private void updateRunningBalance(Long officeId, Date entityDate) {
    Map<Long, BigDecimal> runningBalanceMap = new HashMap<>(5);

    List<Map<String, Object>> list =
            officeRunningBalanceSql, officeId, entityDate, officeId, entityDate);
    for (Map<String, Object> entries : list) {
      Long accountId = (Long) entries.get("accountId");
      if (!runningBalanceMap.containsKey(accountId)) {
        runningBalanceMap.put(accountId, (BigDecimal) entries.get("runningBalance"));
    List<JournalEntryData> entryDatas =
            new Object[] {officeId, entityDate});
    String[] updateSql = new String[entryDatas.size()];
    int i = 0;
    for (JournalEntryData entryData : entryDatas) {
      BigDecimal runningBalance = calculateRunningBalance(entryData, runningBalanceMap);
      String sql =
          "UPDATE acc_gl_journal_entry je SET je.office_running_balance="
              + runningBalance
              + " WHERE"
              + entryData.getId();
      updateSql[i++] = sql;
  public JournalEntryData retrieveGLJournalEntryById(
      final long glJournalEntryId,
      JournalEntryAssociationParametersData associationParametersData) {
    try {

      final GLJournalEntryMapper rm = new GLJournalEntryMapper(associationParametersData);
      final String sql = "select " + rm.schema() + " where = ?";

      final JournalEntryData glJournalEntryData =
          this.jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql, rm, new Object[] {glJournalEntryId});

      return glJournalEntryData;
    } catch (final EmptyResultDataAccessException e) {
      throw new JournalEntriesNotFoundException(glJournalEntryId);
 public Page<JournalEntryData> retrieveJournalEntriesByEntityId(
     String transactionId, Long entityId, Integer entityType) {
   JournalEntryAssociationParametersData associationParametersData =
       new JournalEntryAssociationParametersData(true, true);
   try {
     final GLJournalEntryMapper rm = new GLJournalEntryMapper(associationParametersData);
     final String sql =
         "select "
             + rm.schema()
             + " where journalEntry.transaction_id = ? and journalEntry.entity_id = ? and journalEntry.entity_type_enum = ?";
     final String sqlCountRows = "SELECT FOUND_ROWS()";
     Object[] data = {transactionId, entityId, entityType};
     return this.paginationHelper.fetchPage(this.jdbcTemplate, sqlCountRows, sql, data, rm);
   } catch (final EmptyResultDataAccessException e) {
     throw new JournalEntriesNotFoundException(entityId);
  public Page<JournalEntryData> retrieveAll(
      final SearchParameters searchParameters,
      final Long glAccountId,
      final Boolean onlyManualEntries,
      final Date fromDate,
      final Date toDate,
      final String transactionId,
      final Integer entityType,
      final JournalEntryAssociationParametersData associationParametersData) {

    GLJournalEntryMapper rm = new GLJournalEntryMapper(associationParametersData);
    final StringBuilder sqlBuilder = new StringBuilder(200);
    sqlBuilder.append("select SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS ");

    final Object[] objectArray = new Object[15];
    int arrayPos = 0;
    String whereClose = " where ";

    if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(transactionId)) {
      sqlBuilder.append(whereClose + " journalEntry.transaction_id = ?");
      objectArray[arrayPos] = transactionId;
      arrayPos = arrayPos + 1;

      whereClose = " and ";

    if (entityType != null && entityType != 0 && (onlyManualEntries == null)) {

      sqlBuilder.append(whereClose + " journalEntry.entity_type_enum = ?");

      objectArray[arrayPos] = entityType;
      arrayPos = arrayPos + 1;

      whereClose = " and ";

    if (searchParameters.isOfficeIdPassed()) {
      sqlBuilder.append(whereClose + " journalEntry.office_id = ?");
      objectArray[arrayPos] = searchParameters.getOfficeId();
      arrayPos = arrayPos + 1;

      whereClose = " and ";

    if (searchParameters.isCurrencyCodePassed()) {
      sqlBuilder.append(whereClose + " journalEntry.currency_code = ?");
      objectArray[arrayPos] = searchParameters.getCurrencyCode();
      arrayPos = arrayPos + 1;

      whereClose = " and ";

    if (glAccountId != null && glAccountId != 0) {
      sqlBuilder.append(whereClose + " journalEntry.account_id = ?");
      objectArray[arrayPos] = glAccountId;
      arrayPos = arrayPos + 1;

      whereClose = " and ";

    if (fromDate != null || toDate != null) {
      final DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
      String fromDateString = null;
      String toDateString = null;
      if (fromDate != null && toDate != null) {
        sqlBuilder.append(whereClose + " journalEntry.entry_date between ? and ? ");

        whereClose = " and ";

        fromDateString = df.format(fromDate);
        toDateString = df.format(toDate);
        objectArray[arrayPos] = fromDateString;
        arrayPos = arrayPos + 1;
        objectArray[arrayPos] = toDateString;
        arrayPos = arrayPos + 1;
      } else if (fromDate != null) {
        sqlBuilder.append(whereClose + " journalEntry.entry_date >= ? ");
        fromDateString = df.format(fromDate);
        objectArray[arrayPos] = fromDateString;
        arrayPos = arrayPos + 1;
        whereClose = " and ";

