public IXArchElement cloneElement(int depth) { synchronized (DOMUtils.getDOMLock(elt)) { Document doc = elt.getOwnerDocument(); if (depth == 0) { Element cloneElt = (Element) elt.cloneNode(false); cloneElt = (Element) doc.importNode(cloneElt, true); AbstractChangeSetImpl cloneImpl = new AbstractChangeSetImpl(cloneElt); cloneImpl.setXArch(getXArch()); return cloneImpl; } else if (depth == 1) { Element cloneElt = (Element) elt.cloneNode(false); cloneElt = (Element) doc.importNode(cloneElt, true); AbstractChangeSetImpl cloneImpl = new AbstractChangeSetImpl(cloneElt); cloneImpl.setXArch(getXArch()); NodeList nl = elt.getChildNodes(); int size = nl.getLength(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { Node n = nl.item(i); Node cloneNode = (Node) n.cloneNode(false); cloneNode = doc.importNode(cloneNode, true); cloneElt.appendChild(cloneNode); } return cloneImpl; } else /* depth = infinity */ { Element cloneElt = (Element) elt.cloneNode(true); cloneElt = (Element) doc.importNode(cloneElt, true); AbstractChangeSetImpl cloneImpl = new AbstractChangeSetImpl(cloneElt); cloneImpl.setXArch(getXArch()); return cloneImpl; } } }
/** * Set a property of a resource to a value. * * @param name the property name * @param value the property value * @exception */ public void setProperty(String name, Element value) throws WebDAVException { // load the properties Document propertiesDocument = resource.loadProperties(); Element properties = propertiesDocument.getDocumentElement(); String ns = value.getNamespaceURI(); Element property = null; if (ns == null) { property = (Element) ((Element) properties).getElementsByTagName(value.getTagName()).item(0); } else { property = (Element) properties.getElementsByTagNameNS(ns, value.getLocalName()).item(0); } if (property != null) { try { properties.removeChild(property); } catch (DOMException exc) { } } properties.appendChild(propertiesDocument.importNode(value, true)); // write out the properties resource.saveProperties(propertiesDocument); }
/** @param eNewParent */ public static void debugOutput(Element eNewParent) { try { Document d = XML.newDocument("test"); d.getDocumentElement().appendChild(d.importNode(eNewParent, true)); System.err.println(XML.saveString(d).replaceAll("(^(.|[\\n\\r])*<test>)|(</test>$)", "")); } catch (Exception e) { } }
protected Element importElement(Element element) { Document document = getOwnerDocument(); Document oldDocument = element.getOwnerDocument(); if (!oldDocument.equals(document)) { return (Element) document.importNode(element, true); } else { return element; } }
public Track add(Track track) { synchronized (this) { Track copy; if ((copy = getTrack(track)) == null) { copy = new Track((Element) doc.importNode(track.getElement(), false)); docElt.appendChild(copy.getElement()); tracks.add(copy); hash.put(copy.getKey(), copy); } return copy; } }
/** * Processes curr node. Copies node to the target document if its is not a text node of index * entry element. Otherwise it process it and creates nodes with "prefix" in given "namespace_url" * from the parsed index entry text. * * @param theNode node to process * @param theTargetDocument target document used to import and create nodes * @param theIndexEntryFoundListener listener to notify that new index entry was found * @return the array of nodes after processing input node */ private Node[] processCurrNode( final Node theNode, final Document theTargetDocument, final IndexEntryFoundListener theIndexEntryFoundListener) { final NodeList childNodes = theNode.getChildNodes(); if (checkElementName(theNode)) { return processIndexNode(theNode, theTargetDocument, theIndexEntryFoundListener); } else { final Node result = theTargetDocument.importNode(theNode, false); for (int i = 0; i < childNodes.getLength(); i++) { final Node[] processedNodes = processCurrNode(childNodes.item(i), theTargetDocument, theIndexEntryFoundListener); for (final Node node : processedNodes) { result.appendChild(node); } } return new Node[] {result}; } }
/** * Constructs an overview-node in the pre-html where all steps are described. Also, information * about valid and non-valid form-schema's are placed in the steps-overview. * * <p>The node looks like this: * * <pre> * <steps-validator valid="false" allowsave="false" allowcancel="true"> * <step form-schema="schema-id" valid="true" /> * <step form-schema="schema-id" valid="false" /> * </steps-validator> * </pre> * * THis method creates a steps-overview which can be used by the html to show what forms are valid * and what are not. * * @param prehtml the prehtml data node * @param schema the original wizardschema */ public static void createStepsOverview(Document prehtml, Document schema) { // remove a "steps-validator" node if it exists. Node overview = Utils.selectSingleNode(prehtml, "/*/steps-overview"); if (overview != null) prehtml.getDocumentElement().removeChild(overview); // create new overview node overview = prehtml.createElement("steps-validator"); Utils.setAttribute(overview, "allowcancel", "true"); int invalidforms = 0; // iterate through all defined steps NodeList steps = Utils.selectNodeList(schema, "/*/steps/step"); for (int i = 0; i < steps.getLength(); i++) { Node step = steps.item(i); String schemaid = Utils.getAttribute(step, "form-schema", ""); if (!schemaid.equals("")) { // find the referred form and check if the form is valid. Node form = Utils.selectSingleNode(prehtml, "/*/form[@id='" + schemaid + "']"); if (form != null) { Node validationerror = Utils.selectSingleNode(form, ".//field/validator[@valid='false']"); boolean valid = (validationerror == null); // copy step information to overview node and store validation results. Node newstep = prehtml.importNode(step.cloneNode(true), true); overview.appendChild(newstep); Utils.setAttribute(newstep, "valid", valid + ""); if (!valid) invalidforms++; } } } // store global information about validationresults Utils.setAttribute(overview, "allowsave", (invalidforms == 0) + ""); Utils.setAttribute(overview, "valid", (invalidforms == 0) + ""); // store new overview node in the prehtml. prehtml.getDocumentElement().appendChild(overview); }
@Override public String executeAlgorithm( NetPlan netPlan, Map<String, String> algorithmParameters, Map<String, String> net2planParameters) { List<Integer> parameters = new ArrayList<Integer>(); final int maxParameters = 5; final int traffic[] = {1, 2, 8, 32, 80}; for (int i = 0; i < maxParameters; i++) { String path = algorithmParameters.get("trafficMatrix" + (i + 1)); File f = new File(path); if (f.exists()) parameters.add(i); } // check parameters.size()> 0 if (parameters.size() == 0) { throw new Net2PlanException("Must have matrices to add"); } DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); try { Document doc1 = factory .newDocumentBuilder() .parse(new File(algorithmParameters.get("trafficMatrix" + (parameters.get(0) + 1)))); NodeList list = doc1.getElementsByTagName("layer"); Element element = (Element) list.item(0); int max_id = -1; NodeList entrylist = doc1.getElementsByTagName("demand"); for (int i = 0; i < entrylist.getLength(); i++) { Node n = entrylist.item(i); String id_string = n.getAttributes().getNamedItem("id").getNodeValue(); int id_int = Integer.parseInt(id_string); max_id = Math.max(max_id, id_int); String offeredTraffic_string = n.getAttributes().getNamedItem("offeredTraffic").getNodeValue(); double offeredTraffic_int = Double.parseDouble(offeredTraffic_string) * traffic[parameters.get(0)]; ((Element) n).setAttribute("offeredTraffic", ((Double) offeredTraffic_int).toString()); Element attribute = doc1.createElement("attribute"); attribute.setAttribute("key", "ODU"); attribute.setAttribute("value", "" + parameters.get(0)); n.appendChild(attribute); } max_id++; for (int k = 1; k < parameters.size(); k++) { Document doc = factory .newDocumentBuilder() .parse( new File(algorithmParameters.get("trafficMatrix" + (parameters.get(k) + 1)))); entrylist = doc.getElementsByTagName("demand"); // Add demands from ODU matrix for (int i = 0; i < entrylist.getLength(); i++) { Node n = doc1.importNode(entrylist.item(i), false); ((Element) n).setAttribute("id", ((Integer) max_id).toString()); String offeredTraffic_string = n.getAttributes().getNamedItem("offeredTraffic").getNodeValue(); double offeredTraffic_int = Double.parseDouble(offeredTraffic_string) * traffic[parameters.get(k)]; ((Element) n).setAttribute("offeredTraffic", ((Double) offeredTraffic_int).toString()); Element attribute = doc1.createElement("attribute"); attribute.setAttribute("key", "ODU"); attribute.setAttribute("value", "" + parameters.get(k)); max_id++; element.appendChild(n); n.appendChild(attribute); } } // Create matrix with demands Transformer t = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer(); Result ouput = new StreamResult(new File(algorithmParameters.get("trafficMatrix6"))); t.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes"); t.transform(new DOMSource(doc1), ouput); } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); } return "Ok!"; }
