Exemple #1
  public void performMimic(Player p, int radius, boolean sphere) {
    int freqArray[][] =
        new int[200][16]; // holder for counts of each blocktype, and 15 durability levels for wool

    // get player location
    Location location = p.getLocation();
    int xPos = location.getBlockX();
    int yPos = -1;
    if (location.getBlockY() - (int) radius / 5
        > 0) { // this is a hemisphere the top half of a sphere.  This makes it positioned so you
               // still get some blocks a little below you.
      yPos = location.getBlockY() - (int) radius / 5;
    } else {
      yPos = location.getBlockY(); // in case player is just barely above bedrock
    int zPos = location.getBlockZ();

    Inventory inv = p.getInventory();
    int data = 0;
    // may want to then use getContents which gives a whole array if stacks, then setContents.
    // get block type frequency within a hemisphere
    for (int x = radius; x >= 0; x--) {
      double xPow = Math.pow(x, 2);
      for (int y = radius; y >= 0; y--) {
        double yPow = Math.pow(y, 2);
        for (int z = radius; z >= 0; z--) {
          if (xPow + yPow + Math.pow(z, 2) <= Math.pow(radius + 0.5, 2)) {
            data = (w.getBlockAt(xPos + x, yPos + y, zPos + z).getData());
            if (data > 15) {
              data = 15;
            freqArray[w.getBlockTypeIdAt(xPos + x, yPos + y, zPos + z)][data]++;
            data = (w.getBlockAt(xPos + x, yPos + y, zPos - z).getData());
            if (data > 15) {
              data = 15;
            freqArray[w.getBlockTypeIdAt(xPos + x, yPos + y, zPos - z)][data]++;

            if (sphere) {
              data = (w.getBlockAt(xPos + x, yPos - y, zPos + z).getData());
              if (data > 15) {
                data = 15;
              freqArray[w.getBlockTypeIdAt(xPos + x, yPos - y, zPos + z)][
                  data]++; // uncomment for full sphere version.
              data = (w.getBlockAt(xPos + x, yPos - y, zPos - z).getData());
              if (data > 15) {
                data = 15;
              freqArray[w.getBlockTypeIdAt(xPos + x, yPos - y, zPos - z)][data]++;

            data = (w.getBlockAt(xPos - x, yPos + y, zPos + z).getData());
            if (data > 15) {
              data = 15;
            freqArray[w.getBlockTypeIdAt(xPos - x, yPos + y, zPos + z)][data]++;
            data = (w.getBlockAt(xPos - x, yPos + y, zPos - z).getData());
            if (data > 15) {
              data = 15;
            freqArray[w.getBlockTypeIdAt(xPos - x, yPos + y, zPos - z)][data]++;
            if (sphere) {
              data = (w.getBlockAt(xPos - x, yPos - y, zPos + z).getData());
              if (data > 15) {
                data = 15;
              freqArray[w.getBlockTypeIdAt(xPos - x, yPos - y, zPos + z)][data]++;
              data = (w.getBlockAt(xPos - x, yPos - y, zPos - z).getData());
              if (data > 15) {
                data = 15;
              freqArray[w.getBlockTypeIdAt(xPos - x, yPos - y, zPos - z)][data]++;
    for (int k = 0;
        k <= 199;
        k++) { // ignore anything specified on config file.  By default, some common natural stuff,
               // and explosives and things.
      if (unmimicable.contains(k)) {
        for (int l = 0; l <= 15; l++) {
          freqArray[k][l] = 0;

