Exemple #1
 public void testComplexStack() {
   try {
         "var x = { one: function() { bar() } };",
         "var y = { two: x.one };",
         "function foo() {",
         " throw TypeError();",
         "function bar() {",
         "  foo();",
         "try {",
         "  (function(){y.two();})();",
         "} catch(e) {",
         "  print(e.stack);",
         "  throw e;",
     throw new AssertionError("Should have thrown");
   } catch (ThrowException e) {
     JSObject o = (JSObject) e.getValue();
     String stack = (String) o.get(getContext(), "stack");
     assertThat(stack.contains("at foo (<eval>:5)")).isTrue();
     assertThat(stack.contains("at bar (<eval>:8)")).isTrue();
     assertThat(stack.contains("at Object.one (<eval>:2)")).isTrue();
     assertThat(stack.contains("at <anonymous> (<eval>:12)")).isTrue();
     assertThat(stack.contains("at <eval> (<eval>:12)")).isTrue();
Exemple #2
 private boolean isDummy(Location obj) {
   JSObject heapObj = this.get(obj);
   if (heapObj == null) return false;
   ObjectValue val = heapObj.get("at_Dummy");
   if (val != null) return true;
   else return false;
Exemple #3
 private static String _getString(String name, JSObject... places) {
   for (JSObject o : places) {
     if (o == null) continue;
     Object temp = o.get(name);
     if (temp == null) continue;
     return temp.toString();
   return null;
Exemple #4
  * Prototype Lookup
  * @param currentLoc
  * @param property_name
  * @return null if the prototype chain leads to null when looking for the property or a location
  *     if the object at that location contains the property
 public Location Prototype(Location currentLoc, String property_name) {
   if (currentLoc != null) {
     JSObject obj = this.get(currentLoc);
     if (obj != null) {
       if (obj.isin(property_name)) return currentLoc;
       else {
         Location proto = (Location) obj.get("__proto__");
         return Prototype(proto, property_name);
   return null;
   * Returns a property within this object.
   * @param path Property names separated by dots ('.')
   * @return The string representation of the requested property or <strong>null</strong>, if it
   *     doesn't exist
  public String access(String path) {
    JSObject current = this;
    String[] nodes = (path != null) ? path.split("\\.") : new String[0];

    for (int i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
      if (current != null) {
        current = current.get(nodes[i]);
      } else {

    return (current == null) ? null : current.toString();
Exemple #6
  * Returns the scope object enclosing the desired property
  * @param currentLoc
  * @param property_name
  * @return
 public Location Scope(Location currentLoc, String property_name) {
   if (currentLoc == null) return null;
   if (this.hasProperty(
       currentLoc, property_name)) // Check if the prototype chain has the property
   return currentLoc;
   else { // if not, then check if the scope chain has the property
     JSObject obj = this.get(currentLoc);
     if (obj != null) {
       Location sc = (Location) obj.get("at_Scope");
       return Scope(sc, property_name);
     } else {
       return null;
Exemple #7
   * updates the context to the correct branch based on environment and to the latest version of the
   * code if name or environemnt is missing, does nothing
  public String updateCode() {

    if (!_git.isValid()) throw new RuntimeException(_rootFile + " is not a git repository");

    _logger.info("going to update code");

    if (_name == null || _environment == null) return getCurrentGitBranch();

    JSObject env = getEnvironmentObject();
    if (env == null) return null;

    String branch = env.get("branch").toString();
    _logger.info("updating to [" + branch + "]");


    return getCurrentGitBranch(true);
Exemple #8
 public void testDeleteOper() {
   check("var x = {a:'lol'}; var result = delete x.a;", true);
   JSObject x = (JSObject) getContext().resolve("x").getValue(getContext());
   assertThat(x.get(getContext(), "a")).isEqualTo(Types.UNDEFINED);
Exemple #9
   * Displays the heap so that it can be visualized as a graph
   * @return
  public String toGraphRep() {
    Location global = this.getGlobal();
    String graphviz = "digraph G{";
    Set<Location> locs = heap.keySet();
    for (Location l : locs) {
      JSObject lj = heap.get(l);
      if (l == global) {
        graphviz += l.getObjValue() + "[ fillcolor = \"green\", style = \"filled\"];";