public XML addChild(XML child) { Document document = node.getOwnerDocument(); Node newChild = document.importNode((Node) child.getNative(), true); return appendChild(newChild); }
private void appendNodes(Document doc, Node target, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); target.appendChild(doc.importNode(node, true)); } }
/** * Creates nodes from index entries * * @param theIndexEntries index entries * @param theTargetDocument target document * @param theIndexEntryComparator comparator to sort the index entries. if it is null the index * entries will be unsorted * @return nodes for the target document */ private Node[] transformToNodes( final IndexEntry[] theIndexEntries, final Document theTargetDocument, final Comparator<IndexEntry> theIndexEntryComparator) { if (null != theIndexEntryComparator) { Arrays.sort(theIndexEntries, theIndexEntryComparator); } final List<Element> result = new ArrayList<Element>(); for (final IndexEntry indexEntry : theIndexEntries) { final Element indexEntryNode = createElement(theTargetDocument, "index.entry"); final Element formattedStringElement = createElement(theTargetDocument, "formatted-value"); if (indexEntry.getContents() != null) { for (final Iterator<Node> i = indexEntry.getContents().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { final Node child =; final Node clone = theTargetDocument.importNode(child, true); if (!i.hasNext() && clone.getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE) { final Text t = (Text) clone; t.setData(t.getData().replaceAll("[\\s\\n]+$", "")); } formattedStringElement.appendChild(clone); } } else { final Text textNode = theTargetDocument.createTextNode(indexEntry.getFormattedString()); textNode.normalize(); formattedStringElement.appendChild(textNode); } indexEntryNode.appendChild(formattedStringElement); final String[] refIDs = indexEntry.getRefIDs(); for (final String refID : refIDs) { final Element referenceIDElement = createElement(theTargetDocument, "refID"); referenceIDElement.setAttribute("value", refID); indexEntryNode.appendChild(referenceIDElement); } final String val = indexEntry.getValue(); if (null != val) { indexEntryNode.setAttribute("value", val); } final String sort = indexEntry.getSortString(); if (null != sort) { indexEntryNode.setAttribute("sort-string", sort); } if (indexEntry.isStartingRange()) { indexEntryNode.setAttribute("start-range", "true"); } else if (indexEntry.isEndingRange()) { indexEntryNode.setAttribute("end-range", "true"); } if (indexEntry.isSuppressesThePageNumber()) { indexEntryNode.setAttribute("no-page", "true"); } else if (indexEntry.isRestoresPageNumber()) { indexEntryNode.setAttribute("single-page", "true"); } final IndexEntry[] childIndexEntries = indexEntry.getChildIndexEntries(); final Node[] nodes = transformToNodes(childIndexEntries, theTargetDocument, theIndexEntryComparator); for (final Node node : nodes) { indexEntryNode.appendChild(node); } final IndexEntry[] seeChildIndexEntries = indexEntry.getSeeChildIndexEntries(); if (seeChildIndexEntries != null) { final Element seeElement = createElement(theTargetDocument, "see-childs"); final Node[] seeNodes = transformToNodes(seeChildIndexEntries, theTargetDocument, theIndexEntryComparator); for (final Node node : seeNodes) { seeElement.appendChild(node); } indexEntryNode.appendChild(seeElement); } final IndexEntry[] seeAlsoChildIndexEntries = indexEntry.getSeeAlsoChildIndexEntries(); if (seeAlsoChildIndexEntries != null) { final Element seeAlsoElement = createElement(theTargetDocument, "see-also-childs"); final Node[] seeAlsoNodes = transformToNodes(seeAlsoChildIndexEntries, theTargetDocument, theIndexEntryComparator); for (final Node node : seeAlsoNodes) { seeAlsoElement.appendChild(node); } indexEntryNode.appendChild(seeAlsoElement); } result.add(indexEntryNode); } return (Node[]) result.toArray(new Node[result.size()]); }