    int sum = 0;
    for (int k = 0;
        k <= 199;
        k++) { // only one data value type for anything whose data value is irrelevant to inventory
               // (like torches)
      if (k == 66 || k == 18 || k == 84 || k == 61 || k == 62 || k == 55 || k == 92 || k == 8
          || k == 10 || k == 23 || k == 25 || k == 26 || k == 46 || k == 50 || k == 51 || k == 52
          || k == 53 || k == 54 || k == 63 || k == 64 || k == 65 || k == 67 || k == 68 || k == 69
          || k == 71 || k == 75 || k == 76 || k == 77 || k == 85 || k == 86 || k == 91 || k == 93
          || k == 94 || k == 90 || k == 70 || k == 72 || k == 96) {
        sum = 0;
        for (int l = 0; l <= 15; l++) {
          sum = sum + freqArray[k][l];
          freqArray[k][l] = 0;
        freqArray[k][0] = sum;

    int max = 0;
    int winnerA = 0;
    int winnerB = 0;
    boolean keepLooking = true;
    int replaced = 0;

    int existId;
    int existDur;
    boolean[][] skipThis =
        new boolean[200]
            [36]; // don't give item types you already have in your inventory.  first dim = item id
                  // type, second dim = data value
    for (int r = 1; r <= 36; r++) {
      ItemStack stack = inv.getItem(r);
      existId = (stack == null) ? 0 : stack.getTypeId();
      existDur = (stack == null) ? 0 : stack.getDurability();
      switch (existId) { // if you have a door item in inventory, don't mimic door BLOCKS, etc.
        case 331:
          skipThis[55][0] = true;
        case 323:
          skipThis[63][0] = true;
          skipThis[68][0] = true;
        case 324:
          skipThis[64][0] = true;
        case 330:
          skipThis[71][0] = true;
        case 338:
          skipThis[83][0] = true;
      if (existId < 200 && existId > 0) {
        if (existDur < 16 && existDur > -1) {
          skipThis[existId][existDur] = true;
    for (int index = 0;
        index <= 17;
        index++) { // will only replace first two lines of your backpack.
      max = 0;
      winnerA = 0;
      winnerB = 0;
      if (keepLooking) {
        for (int j = 0; j <= 199; j++) { // find current maximum / most popular block type in array
          for (int m = 0; m <= 15; m++) {
            if (freqArray[j][m] > max && !skipThis[j][m]) {

              max = freqArray[j][m];
              winnerA = j;
              winnerB = m;
              freqArray[j][m] = 0; // this should fix the looping problem of last build
            } else if (skipThis[j][m]) {
              freqArray[j][m] = 0;
      if (winnerA
          != 0) { // if winnerA == 0, then that means we are out of new block types that were found
                  // during the scan, so stop messing with the inventory.
        ItemStack stack =
            inv.getItem(index + 9); // get the stack from inventory we are at right now.

        if (stack != null) {
        } else {
          stack = new ItemStack(winnerA);
        } // makes it a stack of the popular type.

        if (winnerA == 55) {
        } // changing various things that should be items instead of blocks.
        if (winnerA == 63 || winnerA == 68) {
        if (winnerA == 64) {
        if (winnerA == 71) {
        if (winnerA == 83) {

        stack.setAmount(64); // make it a full stack.
        // MaterialData matData = new MaterialData(winnerB);  //Okay, this is supposed to create a
        // new materialdata type of a certain data value.  winnerB will be 5, for instance, for
        // light green wool.
                winnerB); // then it should set the stack to that data value.  Unfortunately, there
                          // is only a method here for a full materialdata object, not just an
                          // integer GRR
        inv.setItem(index + 9, stack); // put new stack back into current slot.
        freqArray[winnerA][winnerB] =
            0; // clear out that winner so we will get the next most popular next time.
        if (index == 17) {
          replaced = 18; // handles end case;
      } else {
        if (keepLooking) {
          replaced = index;
        keepLooking = false;
            + "Environment mimicked in inventory. "
            + replaced
            + " stack(s) given (max: 18).");
 public void executeAddItemAddsItem() {
   Item item = getRegularItem();
   inventory.executeAddItem(InventorySlot.ARMOR, item);
   assertEquals(item, inventory.getItem(InventorySlot.ARMOR));