Exemple #1
    // Not concerned too much about reflective annotation access in this
    // method, since this only runs once per model class...
    static EntityMapping build(Class<? extends Entity> clz) {
      EntityMapping mapping = new EntityMapping();
      mapping.mMappedClass = clz;

      Table table = clz.getAnnotation(Table.class);
      if (table != null) {
        mapping.mTableName = table.name();
      } else {
        mapping.mTableName = MATCH_DOTDOLLAR.matcher(clz.getName()).replaceAll("");

      ArrayList<String> seenFields = new ArrayList<String>();
      for (Field f : clz.getFields()) {
        // Blithely ignore this field if we've already seen one with same name -
        // Java field hiding allows this to happen and if it does, without this
        // we'd be adding the same column name twice.
        // We might as well also ignore it here if it's inverse, since we'll
        // never want to access it via the mapping.
        Column colAnn = f.getAnnotation(Column.class);
        boolean inverse = colAnn != null && colAnn.inverse();

        if (!seenFields.contains(f.getName()) && !inverse) {
          Column col = f.getAnnotation(Column.class);
          String name;

          if (col != null) {
            // empty is default, means we should use field name...
            if ("".equals(name = col.name())) {
              name = f.getName();

            if (col.primaryKey()) {
              mapping.mPrimaryKey = f;
              mapping.mPrimaryKeyColumnName = name;
          } else {
            name = f.getName();

          // Try to default primary key if we don't have one yet...
          if (mapping.mPrimaryKey == null) {
            if ("_id".equals(name) || "id".equals(name)) {
              mapping.mPrimaryKey = f;
              mapping.mPrimaryKeyColumnName = name;


      if (mapping.mPrimaryKey == null) {
        // Error at this point - we must have a primary key!
        Log.e(TAG, "No primary key specified or determined for " + clz);
        throw new ORMDroidException(
            "No primary key was specified, and a default could not be determined for " + clz);

      return mapping;