protected void drawValues(GraphicsContext g, int width, int height) {
    ChartContentProvider content = getContentProvider();
    ChartColorProvider colors = getColorProvider();
    int itemOffset = getItemWindow().getOffset();
    int itemCount = getItemWindow().getCount();
    int seriesOffset = 0;
    int layerOffset = 0;
    float itemWidth = getItemWidth();
    double minValue = getMinValue();
    float base = (float) -minValue * getValueScale();
    Range itemSelection = getItemSelection();
    ColorRGBA seriesColor = colors.getSeriesColor(layerOffset, seriesOffset);

    for (int i = 0; i < itemCount; i++) {
      // FIXME: 0.25f and 0.5f should be variables/constants
      float x0 = (float) i * itemWidth + 0.25f * itemWidth;
      float x1 = x0 + 0.5f * itemWidth;

      float y0 = base;
      float y1 = base;

      double value = content.getValue(layerOffset, seriesOffset, i + itemOffset);

      if (!Double.isNaN(value)) {
        float scaledValue;
        scaledValue = (float) value * getValueScale();
        y1 = y0 + scaledValue;

        if (itemSelection.contains(itemOffset + i)) {
        } else {

        g.fillRectangle2D(x0, y0, x1, y1);
        y0 = y1;
      } else {
        // Loss could be marked in this else clause,
        // if desired in the future
  protected void drawAxesTicks(GraphicsContext g, int width, int height) {
    int itemTickStep = getItemTickStep();
    int itemOffset = getItemWindow().getOffset();
    int itemCount = getItemWindow().getCount();
    float itemWidth = getItemWidth();
    float xOffset = 0.5f * itemWidth + (itemTickStep - 1 - itemOffset % itemTickStep) * itemWidth;
    float xStep = itemWidth * (float) itemTickStep;
    float xLimit = itemWidth * itemCount;
    float yOffset = (float) -getMinValue() * getValueScale();
    float tickLength = 6.0f;

    g.drawTicksX(xOffset, xStep, xLimit, 6.0f / getInnerScale(height), yOffset);

    double maxValue = getMaxValue();
    double minValue = getMinValue();
    float base = (float) -minValue * getValueScale();
    float yStep;

    final String boundsTestString = "0";
    double threshold = g.getTextBounds2D(GraphicsContext.FONT_LABEL, boundsTestString).getHeight();

    if (maxValue >= Math.abs(minValue)) {
      yStep = (float) (getAdaptiveStepSize(maxValue, height, threshold) * getValueScale());
    } else {
      yStep =
          (float) (getAdaptiveStepSize(Math.abs(minValue), height, threshold) * getValueScale());

    if (getMaxValue() > 0) {
      // Draw positive Y ticks
      g.drawTicksY(base, yStep, 1.01f, tickLength, 0.0f);

    if (getMinValue() < 0) {
      // Draw negative Y ticks
      g.drawTicksY(base, -yStep, -0.01f, tickLength, 0.0f);
  public void drawWhiteEdge(Edge e) {
    // Graphics
    GraphicsContext gc = kochPanel.getGraphicsContext2D();

    // Adjust edge for zoom and drag
    Edge e1 = edgeAfterZoomAndDrag(e);

    // Set line color

    // Set line width depending on level
    if (currentLevel <= 3) {
    } else if (currentLevel <= 5) {
    } else {

    // Draw line
    gc.strokeLine(e1.X1, e1.Y1, e1.X2, e1.Y2);
 public void clearKochPanel() {
   GraphicsContext gc = kochPanel.getGraphicsContext2D();
   gc.clearRect(0.0, 0.0, kpWidth, kpHeight);
   gc.fillRect(0.0, 0.0, kpWidth, kpHeight);