/** * Determines whether the AMI of the given instance matches the AMI of template and has the * required label (if requiredLabel is non-null) */ private boolean checkInstance( PrintStream logger, Instance existingInstance, Label requiredLabel, EC2AbstractSlave[] returnNode) { logProvision(logger, "checkInstance: " + existingInstance); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(getIamInstanceProfile())) { if (existingInstance.getIamInstanceProfile() != null) { if (!existingInstance.getIamInstanceProfile().getArn().equals(getIamInstanceProfile())) { logProvision(logger, " false - IAM Instance profile does not match"); return false; } // Match, fall through } else { logProvision(logger, " false - Null IAM Instance profile"); return false; } } if (existingInstance .getState() .getName() .equalsIgnoreCase(InstanceStateName.Terminated.toString()) || existingInstance .getState() .getName() .equalsIgnoreCase(InstanceStateName.ShuttingDown.toString())) { logProvision(logger, " false - Instance is terminated or shutting down"); return false; } // See if we know about this and it has capacity for (EC2AbstractSlave node : NodeIterator.nodes(EC2AbstractSlave.class)) { if (node.getInstanceId().equals(existingInstance.getInstanceId())) { logProvision(logger, "Found existing corresponding Jenkins slave: " + node.getInstanceId()); if (!node.toComputer().isPartiallyIdle()) { logProvision(logger, " false - Node is not partially idle"); return false; } // REMOVEME - this was added to force provision to work, but might not allow // stopped instances to be found - need to investigate further else if (false && node.toComputer().isOffline()) { logProvision(logger, " false - Node is offline"); return false; } else if (requiredLabel != null && !requiredLabel.matches(node.getAssignedLabels())) { logProvision(logger, " false - we need a Node having label " + requiredLabel); return false; } else { logProvision(logger, " true - Node has capacity - can use it"); returnNode[0] = node; return true; } } } logProvision(logger, " true - Instance has no node, but can be used"); return true; }
/** * Counts the number of instances in EC2 currently running that are using the specified image and * a template. * * @param ami If AMI is left null, then all instances are counted and template description is * ignored. * <p>This includes those instances that may be started outside Jenkins. * @param templateDesc */ public int countCurrentEC2Slaves(String ami, String templateDesc) throws AmazonClientException { int n = 0; for (Reservation r : connect().describeInstances().getReservations()) { for (Instance i : r.getInstances()) { if (isEc2ProvisionedAmiSlave(i, ami, templateDesc)) { InstanceStateName stateName = InstanceStateName.fromValue(i.getState().getName()); if (stateName == InstanceStateName.Pending || stateName == InstanceStateName.Running) { EC2AbstractSlave foundSlave = null; for (EC2AbstractSlave ec2Node : NodeIterator.nodes(EC2AbstractSlave.class)) { if (ec2Node.getInstanceId().equals(i.getInstanceId())) { foundSlave = ec2Node; break; } } // Don't count disconnected slaves as being used, we will connected them later is // required if (foundSlave != null && foundSlave.toComputer().isOffline()) continue; n++; } } } } // Count pending spot requests too for (SpotInstanceRequest sir : connect().describeSpotInstanceRequests().getSpotInstanceRequests()) { // Count Spot requests that are open and still have a // chance to be active. if (sir.getState().equals("open")) { n++; } } return n; }
/** * Provisions an On-demand EC2 slave by launching a new instance or starting a previously-stopped * instance. */ private EC2AbstractSlave provisionOndemand( TaskListener listener, Label requiredLabel, EnumSet<ProvisionOptions> provisionOptions) throws AmazonClientException, IOException { PrintStream logger = listener.getLogger(); AmazonEC2 ec2 = getParent().connect(); try { logProvisionInfo(logger, "Considering launching " + ami + " for template " + description); KeyPair keyPair = getKeyPair(ec2); RunInstancesRequest riRequest = new RunInstancesRequest(ami, 1, 1); InstanceNetworkInterfaceSpecification net = new InstanceNetworkInterfaceSpecification(); riRequest.setEbsOptimized(ebsOptimized); if (useEphemeralDevices) { setupEphemeralDeviceMapping(riRequest); } else { setupCustomDeviceMapping(riRequest); } if (stopOnTerminate) { riRequest.setInstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior(ShutdownBehavior.Stop); logProvisionInfo( logger, "Setting Instance Initiated Shutdown Behavior : ShutdownBehavior.Stop"); } else { riRequest.setInstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior(ShutdownBehavior.Terminate); logProvisionInfo( logger, "Setting Instance Initiated Shutdown Behavior : ShutdownBehavior.Terminate"); } List<Filter> diFilters = new ArrayList<Filter>(); diFilters.add(new Filter("image-id").withValues(ami)); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(getZone())) { Placement placement = new Placement(getZone()); if (getUseDedicatedTenancy()) { placement.setTenancy("dedicated"); } riRequest.setPlacement(placement); diFilters.add(new