private long getFinalizedTimestampMillis(String topic) throws Exception { final int numPartitions = mKafkaClient.getNumPartitions(topic); long minTimestamp = Long.MAX_VALUE; for (int partition = 0; partition < numPartitions; ++partition) { TopicPartition topicPartition = new TopicPartition(topic, partition); long timestamp = getFinalizedTimestampMillis(topicPartition); "finalized timestamp for topic " + topic + " partition " + partition + " is " + timestamp); if (timestamp == -1) { return -1; } else { if (timestamp < minTimestamp) { minTimestamp = timestamp; } } } if (minTimestamp == Long.MAX_VALUE) { return -1; } return minTimestamp; }
private long getCommittedTimestampMillis(TopicPartition topicPartition) throws Exception { Message message = mKafkaClient.getCommittedMessage(topicPartition); if (message == null) { LOG.error( "No message found for topic " + topicPartition.getTopic() + " partition " + topicPartition.getPartition()); return -1; } return mMessageParser.extractTimestampMillis(message); }
private long getLastTimestampMillis(TopicPartition topicPartition) throws Exception { Message message = mKafkaClient.getLastMessage(topicPartition); if (message == null) { // This will happen if no messages have been posted to the given topic partition. LOG.error( "No message found for topic " + topicPartition.getTopic() + " partition " + topicPartition.getPartition()); return -1; } return mMessageParser.extractTimestampMillis(message); }
private long getLastTimestampMillis(String topic) throws Exception { final int numPartitions = mKafkaClient.getNumPartitions(topic); long max_timestamp = Long.MIN_VALUE; for (int partition = 0; partition < numPartitions; ++partition) { TopicPartition topicPartition = new TopicPartition(topic, partition); long timestamp = getLastTimestampMillis(topicPartition); if (timestamp > max_timestamp) { max_timestamp = timestamp; } } if (max_timestamp == Long.MIN_VALUE) { return -1; } return max_timestamp; }
@Override public void shutdown() throws Exception { if (client != null) client.shutdown(); if (simpleClient != null) simpleClient.shutdown(); OperatorContext context = getOperatorContext(); trace.log( TraceLevel.ALL, "Operator " + context.getName() + " shutting down in PE: " + context.getPE().getPEId() + " in Job: " + context.getPE().getJobId()); // Must call super.shutdown() super.shutdown(); }