private boolean onTick() { tickNumber++; // Not calling "cfgManager.makeSureConfigurationIsLoaded()" for performance reasons InvTweaksConfig config = cfgManager.getConfig(); if (config == null) { return false; } // Clone the hotbar to be able to monitor changes on it if (itemPickupPending) { onItemPickup(); } apn currentScreen = getCurrentScreen(); if (currentScreen == null || isGuiInventory(currentScreen)) { cloneHotbar(); } // Handle sort key changes if (sortingKeyCodeCache != getKeyCode(SORT_KEY_BINDING)) { if (sortingKeyCodeCache == -1) { sortingKeyCodeCache = getKeyCode(SORT_KEY_BINDING); } else { int keyCode = getKeyCode(SORT_KEY_BINDING); if (keyCode > 0) { config.setProperty(InvTweaksConfig.PROP_KEY_SORT_INVENTORY, Keyboard.getKeyName(keyCode)); } } } handleConfigSwitch(); return true; }
private boolean onTick() { tickNumber++; // Not calling "cfgManager.makeSureConfigurationIsLoaded()" for performance reasons InvTweaksConfig config = cfgManager.getConfig(); if (config == null) { return false; } // Clone the hotbar to be able to monitor changes on it if (itemPickupPending) { onItemPickup(); } aue currentScreen = getCurrentScreen(); if (currentScreen == null || isGuiInventory(currentScreen)) { cloneHotbar(); } // Handle sort key if (Keyboard.isKeyDown(config.getSortKeyCode())) { if (!sortKeyDown) { sortKeyDown = true; onSortingKeyPressed(); } } else { sortKeyDown = false; } // Handle config switch handleConfigSwitch(); return true; }