Filter("availability-zone").withValues(getZone())); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(getSubnetId())) { if (getAssociatePublicIp()) { net.setSubnetId(getSubnetId()); } else { riRequest.setSubnetId(getSubnetId()); } diFilters.add(new Filter("subnet-id").withValues(getSubnetId())); /* * If we have a subnet ID then we can only use VPC security groups */ if (!securityGroupSet.isEmpty()) { List<String> groupIds = getEc2SecurityGroups(ec2); if (!groupIds.isEmpty()) { if (getAssociatePublicIp()) { net.setGroups(groupIds); } else { riRequest.setSecurityGroupIds(groupIds); } diFilters.add(new Filter("instance.group-id").withValues(groupIds)); } } } else { /* No subnet: we can use standard security groups by name */ riRequest.setSecurityGroups(securityGroupSet); if (!securityGroupSet.isEmpty()) { diFilters.add(new Filter("instance.group-name").withValues(securityGroupSet)); } } String userDataString = Base64.encodeBase64String(userData.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); riRequest.setUserData(userDataString); riRequest.setKeyName(keyPair.getKeyName()); diFilters.add(new Filter("key-name").withValues(keyPair.getKeyName())); riRequest.setInstanceType(type.toString()); diFilters.add(new Filter("instance-type").withValues(type.toString())); if (getAssociatePublicIp()) { net.setAssociatePublicIpAddress(true); net.setDeviceIndex(0); riRequest.withNetworkInterfaces(net); } boolean hasCustomTypeTag = false; HashSet<Tag> instTags = null; if (tags != null && !tags.isEmpty()) { instTags = new HashSet<Tag>(); for (EC2Tag t : tags) { instTags.add(new Tag(t.getName(), t.getValue())); diFilters.add(new Filter("tag:" + t.getName()).withValues(t.getValue())); if (StringUtils.equals(t.getName(), EC2Tag.TAG_NAME_JENKINS_SLAVE_TYPE)) { hasCustomTypeTag = true; } } } if (!hasCustomTypeTag) { if (instTags == null) { instTags = new HashSet<Tag>(); } // Append template description as well to identify slaves provisioned per template instTags.add( new Tag( EC2Tag.TAG_NAME_JENKINS_SLAVE_TYPE, EC2Cloud.getSlaveTypeTagValue(EC2Cloud.EC2_SLAVE_TYPE_DEMAND, description))); } DescribeInstancesRequest diRequest = new DescribeInstancesRequest(); diRequest.setFilters(diFilters); logProvision(logger, "Looking for existing instances with describe-instance: " + diRequest); DescribeInstancesResult diResult = ec2.describeInstances(diRequest); EC2AbstractSlave[] ec2Node = new EC2AbstractSlave[1]; Instance existingInstance = null; if (!provisionOptions.contains(ProvisionOptions.FORCE_CREATE)) { reservationLoop: for (Reservation reservation : diResult.getReservations()) { for (Instance instance : reservation.getInstances()) { if (checkInstance(logger, instance, requiredLabel, ec2Node)) { existingInstance = instance; logProvision( logger, "Found existing instance: " + existingInstance + ((ec2Node[0] != null) ? (" node: " + ec2Node[0].getInstanceId()) : "")); break reservationLoop; } } } } if (existingInstance == null) { if (!provisionOptions.contains(ProvisionOptions.FORCE_CREATE) && !provisionOptions.contains(ProvisionOptions.ALLOW_CREATE)) { logProvision(logger, "No existing instance found - but cannot create new instance"); return null; } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(getIamInstanceProfile())) { riRequest.setIamInstanceProfile( new IamInstanceProfileSpecification().withArn(getIamInstanceProfile())); } // Have to create a new instance Instance inst = ec2.runInstances(riRequest).getReservation().getInstances().get(0); /* Now that we have our instance, we can set tags on it */ if (instTags != null) { updateRemoteTags(ec2, instTags, "InvalidInstanceID.NotFound", inst.getInstanceId()); // That was a remote request - we should also update our // local instance data. inst.setTags(instTags); } logProvisionInfo(logger, "No existing instance found - created new instance: " + inst); return newOndemandSlave(inst); } if (existingInstance .getState() .getName() .equalsIgnoreCase(InstanceStateName.Stopping.toString()) || existingInstance .getState() .getName() .equalsIgnoreCase(InstanceStateName.Stopped.toString())) { List<String> instances = new ArrayList<String>(); instances.add(existingInstance.getInstanceId()); StartInstancesRequest siRequest = new StartInstancesRequest(instances); StartInstancesResult siResult = ec2.startInstances(siRequest); logProvisionInfo( logger, "Found stopped instance - starting it: " + existingInstance + " result:" + siResult); } else { // Should be pending or running at this point, just let it come up logProvisionInfo( logger, "Found existing pending or running: " + existingInstance.getState().getName() + " instance: " + existingInstance); } if (ec2Node[0] != null) { logProvisionInfo(logger, "Using existing slave: " + ec2Node[0].getInstanceId()); return ec2Node[0]; } // Existing slave not found logProvision(logger, "Creating new slave for existing instance: " + existingInstance); return newOndemandSlave(existingInstance); } catch (FormException e) { throw new AssertionError(e); // we should have discovered all // configuration issues upfront } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }