Exemple #1
  * Create GLImage from image file bytes (the contents of a jpg, gif or png file). Flip Y axis.
  * @param pixels
  * @param w
  * @param h
 public GLImage(byte[] bytes) {
   BufferedImage img = makeBufferedImage(bytes);
   if (makeGLImage(img, true, false)) {
     GLApp.msg("GLImage(byte[]): loaded image from bytes[" + bytes.length + "]");
   } else {
     GLApp.err("GLImage(byte[]): could not create Image from bytes[" + bytes.length + "]");
Exemple #2
  * Create GLImage from image file bytes (the contents of a jpg, gif or png file).
  * @param pixels
  * @param w
  * @param h
 public GLImage(byte[] bytes, boolean flipYaxis, boolean convertPow2) {
   BufferedImage img = makeBufferedImage(bytes);
   if (makeGLImage(img, flipYaxis, convertPow2)) {
     GLApp.msg("GLImage(byte[],bool,bool): loaded image from bytes[" + bytes.length + "]");
   } else {
         "GLImage(byte[],bool,bool): could not create Image from bytes[" + bytes.length + "]");
Exemple #3
  * Load a BufferedImage from the given image file name. File can be in the local filesytem, in the
  * applet folder, or in a jar.
 public BufferedImage loadJavaImage(String imgName) {
   BufferedImage tmpi = null;
   try {
     tmpi = ImageIO.read(GLApp.getInputStream(imgName));
   } catch (Exception e) {
     GLApp.err("GLImage.loadJavaImage() exception: FAILED TO LOAD IMAGE " + e);
   return tmpi;
Exemple #4
  * Scale the given BufferedImage to width and height that are powers of two. Return the new scaled
  * BufferedImage.
 public static BufferedImage convertToPowerOf2(BufferedImage bsrc) {
   // find powers of 2 equal to or greater than current dimensions
   int newW = GLApp.getPowerOfTwoBiggerThan(bsrc.getWidth());
   int newH = GLApp.getPowerOfTwoBiggerThan(bsrc.getHeight());
   if (newW == bsrc.getWidth() && newH == bsrc.getHeight()) {
     return bsrc; // no change necessary
   } else {
     AffineTransform at =
             (double) newW / bsrc.getWidth(), (double) newH / bsrc.getHeight());
     BufferedImage bdest = new BufferedImage(newW, newH, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
     Graphics2D g = bdest.createGraphics();
     g.drawRenderedImage(bsrc, at);
     return bdest;
Exemple #5
  /** Scale this GLImage so width and height are powers of 2. Recreate pixels and pixelBuffer. */
  public void convertToPowerOf2() {
    // make BufferedImage from original pixels
    BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(w, h, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
    image.setRGB(0, 0, w, h, pixels, 0, w);

    // scale into new image
    BufferedImage scaledImg = convertToPowerOf2(image);

    // resample pixel data
    w = scaledImg.getWidth(null);
    h = scaledImg.getHeight(null);
    pixels = getImagePixels(scaledImg); // pixels in default Java ARGB format
    pixelBuffer = convertImagePixelsRGBA(pixels, w, h, false); // convert to bytes in RGBA format
    textureW = GLApp.getPowerOfTwoBiggerThan(w); // the texture size big enough to hold this image
    textureH = GLApp.getPowerOfTwoBiggerThan(h); // the texture size big enough to hold this image
Exemple #6
  * Make a BufferedImage from the contents of an image file.
  * @param imageFileContents byte array containing the guts of a JPG, GIF, or PNG
 public BufferedImage makeBufferedImage(byte[] imageFileContents) {
   BufferedImage bi = null;
   try {
     InputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(imageFileContents);
     bi = javax.imageio.ImageIO.read(in);
   } catch (IOException ioe) {
     GLApp.err("GLImage.makeBufferedImage(): " + ioe);
   return bi;
Exemple #7
  * Copy ARGB pixels to a ByteBuffer without changing the ARGB byte order. If used to make a
  * texture, the pixel format is GL12.GL_BGRA. With this format we can leave pixels in ARGB order
  * (faster), but unfortunately I had problems building mipmaps in BGRA format
  * (GLU.gluBuild2DMipmaps() did not recognize GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8 and
  * GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV types so screwed up the BGRA/ARGB byte order on Mac).
