/** * Checks whether a given list of duplicates can be replaced by a single one. * * @param filename the filename of the files * @param list the list of dup files * @throws DifferentLibException * @throws Sha1Exception */ private void checkEntities(String filename, List<JarEntity> list) throws DifferentLibException, Sha1Exception { if (list.size() == 1) { return; } JarEntity baseEntity = list.get(0); long baseLength = baseEntity.getLength(); String baseSha1 = baseEntity.getSha1(); final int count = list.size(); for (int i = 1; i < count; i++) { JarEntity entity = list.get(i); if (entity.getLength() != baseLength || entity.getSha1().equals(baseSha1) == false) { throw new DifferentLibException( "Jar mismatch! Fix your dependencies", getEntityDetails(filename, list)); } } }
private void writeJarList(Map<String, List<JarEntity>> nameMap) { File cacheFile = new File(mOut, CACHE_FILENAME); OutputStreamWriter writer = null; try { writer = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(cacheFile), "UTF-8"); writer.write("# cache for current jar dependency. DO NOT EDIT.\n"); writer.write("# format is <lastModified> <length> <SHA-1> <path>\n"); writer.write("# Encoding is UTF-8\n"); for (List<JarEntity> list : nameMap.values()) { // clean up the list of files that don't have a sha1. for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); ) { JarEntity entity = list.get(i); if (entity.hasSha1()) { i++; } else { list.remove(i); } } if (list.size() > 1) { for (JarEntity entity : list) { writer.write( String.format( "%d %d %s %s\n", entity.getLastModified(), entity.getLength(), entity.getSha1(), entity.getFile().getAbsolutePath())); } } } } catch (IOException e) { mOutStream.println( "WARNING: unable to write jarlist cache file " + cacheFile.getAbsolutePath()); } catch (Sha1Exception e) { // shouldn't happen here since we check that the sha1 is present first, meaning it's // already been computing. } finally { if (writer != null) { try { writer.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } } }
private String[] getEntityDetails(String filename, List<JarEntity> list) throws Sha1Exception { ArrayList<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(); result.add( String.format("Found %d versions of %s in the dependency list,", list.size(), filename)); result.add( "but not all the versions are identical (check is based on SHA-1 only at this time)."); result.add("All versions of the libraries must be the same at this time."); result.add("Versions found are:"); for (JarEntity entity : list) { result.add("Path: " + entity.getFile().getAbsolutePath()); result.add("\tLength: " + entity.getLength()); result.add("\tSHA-1: " + entity.getSha1()); } return result.toArray(new String[result.size()]); }