      } else if (toDate != null) {
        sqlBuilder.append(whereClose + " journalEntry.entry_date <= ? ");
        toDateString = df.format(toDate);
        objectArray[arrayPos] = toDateString;
        arrayPos = arrayPos + 1;

        whereClose = " and ";

    if (onlyManualEntries != null) {
      if (onlyManualEntries) {
        sqlBuilder.append(whereClose + " journalEntry.manual_entry = 1");

        whereClose = " and ";

    if (searchParameters.isLoanIdPassed()) {
              + " journalEntry.loan_transaction_id  in (select id from m_loan_transaction where loan_id = ?)");
      objectArray[arrayPos] = searchParameters.getLoanId();
      arrayPos = arrayPos + 1;

      whereClose = " and ";
    if (searchParameters.isSavingsIdPassed()) {
              + " journalEntry.savings_transaction_id in (select id from m_savings_account_transaction where savings_account_id = ?)");
      objectArray[arrayPos] = searchParameters.getSavingsId();
      arrayPos = arrayPos + 1;

      whereClose = " and ";

    if (searchParameters.isOrderByRequested()) {
      sqlBuilder.append(" order by ").append(searchParameters.getOrderBy());

      if (searchParameters.isSortOrderProvided()) {
        sqlBuilder.append(' ').append(searchParameters.getSortOrder());
    } else {
      sqlBuilder.append(" order by journalEntry.entry_date,");

    if (searchParameters.isLimited()) {
      sqlBuilder.append(" limit ").append(searchParameters.getLimit());
      if (searchParameters.isOffset()) {
        sqlBuilder.append(" offset ").append(searchParameters.getOffset());

    final Object[] finalObjectArray = Arrays.copyOf(objectArray, arrayPos);
    final String sqlCountRows = "SELECT FOUND_ROWS()";
    return this.paginationHelper.fetchPage(
        this.jdbcTemplate, sqlCountRows, sqlBuilder.toString(), finalObjectArray, rm);
  private void updateOrganizationRunningBalance(Date entityDate) {
    Map<Long, BigDecimal> runningBalanceMap = new HashMap<>(5);
    Map<Long, Map<Long, BigDecimal>> officesRunningBalance = new HashMap<>();

    List<Map<String, Object>> list =
        jdbcTemplate.queryForList(organizationRunningBalanceSql, entityDate, entityDate);
    for (Map<String, Object> entries : list) {
      Long accountId = (Long) entries.get("accountId");
      if (!runningBalanceMap.containsKey(accountId)) {
        runningBalanceMap.put(accountId, (BigDecimal) entries.get("runningBalance"));

    List<Map<String, Object>> officesRunningBalanceList =
        jdbcTemplate.queryForList(officesRunningBalanceSql, entityDate, entityDate);
    for (Map<String, Object> entries : officesRunningBalanceList) {
      Long accountId = (Long) entries.get("accountId");
      Long officeId = (Long) entries.get("officeId");
      Map<Long, BigDecimal> runningBalance = null;
      if (officesRunningBalance.containsKey(officeId)) {
        runningBalance = officesRunningBalance.get(officeId);
      } else {
        runningBalance = new HashMap<>();
        officesRunningBalance.put(officeId, runningBalance);
      if (!runningBalance.containsKey(accountId)) {
        runningBalance.put(accountId, (BigDecimal) entries.get("runningBalance"));

    List<JournalEntryData> entryDatas =
            entryMapper.organizationRunningBalanceSchema(), entryMapper, new Object[] {entityDate});
    if (entryDatas.size() > 0) {
      // run a batch update of 1000 SQL statements at a time
      final Integer batchUpdateSize = 1000;
      final Integer batchUpdateSizeMinusOne = batchUpdateSize - 1;
      String[] updateSql = new String[batchUpdateSize];
      int i = 0;
      for (JournalEntryData entryData : entryDatas) {
        Map<Long, BigDecimal> officeRunningBalanceMap = null;
        if (officesRunningBalance.containsKey(entryData.getOfficeId())) {
          officeRunningBalanceMap = officesRunningBalance.get(entryData.getOfficeId());
        } else {
          officeRunningBalanceMap = new HashMap<>();
          officesRunningBalance.put(entryData.getOfficeId(), officeRunningBalanceMap);
        BigDecimal officeRunningBalance =
            calculateRunningBalance(entryData, officeRunningBalanceMap);
        BigDecimal runningBalance = calculateRunningBalance(entryData, runningBalanceMap);
        String sql =
            "UPDATE acc_gl_journal_entry je SET je.is_running_balance_calculated=1, je.organization_running_balance="
                + runningBalance
                + ",je.office_running_balance="
                + officeRunningBalance
                + " WHERE"
                + entryData.getId();
        updateSql[i++] = sql;

        if (i == batchUpdateSizeMinusOne) {
          // run a batch update of the 1000 update SQL statements

          // reset counter and string array
          i = 0;
          updateSql = new String[batchUpdateSize];