Exemple #1
  public void plotSymbol() {
    int row, col;
    Hexagon thisHex;
    Ellipse2D.Double thisEllipse;
    double x, y;
    int i;
    double[] radii = {10.85, 8.97, 7.10, 5.22, 3.31, 1.43};

    // Hexagons
    for (row = 0; row < 33; row++) {
      for (col = 0; col < 30; col++) {
        if (grid[row][col]) {
          thisHex = new Hexagon();

          x = (2.46 * col) + 1.23;
          if ((row & 1) != 0) {
            x += 1.23;
          y = (2.135 * row) + 1.43;

          thisHex.setCentre(x, y);

    // Circles
    for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
      thisEllipse = new Ellipse2D.Double();
      thisEllipse.setFrameFromCenter(35.76, 35.60, 35.76 + radii[i], 35.60 + radii[i]);
Exemple #2
  /** internal (axial) coordinates should match chess notation */
  public void testGetFieldByNotation() throws Exception {
    Hexagon hexagon = hexboard.getFieldByNotation("I8");
    String notation = hexagon.getNotation();
    int q = hexagon.getQ();
    int r = hexagon.getR();

    int[] expected = {-1, 8};
    int[] actual = {q, r};
    assertArrayEquals(expected, actual);
    assertEquals(notation, "I8");
  public void render() {

    for (Hexagon hex : hexes) {
      Colour colour;

      if (hex.x == currentTile.x && hex.y == currentTile.y) {
        colour = new Colour(1, 1, 1, 1);
      } else {
        colour = new Colour(1, 1, 1, 0.2);

Exemple #4
  * {@inheritDoc}
  * @param positions A {@link List} of {@link Hexagon}s to check.
  * @return Returns true if at least one position is occupied. Returns false if no position is
  *     occupied.
 public boolean areFieldsOccupied(List<Hexagon> positions) {
   return getFigures()
           // Filter removed figures out
           .filter(hexagonFigure -> !hexagonFigure.isRemoved())
           // Just keep the figures, that have the same position as one in our "positions" List.
               hexagonFigure -> {
                 for (Hexagon position : positions) {
                   if (hexagonFigure.getPosition().getNotation().equals(position.getNotation()))
                     return true;
                 return false;
       == positions.size();
Exemple #5
public class Pathfinder extends JFrame {
  public static boolean showtrace = true; // does not erase image

  protected Image diamondgif, mangif; // animated gif images
  protected Graphics display;
  protected int gap = 16; // side/radius of hexagon
  protected int yoff = 40;
  protected Astar PG;
  int rows, cols;
  int XDIM, YDIM; // window dimensions
  int gobx, goby, profx, profy;
  //    protected Image[] imageof; // image vector for terrain.
  protected Image[] imagechar; // image vector for character based on terrain.
  Color[] colorof = {
    Color.green, Color.darkGray, Color.orange, Color.blue
  }; // color corresponding to each terrain type.

  // graphical representation
  Hexagon[][] HX;
  int hpdist = Hexagon.calchpdist(gap);

  // access center graphical coordinates at cell i,j
  int getx(int i, int j) {
    return HX[i][j].x;

  int gety(int i, int j) {
    return HX[i][j].y;

  public void paint(Graphics g) {} // override automatic repaint

  public Pathfinder(int r, int c) // constructor
    rows = r;
    cols = c;

    HX = new Hexagon[r][c];

    for (int i = 0; i < r; i++) {
      int odd = i % 2;
      for (int j = 0; j < c; j++) {
        HX[i][j] =
            new Hexagon(yoff / 2 + (j * 2 + odd) * hpdist, yoff + gap + (3 * gap / 2 * i), gap);
    } // for i,j

