@Override protected void startListeningForService(AxisService service) throws AxisFault { E endpoint = createEndpoint(service); endpoint.setListener(this); endpoint.setService(service); endpoint.setContentType( ParamUtils.getRequiredParam(service, "transport." + getTransportName() + ".contentType")); endpoint.setMetrics(metrics); try { dispatcher.addEndpoint(endpoint); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new AxisFault( "Unable to listen on endpoint " + endpoint.getEndpointReference(defaultIp), ex); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug( "Started listening on endpoint " + endpoint.getEndpointReference(defaultIp) + " [contentType=" + endpoint.getContentType() + "; service=" + service.getName() + "]"); } endpoints.put(service.getName(), endpoint); }
public EndpointReference[] getEPRsForService(String serviceName, String ip) throws AxisFault { // strip out the endpoint name if present if (serviceName.indexOf('.') != -1) { serviceName = serviceName.substring(0, serviceName.indexOf('.')); } E endpoint = endpoints.get(serviceName); if (endpoint == null) { return null; } else { return new EndpointReference[] {endpoint.getEndpointReference(ip == null ? defaultIp : ip)}; } }