String parseAuthCode(Element e) throws ParseException { Element a = e.pullOptionalElement("AUTHORITY"); if (a != null) { return a.pullString("name") + ":" + a.pullString("code"); } return null; }
Map<String, Object> parseAuthority(final Element parent, final String name) throws ParseException { final boolean isRoot = parent.isRoot(); final Element element = parent.pullOptionalElement("AUTHORITY"); Map<String, Object> properties; if (element == null) { if (isRoot) { properties = new HashMap<String, Object>(4); properties.put(NAME_KEY, name); } else { properties = Collections.singletonMap(NAME_KEY, (Object) name); } } else { final String auth = element.pullString("name"); // the code can be annotation marked but could be a number to String code = element.pullOptionalString("code"); if (code == null) { int codeNumber = element.pullInteger("code"); code = String.valueOf(codeNumber); } element.close(); // final Citation authority = Citations.fromName(auth); properties = new HashMap<String, Object>(4); properties.put(NAME_KEY, auth + ":" + name); properties.put(IDENTIFIERS_KEY, auth + ":" + code); } if (isRoot) { // properties = alterProperties(properties); } return properties; }
Object parsePrimem(final Element parent, final Unit angularUnit) throws ParseException { final Element element = parent.pullElement("PRIMEM"); final String name = element.pullString("name"); final double longitude = element.pullDouble("longitude"); final Map<String, ?> properties = parseAuthority(element, name); element.close(); return null; }
Projection parseProjection(Element e) throws ParseException { Element p = e.pullElement("PROJECTION"); String name = p.pullString("name"); Projection proj = new Registry().getProjection(name); if (proj == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported projection: " + name); } return proj; }
Ellipsoid parseSpheroid(final Element parent) throws ParseException { Element element = parent.pullElement("SPHEROID"); String name = element.pullString("name"); double semiMajorAxis = element.pullDouble("semiMajorAxis"); double inverseFlattening = element.pullDouble("inverseFlattening"); Map<String, ?> properties = parseAuthority(element, name); element.close(); if (inverseFlattening == 0) { // Inverse flattening null is an OGC convention for a sphere. inverseFlattening = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; } return new Ellipsoid(name, semiMajorAxis, 0, inverseFlattening, name); }
String[] parseParameters(Element e) throws ParseException { Element p = null; List<String> params = new ArrayList<String>(); while ((p = e.pullOptionalElement("PARAMETER")) != null) { String key = p.pullString("name"); Double val = p.pullDouble("value"); Param param = Param.valueOf(key); if (param == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported projection parameter: " + key); } params.add(String.format("%s=%f", param.proj4, val)); } return params.toArray(new String[params.size()]); }
Unit parseUnit(final Element parent, final Unit unit) throws ParseException { final Element element = parent.pullElement("UNIT"); final String name = element.pullString("name"); final double factor = element.pullDouble("factor"); final Map<String, ?> properties = parseAuthority(element, name); element.close(); if (name != null) { Unit u = Units.findUnits(name.toLowerCase()); if (u != null) { return u; } } return (factor != 1) ? times(unit, factor) : unit; }
CoordinateReferenceSystem parseGeoGCS(Element element) throws ParseException { // Element element = parent.pullElement("GEOGCS"); String name = element.pullString("name"); Map<String, ?> properties = parseAuthority(element, name); Unit angularUnit = parseUnit(element, Units.RADIANS); Object meridian = parsePrimem(element, angularUnit); Datum datum = parseDatum(element, meridian); // String[] params = new String[]{Proj4Keyword.units, angularUnit.abbreviation}; LongLatProjection proj = new LongLatProjection(); proj.initialize(); return new CoordinateReferenceSystem(name, null, datum, proj); /*CoordinateSystemAxis axis0 = parseAxis (element, angularUnit, false); CoordinateSystemAxis axis1; CoordinateSystemAxis axis2 = null; try { if (axis0 != null) { axis1 = parseAxis(element, angularUnit, true); if(axis1 != null) { axis2 = parseAxis(element, SI.METER, false); } } else { // Those default values are part of WKT specification. axis0 = createAxis(null, "Lon", AxisDirection.EAST, angularUnit); axis1 = createAxis(null, "Lat", AxisDirection.NORTH, angularUnit); } element.close(); EllipsoidalCS ellipsoidalCS; if(axis2 != null) { ellipsoidalCS = csFactory.createEllipsoidalCS(properties, axis0, axis1, axis2); } else { ellipsoidalCS = csFactory.createEllipsoidalCS(properties, axis0, axis1); } return crsFactory.createGeographicCRS(properties, datum, ellipsoidalCS); } catch (FactoryException exception) { throw element.parseFailed(exception, null); }*/ }
Datum parseDatum(final Element parent, final Object meridian) throws ParseException { Element element = parent.pullElement("DATUM"); String name = element.pullString("name"); Ellipsoid ellipsoid = parseSpheroid(element); double[] toWGS84 = parseToWGS84(element); // Optional; may be // null. Map<String, Object> properties = parseAuthority(element, name); if (true /*ALLOW_ORACLE_SYNTAX*/ && (toWGS84 == null) && (element.peek() instanceof Number)) { toWGS84 = new double[7]; toWGS84[0] = element.pullDouble("dx"); toWGS84[1] = element.pullDouble("dy"); toWGS84[2] = element.pullDouble("dz"); toWGS84[3] = element.pullDouble("ex"); toWGS84[4] = element.pullDouble("ey"); toWGS84[5] = element.pullDouble("ez"); toWGS84[6] = element.pullDouble("ppm"); } element.close(); return new Datum(name, toWGS84, ellipsoid, name); }
CoordinateReferenceSystem parseProjCS(Element e) throws ParseException { String authCode = parseAuthCode(e); if (authCode != null) { CoordinateReferenceSystem crs =; if (crs != null) { return crs; } } // parse manually String name = e.pullString("name"); CoordinateReferenceSystem geo = parseGeoGCS(e.pullElement("GEOGCS")); Projection proj = parseProjection(e); String[] params = parseParameters(e); // TODO: /* Unit unit = parseUnit(e, Units.METRES); parseAxis(e); parseAxis(e); */ return new CoordinateReferenceSystem(name, params, geo.getDatum(), proj); }