1,2,3)+(4,5,6) */
 public void testSimpleFlatten() {
   // Get Plume runtime
   LazyPlume plume = new LazyPlume();
   List<Integer> l1 = Lists.newArrayList(1, 2, 3);
   List<Integer> l2 = Lists.newArrayList(4, 5, 6);
   PCollection<Integer> output = plume.flatten(plume.fromJava(l1), plume.fromJava(l2));
   executeAndAssert((LazyCollection<Integer>) output, new Integer[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6});
Exemple #2
 /** This test runs a chain of two "ParallelDo" operations: (x+1), (x*2) */
 public void testNestedMap() {
   // Get Plume runtime
   LazyPlume plume = new LazyPlume();
   // Create simple data
   PCollection<Integer> input = plume.fromJava(Lists.newArrayList(1, 2, 3));
   PCollection<Integer> output = input.map(plusOne, null).map(timesTwo, null);
   executeAndAssert((LazyCollection<Integer>) output, new Integer[] {4, 6, 8});
Exemple #3
 /** Deferred execution of ((1,2,3)+(4,5,6)) => x+1 */
 public void testMapAndFlatten() {
   List<Integer> l1 = Lists.newArrayList(1, 2, 3);
   List<Integer> l2 = Lists.newArrayList(4, 5, 6);
   // Get Plume runtime
   LazyPlume plume = new LazyPlume();
   PCollection<Integer> output =
       plume.flatten(plume.fromJava(l1), plume.fromJava(l2)).map(plusOne, null);
   executeAndAssert((LazyCollection<Integer>) output, new Integer[] {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7});
Exemple #4
  * Group by and combine adding all values from table (1,2),(1,3),(2,4),(2,6),(3,6),(3,9) Should
  * raise result (1,(2+3)),(2,(4+6)),(3,(6+9)) = (1,5),(2,10),(3,15)
 public void testCombine() {
   DoFn<Integer, Pair<Integer, Integer>> fn =
       new DoFn<Integer, Pair<Integer, Integer>>() {
         public void process(Integer v, EmitFn<Pair<Integer, Integer>> emitter) {
           emitter.emit(Pair.create(v, v * 2));
           emitter.emit(Pair.create(v, v * 3));
   // Get Plume runtime
   LazyPlume plume = new LazyPlume();
   List<Integer> l1 = Lists.newArrayList(1, 2, 3);
   PTable<Integer, Integer> output =
           .map(fn, tableOf(integers(), integers()))
               new CombinerFn<Integer>() {
                 public Integer combine(Iterable<Integer> stuff) {
                   Integer result = 0;
                   for (Integer i : stuff) {
                     result += i;
                   return result;
   // Get an executor
   LocalExecutor executor = new LocalExecutor();
   LazyTable<Integer, Integer> lOutput = (LazyTable<Integer, Integer>) output;
   Iterable<Pair<Integer, Integer>> executedOutput = executor.execute(lOutput);
   List<Pair<Integer, Integer>> outputList = Lists.newArrayList(executedOutput);
       new Comparator<Pair<Integer, ?>>() {
         public int compare(Pair<Integer, ?> arg0, Pair<Integer, ?> arg1) {
           return arg0.getKey().compareTo(arg1.getKey());
   assertEquals(outputList.get(0).getKey().intValue(), 1);
   assertEquals(outputList.get(0).getValue().intValue(), 5);
   assertEquals(outputList.get(1).getKey().intValue(), 2);
   assertEquals(outputList.get(1).getValue().intValue(), 10);
   assertEquals(outputList.get(2).getKey().intValue(), 3);
   assertEquals(outputList.get(2).getValue().intValue(), 15);
    public void build() {

      LazyPlume plume = new LazyPlume();
      PCollection input;
      PCollection input2;
      try {
        // Read input
        input = plume.readFile("/tmp/input-wordcount.txt", collectionOf(strings()));
        input2 = plume.readFile("/tmp/input-moretext.txt", collectionOf(strings()));
        // Add it as workflow's input
      } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException();

      PCollection transform =
              new DoFn() {
                public void process(Object v, EmitFn emitter) {
                  Text t = (Text) v;
                  emitter.emit(new Text(t.toString() + "-bar"));

      addOutput(plume.flatten(input2, transform)); // flatten with another file

      PCollection groupedTransform =
                  new DoFn() {
                    public void process(Object v, EmitFn emitter) {
                      Text t = (Text) v;
                      emitter.emit(Pair.create(t, new Text("foo")));
                  tableOf(strings(), strings()))

Exemple #6
 /** Try one group by from table (1,2),(1,3),(2,4),(2,6),(3,6),(3,9) */
 public void testGroupByKey() {
   // Get Plume runtime
   LazyPlume plume = new LazyPlume();
   List<Integer> l1 = Lists.newArrayList(1, 2, 3);
   PTable<Integer, Iterable<Integer>> output =
       plume.fromJava(l1).map(plusTwoPlusThree, tableOf(integers(), integers())).groupByKey();
   LazyTable<Integer, Iterable<Integer>> lOutput = (LazyTable<Integer, Iterable<Integer>>) output;
   // Get an executor
   LocalExecutor executor = new LocalExecutor();
   Iterable<Pair<Integer, Iterable<Integer>>> executedOutput = executor.execute(lOutput);
   List<Pair<Integer, Iterable<Integer>>> outputList = Lists.newArrayList(executedOutput);
       new Comparator<Pair<Integer, ?>>() {
         public int compare(Pair<Integer, ?> arg0, Pair<Integer, ?> arg1) {
           return arg0.getKey().compareTo(arg1.getKey());
   assertEquals(outputList.get(0).getKey().intValue(), 1);
   assertEquals(outputList.get(1).getKey().intValue(), 2);
   assertEquals(outputList.get(2).getKey().intValue(), 3);
   List<Integer> lR1 = Lists.newArrayList(outputList.get(0).getValue());
   List<Integer> lR2 = Lists.newArrayList(outputList.get(1).getValue());
   List<Integer> lR3 = Lists.newArrayList(outputList.get(2).getValue());
   assertEquals(lR1.get(0).intValue(), 2);
   assertEquals(lR1.get(1).intValue(), 3);
   assertEquals(lR2.get(0).intValue(), 4);
   assertEquals(lR2.get(1).intValue(), 6);
   assertEquals(lR3.get(0).intValue(), 6);
   assertEquals(lR3.get(1).intValue(), 9);