/** * Returns a list of integer values generated by this layer. These may be interpreted as * temperatures, rainfall amounts, or biomeList[] indices based on the particular GenLayer * subclass. */ public int[] getInts(int par1, int par2, int par3, int par4) { int ai[] = biomePatternGeneratorChain.getInts(par1, par2, par3, par4); int ai1[] = riverPatternGeneratorChain.getInts(par1, par2, par3, par4); int ai2[] = IntCache.getIntCache(par3 * par4); for (int i = 0; i < par3 * par4; i++) { if (ai[i] == BiomeGenBase.ocean.biomeID) { ai2[i] = ai[i]; continue; } if (ai1[i] >= 0) { if (ai[i] == BiomeGenBase.icePlains.biomeID) { ai2[i] = BiomeGenBase.frozenRiver.biomeID; continue; } if (ai[i] == BiomeGenBase.mushroomIsland.biomeID || ai[i] == BiomeGenBase.mushroomIslandShore.biomeID) { ai2[i] = BiomeGenBase.mushroomIslandShore.biomeID; } else { ai2[i] = ai1[i]; } } else { ai2[i] = ai[i]; } } return ai2; }
public WorldChunkManager(long i0, WorldType worldtype) { this(); GenLayer[] agenlayer = GenLayer.a(i0, worldtype); this.d = agenlayer[0]; this.e = agenlayer[1]; }
/** * Initialize layer's local worldGenSeed based on its own baseSeed and the world's global seed * (passed in as an argument). */ public void initWorldGenSeed(long par1) { worldGenSeed = par1; if (parent != null) { parent.initWorldGenSeed(par1); } worldGenSeed *= worldGenSeed * 0x5851f42d4c957f2dL + 0x14057b7ef767814fL; worldGenSeed += baseSeed; worldGenSeed *= worldGenSeed * 0x5851f42d4c957f2dL + 0x14057b7ef767814fL; worldGenSeed += baseSeed; worldGenSeed *= worldGenSeed * 0x5851f42d4c957f2dL + 0x14057b7ef767814fL; worldGenSeed += baseSeed; }
public WorldChunkManager(long var1, WorldType var3) { this(); GenLayer[] var4 = GenLayer.a(var1, var3); this.d = var4[0]; this.e = var4[1]; }
public void func_35496_b(long l) { field_35512_b.func_35496_b(l); field_35513_c.func_35496_b(l); super.func_35496_b(l); }
/** * Initialize layer's local worldGenSeed based on its own baseSeed and the world's global seed * (passed in as an argument). */ public void initWorldGenSeed(long par1) { biomePatternGeneratorChain.initWorldGenSeed(par1); riverPatternGeneratorChain.initWorldGenSeed(par1); super.initWorldGenSeed(par1); }