protected void loadGameInfo() throws Exception { Engine engine = Engine.getSharedInstance(); // Singleton! GameInfo gameInfo = new HelloWorldGameInfo(); engine.pushInputController((InputController) gameInfo); gameInfo.onGameStart(); engine.setGameInfo(gameInfo); }
public void addPlayer(ServerPlayer p) { if (myInfo.addPlayer(p) && !inProgress) { myGame = new GameState(myInfo.getPlayers()); myModel = new GameModel(myGame, this); this.updateGame(myGame); this.updateGame(new PromptUnits()); inProgress = true; } else if (inProgress) { this.updateGame(); } }
public void receiveCommandList(CommandList ls) { turnCommands.addCommands(ls.getCommands()); commandsReceived++; System.out.println(commandsReceived + " " + myInfo.getPlayers().size()); if (commandsReceived >= myInfo.getPlayers().size()) { this.processCommands(); if (!unitsPlaced) { unitsPlaced = true; this.start(); } } }
public ServerGame(GameInfo info, GameState game, ObjectServer os) { myInfo = info; myInfo.getPlayers().clear(); myGame = game; myServer = os; myModel = new GameModel(myGame, this); if (!myInfo.getOriginalPlayers().isEmpty()) { unitsPlaced = true; inProgress = true; this.start(); } }
private JSONObject specialMove(int gameCount) { Random randomNum = new Random(); GameInfo gameInfo; JSONObject jObj = new JSONObject(); JSONObject action = new JSONObject(); int game; int addPoints; int special; // Gets random number to denote which game to use action on game = getRandomGame(gameCount); gameInfo = gameRecord.get(game); // Checks if all specials are used if (gameInfo.checkSpecial()) { return moveUser(gameCount); } // Gets random number to denote which special move to use special = randomNum.nextInt(4); while (gameInfo.checkSpecialMove(special)) { special = randomNum.nextInt(4); } gameInfo.useSpecialMove(special); addPoints = randomNum.nextInt(41) - 20; gameInfo.addPoints(addPoints); gameInfo.incrementCount(); try { jObj.put("game", game); action.put("actionType", "specialMove"); action.put("actionNumber", gameInfo.getCount()); action.put("pointsAdded", addPoints); if (special == SHUFFLE) { action.put("move", "Shuffle"); } else if (special == CLEAR) { action.put("move", "Clear"); } else if (special == INVERT) { action.put("move", "Invert"); } else { action.put("move", "Rotate"); } action.put("points", gameInfo.getPoints()); jObj.put("action", action); jObj.put("user", gameInfo.getUser()); } catch (JSONException e) { System.out.println("could not put"); } return jObj; }
public static void processCommand(Command c, PlayerConnection pc) { byte commandType = c.getCommandType(); System.out.println("Command Type: " + commandType); if (commandType == GAME_INFO) { switch (c.getCommandSpecific()) { case GAME_INFO_HEARTBEAT: GameInfo.processHeartbeat(c, pc); case GAME_INFO_LOGIN: GameInfo.processLogin(c, pc); case GAME_INFO_IMAGESET_REQUEST: GameInfo.processImageSetRequest(c, pc); // case GAME_INFO_LOGOUT: GameInfo.processLogout(c,pc); } } if (commandType == GAME_LOOKUP) { switch (c.getCommandSpecific()) { // case GAME_LOOKUP_PLAYER_ID: GameLookup.lookupPlayerID(c,pc);break; // case GAME_LOOKUP_PLAYER_NAME: GameLookup.lookupPlayerName(c,pc);break; // case GAME_LOOKUP_CHARACTER_ID: GameLookup.lookupCharacterID(c,pc);break; // case GAME_LOOKUP_CHARACTER_NAME: GameLookup.lookupCharacterName(c,pc);break; // case GAME_LOOKUP_MAP_ID: GameLookup.lookupMapID(c,pc);break; // case GAME_LOOKUP_MAP_NAME: GameLookup.lookupMapName(c,pc);break; // case GAME_LOOKUP_MAP_REQUEST: GameLookup.lookupMap(c,pc);break; } } if (commandType == GAME_UPDATE) { switch (c.getCommandSpecific()) { case GAME_UPDATE_PHYSICS: GameUpdate.updatePhysics(c, pc); break; // case GAME_UPDATE_BASE_STATS: GameUpdate.updateBaseStats(c,pc);break; // case GAME_UPDATE_DERIVED_STATS: GameUpdate.updateDerivedStats(c,pc);break; // case GAME_UPDATE_PLAYER_INFO: GameUpdate.updatePlayerInfo(c,pc);break; // case GAME_UPDATE_QUEST: GameUpdate.updateQuest(c,pc); // case GAME_UPDATE_CREATURE: GameUpdate.updateCreature(c,pc); // case GAME_UPDATE_SCRIPT: GameUpdate.updateScript(c,pc); // case GAME_UPDATE_BUFFS: GameUpdate.updateBuffs(c,pc); } } if (commandType == GAME_ITEM) { switch (c.getCommandSpecific()) { } } }
