@Nullable private LookupFile getClosestParent(final String typed) { if (typed == null) return null; LookupFile lastFound = myFinder.find(typed); if (lastFound == null) return null; if (lastFound.exists()) { if (typed.charAt(typed.length() - 1) != File.separatorChar) return lastFound.getParent(); return lastFound; } final String[] splits = myFinder.normalize(typed).split(myFileSpitRegExp); StringBuilder fullPath = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < splits.length; i++) { String each = splits[i]; fullPath.append(each); if (i < splits.length - 1) { fullPath.append(myFinder.getSeparator()); } final LookupFile file = myFinder.find(fullPath.toString()); if (file == null || !file.exists()) return lastFound; lastFound = file; } return lastFound; }
private void setTextToFile(final LookupFile file) { String text = file.getAbsolutePath(); if (file.isDirectory() && !text.endsWith(myFinder.getSeparator())) { text += myFinder.getSeparator(); } myPathTextField.setText(text); }
public void testFindExample() { Finder query = new Finder(Example.class); Example result = query.where("name").isEqualTo("John Doe").result(); assertNotNull(result); assertNotNull(result.id); assertEquals(result.name, "John Doe"); }
public static List<Path> getFileList(String directory, String pattern) throws IOException { Path startingDir = Paths.get(directory); Finder finder = new Finder(pattern); Files.walkFileTree(startingDir, finder); return finder.getFileList(); }
@Test public void testAssocBeanDepth() { Finder finder = new Finder(); QOrder qOrder = finder.orderQuery(); assertNotNull(qOrder.id); assertNotNull(qOrder.details.product); }
@Override protected ExtendedIterator<Triple> processMethod() throws AsyncException { checkOpen(); if (!isPrepared) prepare(getHandler("")); Finder cascade = transitiveEngine.getFinder( getHandler(""), pattern, FinderUtil.cascade(tbox, continuation)); return UniqueExtendedIterator.create(cascade.find(getHandler(""), pattern)); }
@Test public void test() { Finder finder = new Finder(); QAddress qAddress = finder.simpleFind(); assertNotNull(qAddress.version); assertNotNull(qAddress.country); assertNotNull(qAddress.city); }
public static boolean testSetup() { Region r = Region.create(0, 0, 100, 100); Image img = new Image(r.getScreen().capture(r).getImage()); Pattern p = new Pattern(img); Finder f = new Finder(img); if (null != f.find(p) && f.hasNext()) { org.sikuli.basics.SikuliX.popup( "Hallo from Java-API.testSetup\nSikuli seems to be working fine!\n\nHave fun!"); return true; } return false; }
public static List<Showreel> all(User authUser) { // return find.all(); List<Showreel> publiclist = find.where().eq("viewable", PUBLIC).findList(); List<Showreel> privatelist = find.where().eq("viewable", PRIVATE).eq("user.email", authUser.email).findList(); List<Showreel> finallist = new ArrayList<Showreel>(); finallist.addAll(publiclist); finallist.addAll(privatelist); return finallist; }
/** * Replace the path component under the caret with the file selected from the completion list. * * @param file the selected file. * @param caretPos * @param start the start offset of the path component under the caret. * @param end the end offset of the path component under the caret. * @throws BadLocationException */ private void replacePathComponent(LookupFile file, int caretPos, int start, int end) throws BadLocationException { final Document doc = myPathTextField.getDocument(); myPathTextField.setSelectionStart(0); myPathTextField.setSelectionEnd(0); final String name = file.getName(); boolean toRemoveExistingName; String prefix = ""; if (caretPos >= start) { prefix = doc.getText(start, caretPos - start); if (prefix.length() == 0) { prefix = doc.getText(start, end - start); } if (SystemInfo.isFileSystemCaseSensitive) { toRemoveExistingName = name.startsWith(prefix) && prefix.length() > 0; } else { toRemoveExistingName = name.toUpperCase().startsWith(prefix.toUpperCase()) && prefix.length() > 0; } } else { toRemoveExistingName = true; } int newPos; if (toRemoveExistingName) { doc.remove(start, end - start); doc.insertString(start, name, doc.getDefaultRootElement().getAttributes()); newPos = start + name.length(); } else { doc.insertString(caretPos, name, doc.getDefaultRootElement().getAttributes()); newPos = caretPos + name.length(); } if (file.isDirectory()) { if (!myFinder.getSeparator().equals(doc.getText(newPos, 1))) { doc.insertString( newPos, myFinder.getSeparator(), doc.getDefaultRootElement().getAttributes()); newPos++; } } if (newPos < doc.getLength()) { if (myFinder.getSeparator().equals(doc.getText(newPos, 1))) { newPos++; } } myPathTextField.setCaretPosition(newPos); }
