public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    String category = "";
    String training = "";
    String testing = "";
    for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
      if (args[i].equals("-c")) {
        category = args[i + 1];
      if (args[i].equals("-train")) {
        training = args[i + 1];
      if (args[i].equals("-test")) {
        testing = args[i + 1];

    System.out.println("Removing temp files...");
    File folder = new File(".");
    for (File f : folder.listFiles()) {
      if (f.getName().endsWith(".data")) {
        f.delete(); // may fail mysteriously - returns boolean you may want to check
    // MaxentTagger tagger = new MaxentTagger("taggers/english-left3words-distsim.tagger");
    Documents doc = new Documents();
    Instances ins = new Instances();
    String[] files = new String[2];
    files[0] = training;
    files[1] = testing;
    Map<String, String[]> alltext = doc.getTextFromFile(files, training, testing);
    Map<String, String[]> alltextOriginal = doc.getTextFromFile(files, training, testing);

    ArrayList<String> dictionary = ins.dictionary(alltext);
    // ArrayList<String> dictionary = ins.dictionaryWithPosTag(alltext,tagger);

    String[] categories = new String[1];
    categories[0] = category;

    int initialTestDataSize = ins.getTestDataSize(alltext); // the inistial size of testing data
    Map<String, Integer> finalPredictionLabels =
        new HashMap<
            String, Integer>(); // A map to store the final predicted labels for evaluation purpose
    // Build a model on each defect category
    int positive = 0;
    int negative = 0;
    for (String c : categories) {
      // These two lines generate the initial training and testing sets for the current defect
      // category
      ins.generateTrainingFile(dictionary, alltext, c);
      ins.generateTestingFile(dictionary, alltext, c);

      // define a counter for iteration number
      int iterationNum = 1;
      while (ins.getTestDataSize(alltext) != 0) {
            "Iteration " + iterationNum + "...(" + initialTestDataSize + " iterations left)");
        svm_iteration(c); // Iterative learning

        // Create a map to store the probabilities the SVM classifier output on the test data in
        // each iteration
        Map<String, Double> predictedProbabilityMap = ins.getPredictedProbability(alltext, c);
        // Create a map to store the labels the SVM classifier predicted on the test data in each
        // iteration
        Map<String, Integer> predictedLabelsMap = ins.getPredictedLabels(alltext, c);
        // The selected instance with highest probability
        String[] selectedKey_type = ins.selectInstanceHighest(predictedProbabilityMap);
        int selectedLabel = 0;
        if (selectedKey_type[1].equals("keep")) {
          System.out.println("Skip adding");
          selectedLabel = predictedLabelsMap.get(selectedKey_type[0]);
          alltext =
                  alltext, selectedKey_type[0], selectedLabel, dictionary, c);

        if (selectedKey_type[1].equals("add")) {
          selectedLabel = predictedLabelsMap.get(selectedKey_type[0]);
          System.out.println("adding instance " + selectedLabel);
          alltext = ins.updateAllText(alltext, selectedKey_type[0], selectedLabel, dictionary, c);
          if (selectedLabel == 1) positive++;
          if (selectedLabel == -1) negative++;
          // alltext = ins.updateAllTextNoSelection(alltext, selectedKey_type[0],
          // selectedLabel,dictionary, c);

        /*if(selectedKey_type[1].equals("add")) {
        	selectedLabel = predictedLabelsMap.get(selectedKey_type[0]);
        	if(selectedLabel == 1){
        		System.out.println("adding instance " + selectedLabel);
        		alltext = ins.updateAllText(alltext, selectedKey_type[0], selectedLabel,dictionary, c);
        		System.out.println("Skip adding");
        		alltext = ins.updateAllTextNoSelection(alltext, selectedKey_type[0], selectedLabel,dictionary, c);
        	if(selectedLabel == 1) positive++;
        	if(selectedLabel == -1) negative++;


        // The predicted label of the selected instance above
        // int selectedLabel = predictedLabelsMap.get(selectedKey);

        // Add the selected instance to the final prediction
        finalPredictionLabels.put(selectedKey_type[0], selectedLabel);
        /*Update "alltext" map after converting the selected testing instance (with highest probability) to training instance,
          whereThe label of selected instance is changed to "train" from "test".
        // alltext = ins.updateAllText(alltext, selectedKey, selectedLabel,dictionary, c);
        // Generate training and testing files again
        ins.generateTrainingFile(dictionary, alltext, c);
        ins.generateTestingFile(dictionary, alltext, c);

        // Update iteration number and testing data size
        System.out.println("     Label+ : " + positive + " Label- : " + negative);
        evaluate(alltextOriginal, finalPredictionLabels, c);