private void processRace(GameInfo gameInfo, int race, long xp) { xp = raceXP.get(race) + xp; raceXP.put(race, xp); if (gameInfo.won()) { switch (gameInfo.getGameType()) { case GameInfo.DEFENSE: int defenseWon = defensiveGamesWon.get(race); defensiveGamesWon.put(race, defenseWon + 1); break; case GameInfo.BATTLE: int battleWon = battleGamesWon.get(race); battleGamesWon.put(race, battleWon + 1); break; default: Modules.LOG.error( "PlayerStats", "Unknown game type in player stats " + gameInfo.getGameType()); } } }
@Override public void update(GameManager manager) { if (manager.allPlayersReady()) { GameInfo gameInformation =; // We can only wait for a choice to be played if there is a choice manager.isChoicePlayed = gameInformation.getChoices().isEmpty(); // Unready the current player for the next state Player currentPlayer = manager.players.get(gameInformation.getPlayerColor()); // Send the game information to everyone for (Player player : manager.players.values()) { player.updateGameInfo(gameInformation, currentPlayer == player); } manager.unreadyPlayer(currentPlayer); manager.state = GameManagerState.WAIT_TO_REVEAL_DICE; } }
@Override public void visitGameNotification(GameNotification n) { synchronized (matches) { if (!matches.isEmpty()) { return; } } try { GameInfo info = n.getInfo(); int matchCount = info.getMaps().length; int matchNumber = 0; for (String map : info.getMaps()) { if (map.endsWith(".xml")) map = map.substring(0, map.indexOf('.')); Match match = new Match(info, map, options, matchNumber++, matchCount); debug("queuing match " + match); matches.add(match); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); fail("couldn't start the match: " + e.getMessage()); } }
private JSONObject endGame(int gameCount) { Random randomNum = new Random(); GameInfo gameInfo; JSONObject jObj = new JSONObject(); JSONObject action = new JSONObject(); int game; String status; game = getRandomGame(gameCount); gameInfo = gameRecord.get(game); gameInfo.incrementCount(); if (gameInfo.getCount() < 9) { return moveUser(gameCount); } if (gameInfo.getPoints() > 40 || gameInfo.getPoints() < -40) { status = "WIN"; } else { status = "LOSS"; } try { jObj.put("game", game); action.put("actionType", "gameEnd"); action.put("gameStatus", status); action.put("actionNumber", gameInfo.getCount()); action.put("points", gameInfo.getPoints()); jObj.put("action", action); jObj.put("user", gameInfo.getUser()); userIds[gameInfo.getId()] = false; gameRecord.remove(game); } catch (JSONException e) { System.out.println("could not put"); } return jObj; }
public void saveGameInfo(GameInfo gameInfo) throws IOException, JSONException { BufferedWriter writer = null; try { JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(); loadGameInfo(); for (int i = 0; i < mGameInfoList.size(); i++) { JSONObject jsonObject = mGameInfoList.get(i).toJson(); jsonArray.put(jsonObject); } jsonArray.put(gameInfo.toJson()); OutputStream outputStream = mContext.openFileOutput(mInfoFileName, Context.MODE_PRIVATE); writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(outputStream)); writer.write(jsonArray.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (writer != null) { writer.close(); } } }
