 public DateMidnight deserialize(JsonParser jp, DeserializationContext ctxt)
     throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {
   // We'll accept either long (timestamp) or array:
   if (jp.isExpectedStartArrayToken()) {
     jp.nextToken(); // VALUE_NUMBER_INT
     int year = jp.getIntValue();
     jp.nextToken(); // VALUE_NUMBER_INT
     int month = jp.getIntValue();
     jp.nextToken(); // VALUE_NUMBER_INT
     int day = jp.getIntValue();
     if (jp.nextToken() != JsonToken.END_ARRAY) {
       throw ctxt.wrongTokenException(jp, JsonToken.END_ARRAY, "after DateMidnight ints");
     return new DateMidnight(year, month, day);
   switch (jp.getCurrentToken()) {
       return new DateMidnight(jp.getLongValue());
     case VALUE_STRING:
       DateTime local = parseLocal(jp);
       if (local == null) {
         return null;
       return local.toDateMidnight();
   throw ctxt.wrongTokenException(
       jp, JsonToken.START_ARRAY, "expected JSON Array, Number or String");
 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
 public void testConstructor_RI_RI1() throws Throwable {
   DateTime dt1 = new DateTime(2004, 6, 9, 0, 0, 0, 0);
   DateTime dt2 = new DateTime(2005, 7, 10, 1, 1, 1, 1);
   Interval test = new Interval(dt1, dt2);
   assertEquals(dt1.getMillis(), test.getStartMillis());
   assertEquals(dt2.getMillis(), test.getEndMillis());
  public void testConstructor_Object5() throws Throwable {
    IntervalConverter oldConv = ConverterManager.getInstance().getIntervalConverter("");
    IntervalConverter conv =
        new IntervalConverter() {
          public boolean isReadableInterval(Object object, Chronology chrono) {
            return false;

          public void setInto(ReadWritableInterval interval, Object object, Chronology chrono) {
            interval.setInterval(1234L, 5678L);

          public Class<?> getSupportedType() {
            return String.class;
    try {
      DateTime dt1 = new DateTime(2004, 6, 9, 0, 0, 0, 0);
      DateTime dt2 = new DateTime(2005, 7, 10, 1, 1, 1, 1);
      Interval test = new Interval(dt1.toString() + '/' + dt2.toString());
      assertEquals(1234L, test.getStartMillis());
      assertEquals(5678L, test.getEndMillis());
    } finally {
  public static void main(String argv[]) {

    long now = DateTime.getCurrentTimeSec();
    long sts = now - DateTime.DaySeconds(3);
    long ets = now;

    GoogleChartTemperature gct = new GoogleChartTemperature();
    try {

      gct.setSize(700, 400);
      gct.setTitle(Color.black, 16, "Temperature");
      gct.setTemperatureRange(1, F2C(0.0), F2C(130.0), 10);
      gct.setDateRange(new DateTime(sts), new DateTime(ets), 8);

      int setCount = 3;
      int tempCount = 15;
      gct._addRandomSampleData(setCount, tempCount);

    } catch (Throwable th) {
      Print.logException("Error", th);
 public void testConstructor_long_long2() throws Throwable {
   DateTime dt1 = new DateTime(2004, 6, 9, 0, 0, 0, 0);
   Interval test = new Interval(dt1.getMillis(), dt1.getMillis());
   assertEquals(dt1.getMillis(), test.getStartMillis());
   assertEquals(dt1.getMillis(), test.getEndMillis());
   assertEquals(ISOChronology.getInstance(), test.getChronology());
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Display display = new Display();
    Shell shell = new Shell(display);
    shell.setLayout(new RowLayout());

    DateTime calendar = new DateTime(shell, SWT.CALENDAR);
        new SelectionAdapter() {
          public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
            System.out.println("calendar date changed");

    DateTime time = new DateTime(shell, SWT.TIME);
        new SelectionAdapter() {
          public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
            System.out.println("time changed");

    while (!shell.isDisposed()) {
      if (!display.readAndDispatch()) display.sleep();
  public void testToDateTime_nullRI() {
    LocalTime base = new LocalTime(1, 2, 3, 4);

    DateTime test = base.toDateTime((ReadableInstant) null);
    check(base, 1, 2, 3, 4);
    assertEquals("1970-01-02T01:02:03.004+01:00", test.toString());
 public void testConstructor_RI_RI_chronoStart() throws Throwable {
   DateTime dt1 = new DateTime(2004, 6, 9, 0, 0, 0, 0, GJChronology.getInstance());
   DateTime dt2 = new DateTime(2005, 7, 10, 1, 1, 1, 1);
   Interval test = new Interval(dt1, dt2);
   assertEquals(dt1.getMillis(), test.getStartMillis());
   assertEquals(dt2.getMillis(), test.getEndMillis());
   assertEquals(GJChronology.getInstance(), test.getChronology());
  private DtStart getStartDateProperty(Date startDate) {