private void processChosenFromCompletion(boolean nameOnly) { final LookupFile file = getSelectedFileFromCompletionPopup(); if (file == null) return; if (nameOnly) { try { final Document doc = myPathTextField.getDocument(); int caretPos = myPathTextField.getCaretPosition(); if (myFinder.getSeparator().equals(doc.getText(caretPos, 1))) { for (; caretPos < doc.getLength(); caretPos++) { final String eachChar = doc.getText(caretPos, 1); if (!myFinder.getSeparator().equals(eachChar)) break; } } int start = caretPos > 0 ? caretPos - 1 : caretPos; while (start >= 0) { final String each = doc.getText(start, 1); if (myFinder.getSeparator().equals(each)) { start++; break; } start--; } int end = start < caretPos ? caretPos : start; while (end <= doc.getLength()) { final String each = doc.getText(end, 1); if (myFinder.getSeparator().equals(each)) { break; } end++; } if (end > doc.getLength()) { end = doc.getLength(); } if (start > end || start < 0 || end > doc.getLength()) { setTextToFile(file); } else { replacePathComponent(file, caretPos, start, end); } } catch (BadLocationException e) { LOG.error(e); } } else { setTextToFile(file); } }
/** * Finds all sellers in database and orders them by first name ascending. * * @return <code>List</code> type value of AppUser */ public static List<AppUser> getAllSellersOrderedByFirstname() { return finder .where() .eq("user_access_level", UserAccessLevel.SELLER) .orderBy("firstname asc") .findList(); }
public static User authenticate(String email, String password) { User user = find.where().eq("email", email).findUnique(); if (user != null && !BCrypt.checkpw(password, user.password)) { user = null; } return user; }
public static List<Event> findRandomCurrentEvents() { return find // .where() // .gt("eventStart",new Date()) .setMaxRows(4) .findList(); }
public static TextCustomAttributeValue getOrCreateCustomAttributeValueFromObjectReference( Class<?> objectType, String filter, Long objectId, CustomAttributeDefinition customAttributeDefinition) { String key = objectType.getName(); if (filter != null) { key += ":" + filter; } TextCustomAttributeValue customAttributeValue = find.where() .eq("deleted", false) .eq("objectType", key) .eq("objectId", objectId) .eq("customAttributeDefinition.id", customAttributeDefinition.id) .findUnique(); if (customAttributeValue == null) { customAttributeValue = new TextCustomAttributeValue(); customAttributeValue.objectType = key; customAttributeValue.objectId = objectId; customAttributeValue.customAttributeDefinition = customAttributeDefinition; customAttributeValue.isNotReadFromDb = true; } return customAttributeValue; }
public static IIndexFragmentFile[] findFiles( PDOM pdom, BTree btree, IIndexFileLocation location, IIndexLocationConverter strategy) throws CoreException { String internalRepresentation = strategy.toInternalFormat(location); if (internalRepresentation != null) { Finder finder = new Finder(pdom.getDB(), internalRepresentation, -1, null); btree.accept(finder); long[] records = finder.getRecords(); PDOMFile[] result = new PDOMFile[records.length]; for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) { result[i] = recreateFile(pdom, records[i]); } return result; } return IIndexFragmentFile.EMPTY_ARRAY; }
public String apply(SUT s) { Assert.notNull(s); Widget w = finder.apply(s.get(Tags.SystemState)); Object[] tagValues = new Object[tags.length]; for (int i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) tagValues[i] = w.get(tags[i], null); return String.format(formatString, tagValues); }
static { Icon icon = GnomeUtil.getIcon("info", 12, true); if (icon == null) { icon = Finder.getIcon("images/general/info.png"); } ICON = icon; }
public void update(Object updated) throws ValidationFailureException, EntityNotFoundException { log.debug(format("Updating [%s] - %s", updated.getClass().getSimpleName(), updated.toString())); validator.validateUpdate(updated); Object original = query.findById(updated.getClass(), getPrimaryValueAsLong(updated)); SQLGenerator sql = new SQLGenerator(); execute(sql.getUpdateSQL(original, updated)); }
/** * Return a page * * @param page Page to display * @param pageSize Number of publicacao per page * @param sortBy publicacao titulo property used for sorting * @param order Sort order (either or asc or desc) * @param filter Filter applied on the name column */ public static PagedList<Album> page( int page, int pageSize, String sortBy, String order, String filter) { return find.where() .ilike("titulo", "%" + filter + "%") .orderBy(sortBy + " " + order) .findPagedList(page, pageSize); }
public static List<Object> findAllIdsByUserId(Long id) { final Query<Event> events = find.where().eq("userAdmin.id", id).select("id"); if (events != null) { return events.findIds(); } return new ArrayList<Object>(); }
public static List<Path> searchFiles(Path path, String globPattern) throws IOException { if (Files.isDirectory(path)) { Finder finder = new Finder(globPattern); Files.walkFileTree(path, finder); return finder.getPaths(); } else { PathMatcher matcher = FileSystems.getDefault().getPathMatcher("glob:" + globPattern); if (matcher.matches(path.getFileName())) { return Arrays.asList(path); } else { return Collections.emptyList(); } } }
/** * 주어진 {@code attach}와 내용이 같은 첨부 파일을 찾는다. * * <p>내용이 같은 첨부 파일이라고 하는 것은 이름과 파일의 내용이 같고 첨부된 리소스도 같은 것을 말한다. 구체적으로 말하면 {@link Attachment#name}, * {@link Attachment#hash}, {@link Attachment#containerType}, {@link Attachment#containerId}가 서로 * 같은 첨부이다. * * @param attach 이 첨부 파일과 내용이 같은 첨부 파일을 찾는다. * @return 발견된 첨부 파일 */ private static Attachment findBy(Attachment attach) { return find.where() .eq("name", attach.name) .eq("hash", attach.hash) .eq("containerType", attach.containerType) .eq("containerId", attach.containerId) .findUnique(); }
public static Page<Office> page( int page, int pageSize, String sortBy, String order, String filter) { return find.where() .ilike("name", "%" + filter + "%") .orderBy(sortBy + " " + order) .findPagingList(pageSize) .getPage(page); }
public static int getTotalPrivateSearchPageCount(String searchTerm, String user, int pageSize) { PagingList<Scenario> pagingList = find.where() .eq("members.email", user) .icontains("name", searchTerm) .findPagingList(pageSize); return pagingList.getTotalPageCount(); }
public static <T extends UserAction> int countBy( Finder<Long, T> finder, ResourceType resourceType, String resourceId) { return finder .where() .eq("resourceType", resourceType) .eq("resourceId", resourceId) .findRowCount(); }
public static Event findByIdWithMin(Long id) { return find.where() .eq("id", id) .select( "id, heroImgUrl, eventEnd, eventStart, slug, status, schoolId, fundraisingEnd, fundraisingStart, goal, name, userAdmin") .fetch("userAdmin") .findUnique(); }
public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException, RecognitionException { JavaParserRunner javaParserTest = new JavaParserRunner(); if (args.length != 2) return; String startingDir = args[0]; String filePattern = args[1]; Finder finder = new Finder(filePattern); List<File> files = finder.getMatchingFiles(startingDir); System.out.println("SIZE=" + files.size()); for (File file : files) { System.out.println("Handling " + file.getCanonicalPath()); javaParserTest.runParser(file.getCanonicalPath()); javaParserTest.runEntityExtractor(); javaParserTest.runInheritanceExtractor(); javaParserTest.runCBOCalculator(); } }
/** * Return a plugin registration or null if not found * * @param pluginConfigurationId the Id of the plugin configuration * @param dataType the type of the BizDock object * @param internalId the Id of the object * @return a boolean */ public static PluginRegistration getPluginRegistration( Long pluginConfigurationId, DataType dataType, Long internalId) { return find.where() .eq("pluginConfiguration.id", pluginConfigurationId) .eq("dataType", dataType.getDataTypeClassName()) .eq("internalId", internalId) .findUnique(); }
/** * Extended find interface used in situations where the implementator may or may not be able to * answer the complete query. It will attempt to answer the pattern but if its answers are not * known to be complete then it will also pass the request on to the nested Finder to append more * results. * * @param pattern a TriplePattern to be matched against the data * @param continuation either a Finder or a normal Graph which will be asked for additional match * results if the implementor may not have completely satisfied the query. */ @Override public ExtendedIterator<Triple> findWithContinuation(TriplePattern pattern, Finder continuation) { if (graph == null) return new NullIterator<Triple>(); if (continuation == null) { return graph.find(pattern.asTripleMatch()); } else { return graph.find(pattern.asTripleMatch()).andThen(continuation.find(pattern)); } }