Exemple #1
   * Load HPM configuration file.
   * @param configFile - the HPM configuration file path
   * @throws IOException
  public static void loadConfiguration(String configFile) throws IOException {
    Properties props = new Properties();
    props.load(new FileInputStream(configFile));

    url = props.getProperty("url");
    endPoint = props.getProperty("endPoint");
    callbackURL = props.getProperty("callbackURL");
    username = props.getProperty("username");
    password = props.getProperty("password");
    publicKeyString = props.getProperty("publicKey");
    jsPath = props.getProperty("jsPath");
    Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(".+hosted/(.+)/zuora.+");
    Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(jsPath);
    if (matcher.matches()) {
      jsVersion = matcher.group(1);

    for (Object key : props.keySet()) {
      pattern = Pattern.compile("page\\.([^\\.]+)\\.([^\\.]+)");
      matcher = pattern.matcher((String) key);
      if (matcher.matches()) {
        String value = props.getProperty((String) key);

        String name = matcher.group(1);
        HPMPage page = pages.get(name);
        if (page == null) {
          page = new HPMPage();
          pages.put(name, page);

        if ("pageId".equals(matcher.group(2))) {
        } else if ("paymentGateway".equals(matcher.group(2))) {
        } else if ("locale".equals(matcher.group(2))) {
          List<String> locales = new ArrayList<String>();
          for (String locale : value.split(",")) {
            if (!"".equals(locale.trim())) {

Exemple #2
   * Fill params and encrypt PCI pre-populate fields.
   * @param pageName - Page Name specified in HPM configuration file
   * @param params - Map of params which will be passed to Z.render. tenantId, id, token, signature,
   *     key, url and paymentGateway will be filled by this method.
   * @param prepopulateFields - Map of pre-populate fields which will be passed to Z.render.
   * @throws Exception
  public static void prepareParamsAndFields(
      String pageName, Map<String, String> params, Map<String, String> prepopulateFields)
      throws Exception {
    HPMPage page = pages.get(pageName);
    if (page == null) {
      throw new Exception("Could not find Hosted Page configurations for " + pageName);

    JSONObject result = generateSignature(page.getPageId());

    params.put("tenantId", result.getString("tenantId"));
    params.put("id", page.getPageId());
    params.put("token", result.getString("token"));
    params.put("signature", result.getString("signature"));
    params.put("key", publicKeyString);
    params.put("url", url);
    params.put("paymentGateway", page.getPaymentGateway());

    for (Iterator<String> iterator = prepopulateFields.keySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {
      String key = iterator.next();
      String value = prepopulateFields.get(key);
      if (fieldToEncrypt.contains(key)) {
        value = RsaEncrypter.encrypt(value, publicKeyString);
        if ("1.0.0".equals(jsVersion) || "1.1.0".equals(jsVersion)) {
          // For zuora.js version 1.0.0 and 1.1.0, PCI pre-populate fields are in params.
          params.put("field_" + key, value);
        } else {
          // For zuora.js version 1.2.0 and later, PCI pre-populate fields are in prepopulateFields.
          prepopulateFields.put(key, value);

    if ("1.0.0".equals(jsVersion)) {
      // For zuora.js version 1.0.0, encode the values in params except url.
      for (String key : params.keySet()) {
        if (!"url".equals(key)) {
          params.put(key, URLEncoder.encode(params.get(key), "UTF-8"));
Exemple #3
   * Validate signature using Hosted Page configuration
   * @param signature - signature need to validate
   * @param expiredAfter - expired time in millisecond after the signature is created
   * @throws Exception
  public static void validBasicSignature(String signature, long expiredAfter) throws Exception {
    // Need to get value from configration page and value from request to construct the
    // encryptedString.

    // SignatureDecrypter.verifyAdvancedSignature(signature, encryptedString, publicKeyString);

    String decryptedSignature = SignatureDecrypter.decryptAsString(signature, publicKeyString);
    // Validate signature.
    if (StringUtils.isBlank(decryptedSignature)) {
      throw new Exception("Signature is empty.");

    StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(decryptedSignature, "#");
    String url_signature = st.nextToken();
    String tenanId_signature = st.nextToken();
    String token_signature = st.nextToken();
    String timestamp_signature = st.nextToken();
    String pageId_signature = st.nextToken();

    if (StringUtils.isBlank(url_signature)
        || StringUtils.isBlank(tenanId_signature)
        || StringUtils.isBlank(token_signature)
        || StringUtils.isBlank(timestamp_signature)
        || StringUtils.isBlank(pageId_signature)) {
      throw new Exception("Signature is not complete.");

    boolean isPageIdValid = false;
    for (HPMPage page : pages.values()) {
      if (page.getPageId().equals(pageId_signature)) {
        isPageIdValid = true;
    if (!isPageIdValid) {
      throw new Exception("Page Id in signature is invalid.");

    if ((new Date()).getTime() > (Long.parseLong(timestamp_signature) + expiredAfter)) {
      throw new Exception("Signature is expired.");