      if (lj.isin("at_Taint")) {
        if (lj.get("at_Taint") != null) {
          if (((SecurityType) lj.get("at_Taint")).isTainted()) {
            graphviz += l.getObjValue() + "[ fillcolor = \"red\", style = \"filled\"];";
          } else {
            graphviz += l.getObjValue() + "[ fillcolor = \"lightblue\", style = \"filled\"];";
      Set<String> keys = lj.getKeySet();
      for (String key : keys) {
        ObjectValue ov = lj.get(key);
        if (ov != null) {
          if (ov instanceof Location) {

            if (key.equals("innerHTML")) {
              graphviz += ov.getObjValue() + "[ fillcolor = \"lightblue\", style = \"filled\"];";

            JSObject jsov = heap.get(ov);
            if (jsov != null) {
              if (jsov.isin("at_Taint")) {
                if (jsov.get("at_Taint") != null) {
                  if (((SecurityType) jsov.get("at_Taint")).isTainted()) {
                    graphviz += ov.getObjValue() + "[ fillcolor = \"red\", style = \"filled\"];";
                  } else {
                    graphviz +=
                        ov.getObjValue() + "[ fillcolor = \"lightblue\", style = \"filled\"];";

            String key_new = key;
            if (key.endsWith("\"")) {
              key_new = key.substring(1, key.length() - 1);
              key = key_new;
            // if(!key_new.equals("at_Class") && !key_new.equals("__constructor__") &&
            // !key_new.equals("at_FScope") && !key_new.equals("at_Scope") ){
            graphviz +=
                    + l.getObjValue()
                    + " -> "
                    + ov.getObjValue()
                    + " [ label = \""
                    + key_new
                    + "\" ];";
            // }
    graphviz += "}";
    return graphviz;
Exemple #10
   * Recursive function to check if the JSObjects in both the heaps match
   * @param other
   * @param this_global
   * @param other_global
   * @return
  private boolean checkContentEquality(Heap other, Location this_obj, Location other_obj) {
    JSObject curr_obj = this.get(this_obj);
    JSObject test_obj = other.get(other_obj);

    if (curr_obj == null && test_obj == null) return true;

    if ((curr_obj != null && test_obj == null) || (curr_obj == null && test_obj != null))
      return false;

    SecurityType curr_taint = (SecurityType) curr_obj.get("at_Taint");
    SecurityType test_taint = (SecurityType) test_obj.get("at_Taint");

    // Proceed further only if the JSObject taints match
    if (curr_taint.equals(test_taint)) {
      // If the location is a dummy object, it suffices to just check the taints
      if (other.isDummy(other_obj) && this.isDummy(this_obj)) {
        return true;

      Set<String> this_keyset = curr_obj.getKeySet();
      Set<String> other_keyset = test_obj.getKeySet();
      // Proceed further only if the keys in both the JSObjects match
      if (this_keyset.containsAll(other_keyset) && other_keyset.containsAll(this_keyset)) {
        // For each key compare the object values
        boolean retval = true;
        for (String key : this_keyset) {
          // we don't want to go into libraryProperties as they will lead to the parents
          // creating a circular check and infinite recursion
          if (ProgramAnalyzerC.libraryProperties.contains(key)) continue;
          if (key.equals("at_Taint")) // we already compared taints
          ObjectValue this_val = curr_obj.get(key);
          ObjectValue other_val = test_obj.get(key);

          if (this_val == null && other_val == null) {

          if ((this_val == null && other_val != null) || (this_val != null && other_val == null)) {
            retval = false;
            return retval;

          if (this_val.getClass() != other_val.getClass()) {
            retval = false; // If the class types don't match
            return retval;

          if (this_val instanceof Location)
            retval =
                retval && checkContentEquality(other, (Location) this_val, (Location) other_val);
          if (this_val instanceof FunctionValue)
            retval = retval && ((FunctionValue) this_val).equals((FunctionValue) other_val);
          if (this_val instanceof ObjectValue) retval = retval && this_val.equals(other_val);

          if (retval == false) return false;
        return retval;

    return false;
Exemple #11
  private void _loadConfigFromCloudObject(JSObject o) {
    if (o == null) return;

    _configScope.putAll((JSObject) o.get("config"));