Exemple #1
 private void openFile(File file) {
   // ATM supports only images.
   if (file.getType().equals("image/png")) {
     Embedded embedded = new Embedded(file.getName(), file.getResource());
     VerticalLayout layout = new VerticalLayout();
     Window w = new Window(file.getName(), layout);
   } else if (file.getType().equals("text/csv")) {
 public boolean existFile(File file) {
   boolean res = false;
   int senderID = this.getProfileID(file.getSender());
   int receiverID = this.getProfileID(file.getReceiver());
   if (senderID != -1 && receiverID != -1) {
     try {
       // creates a SQL Statement object in order to execute the SQL insert command
       stmt = conn.createStatement();
       ResultSet result =
               "SELECT * FROM FILES WHERE Size="
                   + (int) file.length()
                   + " AND Sender="
                   + senderID
                   + " AND Receiver="
                   + receiverID
                   + " AND Filename LIKE '"
                   + file.getName()
                   + "%'");
       if (result.next()) {
         res = true;
     } catch (SQLException ex) {
       Logger.getLogger(DataService.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
   return res;
 public String insertFile(File file) throws SQLException {
   String newName = file.getName() + "_" + (this.getFileLastID() + 1);
   if (isFriend(file.getSender(), file.getReceiver())
       && !existFile(file)) { // Check if the sender and receiver are friends
     try {
       // creates a SQL Statement object in order to execute the SQL insert command
       stmt = conn.createStatement();
           "INSERT INTO Files (Filename, Size, Sender, Receiver, DateUpload, TimeUpload ) "
               + "VALUES ('"
               + newName
               + "', "
               + (int) file.length()
               + ", "
               + getProfileID(file.getSender())
               + ", "
               + getProfileID(file.getReceiver())
               + ", '"
               + file.getDateUpload()
               + "' , '"
               + file.getTimeUpload()
               + "')");
       // System.out.println("Requête executée");
     } catch (SQLException e) {
       // System.err.println(e.toString());
       throw e;
     return newName;
   } else {
     return null;
Exemple #4
   * Deletes a <code>File</code> with the given name from the internal <code>File</code> list
   * Post-condition: <code>File</code> with the passed in filename will be deleted and its <code>
   * Blocks</code> added back to available <code>Blocks</code>
   * @param filename the name of the <code>File</code>
   * @return successful deletion message
   * @throws NoSuchFileException if the filename does not match any existing <code>File</code>
  public String delete(String filename) throws NoSuchFileException {

    Iterator<File> itr = FAT32.iterator();
    boolean fileFound = false;

    // Iterate through list of files to look for filename
    while (itr.hasNext()) {
      File file = itr.next();
      if (file.getName().equals(filename)) {
        fileFound = true;
        // Iterate through file's blocks, adding them back to available blocks
        for (int i = 0; i < bytesBlocks(file.getBytes()); i++) {
        // Remove file

    // Throw an exception or return appropriate message
    if (fileFound == false) {
      throw new NoSuchFileException(filename + " does not exist!");
    } else {
      return filename + " deleted successfully!\n";
 public SloccountReport(SloccountReport old, FileFilter filter) {
   for (File f : old.getFiles()) {
     if (filter.include(f)) {
       this.add(f.getName(), f.getLanguage(), f.getModule(), f.getLineCount());
 public void resetBy(File another) {
  public void setFileDownloaded(File file) {

    try { // creates a SQL Statement object in order to execute the SQL insert command
      stmt = conn.createStatement();
          "UPDATE Files SET IsDelivered = true "
              + " WHERE Filename LIKE '"
              + file.getName()
              + "%'");
    } catch (SQLException e) {
 public String deleteFile(File file) throws SQLException {
   String r = "File deleted!";
   try {
     // creates a SQL Statement object in order to execute the SQL insert command
     stmt = conn.createStatement();
     stmt.execute("DELETE FROM Files WHERE Filename='" + file.getName() + "'");
     // System.out.println("Requête executée");
   } catch (SQLException e) {
     // System.err.println(e.toString());
     r = e.toString();
     throw e;
   return r;
Exemple #9
   * Extends a <code>File</code> by the given size in bytes. Pre-condition: size must be greater
   * than 0 Post-condition: <code>File</code> with the given filename will be extended by passed in
   * amount of bytes, and additional <code>Blocks</code> will be allocated to it as needed
   * @param filename the name of the <code>File</code>
   * @param size number of bytes to increase the <code>File</code> by
   * @return successful extension message
   * @throws InSufficientDiskSpaceException if there are not enough blocks to extend <code>File
   *     </code>
   * @throws NoSuchFileException if the filename does not match any existing <code>File</code>
  public String extend(String filename, int size)
      throws InsufficientDiskSpaceException, NoSuchFileException {

    Iterator<File> findFile = FAT32.iterator();
    boolean fileFound = false;

    // Check if file exists
    while (findFile.hasNext()) {
      if (findFile.next().getName().equalsIgnoreCase(filename)) {
        fileFound = true;

    // Throw exception if it doesn't
    if (fileFound == false) {
      throw new NoSuchFileException(filename + " does not exist!");

    // Check there is enough space to extend file
    if (size > (freeBlocks.size() * blockSize)) {
      throw new InsufficientDiskSpaceException(
          "Not enough disk space to extend " + filename + " \n");
    } else {

      Iterator<File> itr = FAT32.iterator();
      // Iterate through list of files to find filename
      while (itr.hasNext()) {
        File file = itr.next();
        if (file.getName().equals(filename)) {
          // Calculate the extended size and how many blocks need to be added
          int newSize = file.getBytes() + size;
          int blocksToAdd = bytesBlocks(newSize) - bytesBlocks(file.getBytes());
          // Take blocks from available blocks and add them to the file
          for (int i = 0; i < blocksToAdd; i++) {

      // Throw exception or return appropriate message
      if (fileFound == false) {
        throw new NoSuchFileException(filename + " does not exist!");
      } else {
        return filename + " extended successfully!\n";
 public int getFileID(File file) {
   int fileID = -1;
   try { // creates a SQL Statement object in order to execute the SQL insert command
     stmt = conn.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY);
     ResultSet result =
             "SELECT FileID from FILES WHERE Filename LIKE '" + file.getName() + "%'");
     if (result.next()) { // if result of the query is not empty
       fileID = result.getInt(1);
   } catch (SQLException e) {
   return fileID;
Exemple #11
   * Truncates a <code>File</code> by the given size in bytes. Pre-condition: size must be greater
   * than 0 Post-condition: <code>File</code> with the given filename will be truncated by passed in
   * amount of bytes, and <code>Blocks</code> will be de-allocated to it as needed
   * @param filename the name of the <code>File</code>
   * @param size number of bytes to truncate the <code>File</code> by
   * @return successful truncation message
   * @throws NoSuchFileException if the filename does not match any existing <code>File</code>
   * @throws FileUnderflowException if number of truncating bytes is greater than <code>File</code>
   *     size
  public String truncate(String filename, int size)
      throws NoSuchFileException, FileUnderflowException {

    Iterator<File> itr = FAT32.iterator();
    boolean fileFound = false;
    // Iterate through list of files to find filename
    while (itr.hasNext()) {
      File file = itr.next();
      if (file.getName().equals(filename)) {
        fileFound = true;
        // If truncating by total file size, delete the file instead
        if (file.getBytes() == size) {
        } else if (file.getBytes() < size) {
          throw new FileUnderflowException(
              "Tried to truncate "
                  + filename
                  + " by "
                  + size
                  + " bytes, but it is only "
                  + file.getBytes()
                  + " bytes!\n");
        } else {
          // Calculate the truncated size and how many blocks need to be removed
          int newSize = file.getBytes() - size;
          int blocksToRemove = bytesBlocks(file.getBytes()) - bytesBlocks(newSize);
          // Take blocks from file and add them to available blocks
          for (int i = 0; i < blocksToRemove; i++) {

    // Throw exception or return appropriate message
    if (fileFound == false) {
      throw new NoSuchFileException(filename + " does not exist!");
    } else {
      return filename + " truncated successfully!\n";
Exemple #12
	public static long backupExists(ApplicationInfo in){
		PackageInfo i = null;
		String PATH = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getPath();
		try {
			i = nPManager.getPackageInfo(in.packageName, 0);
		} catch (NameNotFoundException e) {
			// TODO Auto-generated catch block
		File file = new File(PATH + "/File Quest/AppBackup");
		if( file.exists() && new File(PATH + "/File Quest").exists()){
			for(File f:file.listFiles()){
				String out_file = nPManager.getApplicationLabel(in) + "-v"+i.versionName + ".apk";
					return f.lastModified();
		return 0;
Exemple #13
 private void showSpreadsheet(File file) {
   // ApplicationResource resource = (ApplicationResource)
   // file.getResource();
   String string = new String(file.bas.toByteArray());
   String[] rows = string.split("\n");
   String[] cols = rows[0].split(",");
   Table table = new Table();
   for (String string2 : cols) {
     // String col =
     string2.replaceAll("\"", ""); // remove surrounding ""
     table.addContainerProperty(string2, String.class, "");
   for (int i = 1; i < rows.length; i++) {
     String[] split = rows[i].split(",");
     table.addItem(split, "" + i);
   VerticalLayout layout = new VerticalLayout();
   Window w = new Window(file.getName(), layout);
Exemple #14
    public FileIcon(final File file) {
      super(new CssLayout());
      l = (CssLayout) getCompositionRoot();
      setDragStartMode(DragStartMode.WRAPPER); // drag all contained
      // components, not just the
      // one on it started
      this.file = file;
      Resource icon2 = file.getIcon();
      String name = file.getName();
      l.addComponent(new Embedded(null, icon2));
      l.addComponent(new Label(name));

          new LayoutClickListener() {
            public void layoutClick(LayoutClickEvent event) {
              if (event.isDoubleClick()) {
                if (file instanceof Folder) {
                } else {
                  String type = file.getType();
                  if (canDisplay(type)) {

            String[] knownTypes = new String[] {"image/png", "text/csv"};

            private boolean canDisplay(String type) {
              if (type != null) {
                for (String t : knownTypes) {
                  if (t.equals(type)) {
                    return true;
              return false;

      if (file instanceof Folder) {

            new DropHandler() {

              public AcceptCriterion getAcceptCriterion() {
                return new Not(SourceIsTarget.get());

              public void drop(DragAndDropEvent dropEvent) {
                File f = null;

                if (dropEvent.getTransferable().getSourceComponent() instanceof FileIcon) {
                  FileIcon new_name = (FileIcon) dropEvent.getTransferable().getSourceComponent();
                  f = new_name.file;
                } else if (dropEvent.getTransferable().getSourceComponent() == tree1) {
                  f = (File) ((DataBoundTransferable) dropEvent.getTransferable()).getItemId();

                if (f != null) {
                  get().setParent(f, (Folder) FileIcon.this.file);
 public void visit(File file) { // ファイルを訪問したときに呼ばれる
   if (file.getName().endsWith(filetype)) {