  * @return ByteBuffer
 public static ByteBuffer convertImagePixelsARGB(
     int[] jpixels, int imgw, int imgh, boolean flipVertically) {
   // flip Y axis
   if (flipVertically) {
     jpixels = flipPixels(jpixels, imgw, imgh); // flip Y axis
   // put int pixels into Byte Buffer
   ByteBuffer bb = GLApp.allocBytes(jpixels.length * 4); // 4 bytes per pixel
   return bb;
Exemple #8
  * Load an image from the given filename. If convertToPow2 is true then convert the image to a
  * power of two. Store pixels as ARGB ints in the pixels array and as RGBA bytes in the
  * pixelBuffer ByteBuffer. Hold onto image width/height.
  * @param imgName
 public boolean makeGLImage(BufferedImage tmpi, boolean flipYaxis, boolean convertToPow2) {
   if (tmpi != null) {
     if (flipYaxis) {
       tmpi = flipY(tmpi);
     if (convertToPow2) {
       tmpi = convertToPowerOf2(tmpi);
     w = tmpi.getWidth(null);
     h = tmpi.getHeight(null);
     pixels = getImagePixels(tmpi); // pixels in default Java ARGB format
     pixelBuffer = convertImagePixelsRGBA(pixels, w, h, false); // convert to bytes in RGBA format
     textureW = GLApp.getPowerOfTwoBiggerThan(w); // the texture size big enough to hold this image
     textureH = GLApp.getPowerOfTwoBiggerThan(h); // the texture size big enough to hold this image
     // GLApp.msg("GLImage: loaded " + imgName + ", width=" + w + " height=" + h);
     return true;
   } else {
     // GLApp.err("GLImage: FAILED TO LOAD IMAGE " + imgName);
     pixels = null;
     pixelBuffer = null;
     h = w = 0;
     return false;
Exemple #9
  * Return the Image pixels in default Java int ARGB format.
  * @return
 public static int[] getImagePixels(Image image) {
   int[] pixelsARGB = null;
   if (image != null) {
     int imgw = image.getWidth(null);
     int imgh = image.getHeight(null);
     pixelsARGB = new int[imgw * imgh];
     PixelGrabber pg = new PixelGrabber(image, 0, 0, imgw, imgh, pixelsARGB, 0, imgw);
     try {
     } catch (Exception e) {
       GLApp.err("Pixel Grabbing interrupted!");
       return null;
   return pixelsARGB;
Exemple #10
  * Save an array of ARGB pixels to a PNG file. If flipY is true, flip the pixels on the Y axis
  * before saving.
 public static void savePixelsToPNG(
     int[] pixels, int width, int height, String imageFilename, boolean flipY) {
   if (pixels != null && imageFilename != null) {
     if (flipY) {
       // flip the pixels vertically (opengl has 0,0 at lower left, java is upper left)
       pixels = GLImage.flipPixels(pixels, width, height);
     try {
       // Create a BufferedImage with the RGB pixels then save as PNG
       BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
       image.setRGB(0, 0, width, height, pixels, 0, width);
       javax.imageio.ImageIO.write(image, "png", new File(imageFilename));
     } catch (Exception e) {
       GLApp.err("GLImage.savePixelsToPNG(" + imageFilename + "): exception " + e);
Exemple #11
  * Load pixels from an image file. Convert to RGBA format.
  * @param imgName
 public GLImage(String imgName, boolean flipYaxis, boolean convertPow2) {
   BufferedImage img = loadJavaImage(imgName);
   if (makeGLImage(img, flipYaxis, convertPow2)) {
     GLApp.msg("GLImage(String,bool,bool): loaded " + imgName + ", width=" + w + " height=" + h);
Exemple #12
  * Load pixels from an image file. Flip Y axis. Convert to RGBA format.
  * @param imgName
 public GLImage(String imgName) {
   BufferedImage img = loadJavaImage(imgName);
   if (makeGLImage(img, true, false)) {
     GLApp.msg("GLImage(String): loaded " + imgName + ", width=" + w + " height=" + h);