    PG = new MyAstar(r, c); // note it's myastar, not astar

    XDIM = cols * hpdist * 2 + yoff; // ((cols+1)*gap*3)/2;
    YDIM = ((rows + 1) * gap * 3) / 2;
    this.setBounds(0, 0, XDIM + 5, YDIM + yoff + 5);
    display = this.getGraphics();

    diamondgif = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("gem1.gif");
    prepareImage(diamondgif, this);
    mangif = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("man15.gif");
    prepareImage(mangif, this);

    imagechar = new Image[4]; // image of character while on terrain type
    imagechar[Astar.OPEN] = mangif;
    imagechar[Astar.WATER] = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("boat.gif");
    prepareImage(imagechar[Astar.WATER], this);

    imagechar[Astar.DESERT] = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("camel.gif");
    prepareImage(imagechar[Astar.DESERT], this);

    imagechar[Astar.FOREST] = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("bear.gif");
    prepareImage(imagechar[Astar.FOREST], this);

    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {
    } // Synch with system
    // draw static background as a green rectangle
    display.fillRect(0, 0, XDIM, YDIM + yoff); // fill background

    // generate random starting positions.
    // generate initial positions of professor and diamond
    do {
      gobx = (int) (Math.random() * PG.COLS);
      goby = (int) (Math.random() * PG.ROWS);
    } while (PG.M[goby][gobx] != PG.OPEN);
    do {
      profx = (int) (Math.random() * PG.COLS);
      profy = (int) (Math.random() * PG.ROWS);
    } while (PG.M[profy][profx] != PG.OPEN || Astar.distance(goby, gobx, profy, profx) < 20);

    // draw map
    System.out.println(profy + "," + profx + " " + goby + "," + gobx);
    // draw professor and diamond, initial position
    int px = getx(profy, profx), py = gety(profy, profx); // center hx coords
        imagechar[PG.M[profy][profx]], (px - gap / 2), (py - gap / 2), gap, gap, null);
    px = getx(goby, gobx);
    py = gety(goby, gobx);
    display.drawImage(diamondgif, px - gap / 2, py - gap / 2, gap, gap, null);
  } // constructor

  public void animate() {
    // invert path.
    Coord path = PG.search(goby, gobx, profy, profx);
    // coord path = PG.search(profy,profx, goby,gobx);
    if (path == null) {
      display.drawString("NO PATH TO TARGET!", 50, 100);
      System.out.println("no path");
    int px = 0, py = 0; // for calculating graphical coords
    while (path != null) {
      px = getx(path.y, path.x);
      py = gety(path.y, path.x);
          imagechar[PG.M[path.y][path.x]], (px - gap / 2), (py - gap / 2), gap, gap, null);
      //	      display.drawImage(imagechar[PG.M[path.y][path.x]],
      //				(path.x*gap),(path.y*gap)+yoff,gap,gap,null);

      System.out.printf("%d,%d: %d\n", path.y, path.x, PG.M[path.y][path.x]);

      try {
      } catch (Exception se) {
      //	      display.drawImage(imageof[PG.M[path.y][path.x]],
      //				(path.x*gap),(path.y*gap)+yoff,gap,gap,null);
      //	      display.setColor(Color.red);
      //      	      display.fillOval((path.x*gap)+8,(path.y*gap)+yoff+8,4,4);
      // for animation:
      //	      display.drawImage(diamondgif,gobx*gap,goby*gap+yoff,gap,gap,null);

      if (!showtrace) // erase trail - redraw hexagon
      path = path.prev;
    } // with path!=null
    px = getx(goby, gobx);
    py = gety(goby, gobx);
    display.drawImage(diamondgif, px - gap / 2, py - gap / 2, gap, gap, null);
    display.drawImage(imagechar[PG.M[goby][gobx]], px - gap / 2, py - gap / 2, gap, gap, null);
  } // animate

  public void drawmap() {
    int i, j;
    for (i = 0; i < PG.ROWS; i++)
      for (j = 0; j < PG.COLS; j++) {

        //		    display.drawImage(imageof[PG.M[i][j]],j*gap,(i*gap)+yoff,gap,gap,null);
    // try{Thread.sleep(1000);} catch(Exception e) {}
  } // drawmap

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    int r = 32;
    int c = 44;
    Pathfinder pf = new Pathfinder(r, c);
} // class pathfinder