   * update progress rate for a task
   * <p>The assumption is that the JIP lock is held entering this routine. So it's left
   * unsynchronized. Currently the only places it's called from are TIP.updateStatus and
   * JIP.refreshCandidate*
  public void updateProgressRate(long currentTime) {

    double bestProgressRate = 0;

    for (TaskStatus ts : taskStatuses.values()) {
      if (ts.getRunState() == TaskStatus.State.RUNNING
          || ts.getRunState() == TaskStatus.State.SUCCEEDED
          || ts.getRunState() == TaskStatus.State.COMMIT_PENDING) {

        double tsProgressRate =
            ts.getProgress() / Math.max(1, currentTime - getDispatchTime(ts.getTaskID()));
        if (tsProgressRate > bestProgressRate) {
          bestProgressRate = tsProgressRate;

    DataStatistics taskStats = job.getRunningTaskStatistics(isMapTask());
    taskStats.updateStatistics(progressRate, bestProgressRate);

    progressRate = bestProgressRate;
   * Can this task be speculated? This requires that it isn't done or almost done and that it isn't
   * already being speculatively executed.
   * <p>Added for use by queue scheduling algorithms.
   * @param currentTime
  boolean canBeSpeculated(long currentTime) {
    if (skipping
        || !isRunnable()
        || !isRunning()
        || completes != 0
        || isOnlyCommitPending()
        || activeTasks.size() > MAX_TASK_EXECS) {
      return false;

    if (isSpeculativeForced()) {
      return true;

    // no speculation for first few seconds
    if (currentTime - lastDispatchTime < speculativeLag) {
      return false;

    DataStatistics taskStats = job.getRunningTaskStatistics(isMapTask());

    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
          "activeTasks.size(): "
              + activeTasks.size()
              + " "
              + activeTasks.firstKey()
              + " task's progressrate: "
              + progressRate
              + " taskStats : "
              + taskStats);

    // if the task is making progress fast enough to complete within
    // the acceptable duration allowed for each task - do not speculate
    if ((maxProgressRateForSpeculation > 0) && (progressRate > maxProgressRateForSpeculation)) {
      return false;

    if (isMapTask()
        ? job.shouldSpeculateAllRemainingMaps()
        : job.shouldSpeculateAllRemainingReduces()) {
      if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOG.debug("Speculate " + getTIPId() + " because the job is almost finished");
      return true;

    // Find if task should be speculated based on standard deviation
    // the max difference allowed between the tasks's progress rate
    // and the mean progress rate of sibling tasks.

    double maxDiff =
        (taskStats.std() == 0
            ? taskStats.mean() / 3
            : job.getSlowTaskThreshold() * taskStats.std());

    // if stddev > mean - we are stuck. cap the max difference at a
    // more meaningful number.
    maxDiff = Math.min(maxDiff, taskStats.mean() * job.getStddevMeanRatioMax());

    return (taskStats.mean() - progressRate > maxDiff);