public long increaseXP(GameInfo info) { long xp = info.getXP(); long xpToNextLevel = getLevelXP(currentLevel + 1) - totalXP; totalXP += xp; long temp = xp - xpToNextLevel; if (xp >= 0) { currentLevel++; long nextLevel = currentLevel + 1; while ((temp -= nextLevel) >= 0) { currentLevel++; nextLevel++; } } return xp; }
private JSONObject moveUser(int gameCount) { Random randomNum = new Random(); GameInfo gameInfo; JSONObject jObj = new JSONObject(); JSONObject action = new JSONObject(); JSONObject coords = new JSONObject(); int game; int xCoord; int yCoord; int addPoints; // Gets random number to denote which game to use action on game = getRandomGame(gameCount); xCoord = randomNum.nextInt(20) + 1; yCoord = randomNum.nextInt(20) + 1; addPoints = randomNum.nextInt(41) - 20; gameInfo = gameRecord.get(game); gameInfo.addPoints(addPoints); gameInfo.incrementCount(); try { jObj.put("game", game); coords.put("x", xCoord); coords.put("y", yCoord); action.put("actionType", "Move"); action.put("actionNumber", gameInfo.getCount()); action.put("location", coords); action.put("pointsAdded", addPoints); action.put("points", gameInfo.getPoints()); jObj.put("action", action); jObj.put("user", gameInfo.getUser()); } catch (JSONException e) { System.out.println("could not put"); } return jObj; }
public void update(GameInfo gameInfo) { int races = gameInfo.getLocalPlayerRaces(); CampaignLevel campaignLevel = gameInfo.getCampaignLevel(); if (campaignLevel != null && gameInfo.won()) { int stars = gameInfo.getStarCount(); campaignLevel.update(stars, gameInfo.getComputerLevel()); } long xp = increaseXP(gameInfo); for (int race : Races.asArray(races)) { processRace(gameInfo, race, xp); } if (gameInfo.won()) wins++; else losses++; if (longestGame < gameInfo.getLength()) longestGame = gameInfo.getLength(); if (shortestGame > gameInfo.getLength()) shortestGame = gameInfo.getLength(); if (highestLevelBeaten < gameInfo.getComputerLevel()) highestLevelBeaten = gameInfo.getComputerLevel(); if (highestScore < xp) highestScore = xp; for (Achievement achievement : achievements) { if (achievement.executeIfNotCompleted(this)) { // add achievement to list if it was executed for the first time gameInfo.addAchievement(achievement); } } }
private void setGameInfo(int gameNo, boolean isFavorite) { this.gameInfo = new GameInfo(); try { gameInfo.setEvent(getSanitizedString(DataBase.getEvent())); if (gameInfo.getEvent().equals("?")) { gameInfo.setEvent(""); } gameInfo.setSite(getSanitizedString(DataBase.getSite())); if (gameInfo.getSite().equals("?")) { gameInfo.setSite(""); } String date = DataBase.getDate(); if (date == null) { date = ""; } else if (date.endsWith(".??.??")) { date = date.substring(0, date.length() - 6); } else if (date.endsWith(".??")) { date = date.substring(0, date.length() - 3); } if (date.equals("?") || date.equals("????")) { date = ""; } gameInfo.setDate(date); gameInfo.setRound(getSanitizedString(DataBase.getRound())); if (gameInfo.getRound().equals("?")) { gameInfo.setRound(""); } gameInfo.setWhite(getSanitizedString(DataBase.getWhite())); gameInfo.setBlack(getSanitizedString(DataBase.getBlack())); String[] results = {"*", "1-0", "0-1", "1/2"}; gameInfo.setResult(results[DataBase.getResult()]); byte[] dbPgn = DataBase.getPGN(); if (dbPgn != null) { gameInfo.setPgn(loadPGN ? new String(DataBase.getPGN(), DataBase.SCID_ENCODING) : null); } } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { Log.e("SCID", "Error converting byte[] to String", e); } gameInfo.setId(gameNo); gameInfo.setFavorite(isFavorite); gameInfo.setDeleted(DataBase.isDeleted()); }
public void endGame() { myServer.endGame(myInfo.getName()); }