/** * Edit the properties of a resource. The updates must refer to a Document containing a WebDAV * propertyupdates element as the document root. * * @param updates an XML Document containing propertyupdate elements * @return the result of making the updates describing the edits to be made. * @exception */ public MultiStatus setProperties(Document propertyUpdates) throws WebDAVException { // create a MultiStatus to hold the results. It will hold a MethodResponse // for each update, and one for the method as a whole MultiStatus multiStatus = new MultiStatus(); boolean errorsOccurred = false; // first, load the properties so they can be edited Document propertiesDocument = resource.loadProperties(); Element properties = (Element) propertiesDocument.getDocumentElement(); // be sure the updates have at least one update Element propertyupdate = (Element) propertyUpdates.getDocumentElement(); String tagName = propertyupdate.getNamespaceURI() + propertyupdate.getLocalName(); if (!tagName.equals("DAV:propertyupdate")) { throw new WebDAVException( WebDAVStatus.SC_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY, "missing propertyupdate element"); } NodeList updates = propertyupdate.getChildNodes(); if (updates.getLength() == 0) { throw new WebDAVException(WebDAVStatus.SC_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY, "no updates in request"); } Vector propsGood = new Vector(); // a list of properties that // were patched correctly or would have been if another // property hadn't gone bad. // apply the updates Node temp = null; for (int i = 0; i < updates.getLength(); i++) { temp = updates.item(i); // skip any ignorable TXText elements if (!(temp.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE)) { continue; } Element update = (Element) temp; int updateCommand = -1; tagName = update.getNamespaceURI() + update.getLocalName(); if (tagName.equals("DAV:set")) { updateCommand = set; } else if (tagName.equals("DAV:remove")) { updateCommand = remove; } else { throw new WebDAVException( WebDAVStatus.SC_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY, update.getTagName() + " is not a valid property update request"); } // iterate through the props in the set or remove element and update the // properties as directed Element prop = (Element) update.getElementsByTagNameNS("DAV:", "prop").item(0); if (prop == null) { throw new WebDAVException( WebDAVStatus.SC_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY, "no propeprties in update request"); } NodeList propsToUpdate = prop.getChildNodes(); for (int j = 0; j < propsToUpdate.getLength(); j++) { temp = propsToUpdate.item(j); // skip any TXText elements?? if (!(temp.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE)) { continue; } Element propToUpdate = (Element) temp; // find the property in the properties element Element property = null; PropertyName propertyName = new PropertyName(propToUpdate); if (((Element) propToUpdate).getNamespaceURI() != null) { property = (Element) properties .getElementsByTagNameNS( propToUpdate.getNamespaceURI(), propToUpdate.getLocalName()) .item(0); } else { property = (Element) properties.getElementsByTagName(propToUpdate.getTagName()).item(0); } boolean liveone = isLive(propertyName.asExpandedString()); if (liveone) { errorsOccurred = true; PropertyResponse response = new PropertyResponse(resource.getURL().toString()); response.addProperty(propertyName, propToUpdate, WebDAVStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN); multiStatus.addResponse(response); } // do the update if (updateCommand == set) { if (property != null) { try { properties.removeChild(property); } catch (DOMException exc) { } } if (!liveone) { // I don't think we're allowed to update live properties // here. Doing so effects the cache. A case in // point is the lockdiscoveryproperty. properties // is actually the properites cache "document" of this // resource. Even though we don't "save" the request // if it includes live properties, we don't remove // it from the cache after we'd set it here, so it // can affect other queries. (jlc 991002) properties.appendChild(propertiesDocument.importNode(propToUpdate, true)); propsGood.addElement(propToUpdate); } } else if (updateCommand == remove) { try { if (property != null) { properties.removeChild(property); propsGood.addElement(propToUpdate); } } catch (DOMException exc) { } } } } { Enumeration els = propsGood.elements(); for (; els.hasMoreElements(); ) { Object ob1 = els.nextElement(); Element elProp = (Element) ob1; PropertyName pn = new PropertyName(elProp); PropertyResponse response = new PropertyResponse(resource.getURL().toString()); response.addProperty( pn, (Element) elProp.cloneNode(false), (errorsOccurred ? WebDAVStatus.SC_FAILED_DEPENDENCY : WebDAVStatus.SC_OK)); // todo: add code for responsedescription multiStatus.addResponse(response); } } // write out the properties if (!errorsOccurred) { resource.saveProperties(propertiesDocument); } return multiStatus; }