    DateTime date = convertRaplaLocaleToUTC(startDate);
    TimeZoneRegistry registry = TimeZoneRegistryFactory.getInstance().createRegistry();
    net.fortuna.ical4j.model.TimeZone tz = registry.getTimeZone(timeZone.getID());
    return new DtStart(date);
Exemple #10
    public static DateTime fromString(java.lang.String value, java.lang.String namespaceURI) {
      DateTime returnValue = new DateTime();


      return returnValue;
 public void testConstructor_RI_RI_zones() throws Throwable {
   DateTime dt1 = new DateTime(2004, 6, 9, 0, 0, 0, 0, LONDON);
   DateTime dt2 = new DateTime(2005, 7, 10, 1, 1, 1, 1, PARIS);
   Interval test = new Interval(dt1, dt2);
   assertEquals(dt1.getMillis(), test.getStartMillis());
   assertEquals(dt2.getMillis(), test.getEndMillis());
   assertEquals(ISOChronology.getInstance(LONDON), test.getChronology());
 public void testConstructor_long_long3() throws Throwable {
   DateTime dt1 = new DateTime(2005, 7, 10, 1, 1, 1, 1);
   DateTime dt2 = new DateTime(2004, 6, 9, 0, 0, 0, 0);
   try {
     new Interval(dt1.getMillis(), dt2.getMillis());
   } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
  public void testConstructor_Object_Chronology2() throws Throwable {
    DateTime dt1 = new DateTime(2004, 6, 9, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    DateTime dt2 = new DateTime(2005, 7, 10, 1, 1, 1, 1);
    Interval base = new Interval(dt1, dt2);

    Interval test = new Interval(base, null);
    assertEquals(dt1.getMillis(), test.getStartMillis());
    assertEquals(dt2.getMillis(), test.getEndMillis());
    assertEquals(ISOChronology.getInstance(), test.getChronology());
  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
  public void testToDateTime_RI() {
    LocalTime base = new LocalTime(10, 20, 30, 40, COPTIC_PARIS);
    DateTime dt = new DateTime(0L); // LONDON zone
    assertEquals("1970-01-01T01:00:00.000+01:00", dt.toString());

    DateTime test = base.toDateTime(dt);
    check(base, 10, 20, 30, 40);
    assertEquals("1970-01-01T01:00:00.000+01:00", dt.toString());
    assertEquals("1970-01-01T10:20:30.040+01:00", test.toString());
  public void testConstructor_long4_DateTimeZone() throws Throwable {
    DateTime dt = new DateTime(2006, 6, 9, 23, 59, 59, 999, PARIS);
    DateTime dtUTC = new DateTime(2006, 6, 9, 0, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeZone.UTC);

    LocalDate test = new LocalDate(dt.getMillis(), PARIS);
    assertEquals(ISO_UTC, test.getChronology());
    assertEquals(2006, test.getYear());
    assertEquals(6, test.getMonthOfYear());
    assertEquals(9, test.getDayOfMonth());
    assertEquals(dtUTC.getMillis(), test.getLocalMillis());
  public void testConstructor_nullDateTimeZone() throws Throwable {
    DateTime dt = new DateTime(2005, 6, 8, 23, 59, 0, 0, LONDON);
    // 23:59 in London is 00:59 the following day in Paris

    LocalDate test = new LocalDate((DateTimeZone) null);
    assertEquals(ISO_UTC, test.getChronology());
    assertEquals(2005, test.getYear());
    assertEquals(6, test.getMonthOfYear());
    assertEquals(8, test.getDayOfMonth());
  public void testConstructor_RP_RI4() throws Throwable {
    DateTime dt = new DateTime(TEST_TIME_NOW);
    Period dur = new Period(1 * DateTimeConstants.MILLIS_PER_HOUR + 23L);
    long result = TEST_TIME_NOW;
    result = ISOChronology.getInstance().hours().add(result, -1);
    result = ISOChronology.getInstance().millis().add(result, -23);

    Interval test = new Interval(dur, dt);
    assertEquals(result, test.getStartMillis());
    assertEquals(dt.getMillis(), test.getEndMillis());
  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
  public void testConstructor_RP_RI1() throws Throwable {
    DateTime dt = new DateTime(TEST_TIME_NOW);
    Period dur = new Period(0, 6, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0);
    long result = TEST_TIME_NOW;
    result = ISOChronology.getInstance().months().add(result, -6);
    result = ISOChronology.getInstance().hours().add(result, -1);

    Interval test = new Interval(dur, dt);
    assertEquals(result, test.getStartMillis());
    assertEquals(dt.getMillis(), test.getEndMillis());
Exemple #19
  public Travel(int id, String title, String description, DateTime start, DateTime end) {
    this.id = id;
    this.start = start;
    this.end = end;
    this.title = title;
    this.description = description;
    days = new ArrayList<Integer>();

  public static void duracion(Long id) {
    Competition competition = Competition.findById(id);

    DateTime startTime = new DateTime(competition.startTime);
    DateTime endTime = new DateTime(competition.endTime);
    DateTime duration = competition.duration;

    String inputDateTime = "HH:mm:ss";
    String reprStartTime = startTime.toString(inputDateTime);

  public void testConstructor_RP_RI3() throws Throwable {
    DateTime dt = new DateTime(TEST_TIME_NOW, CopticChronology.getInstanceUTC());
    Period dur = new Period(0, 6, 0, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0, PeriodType.standard());
    long result = TEST_TIME_NOW;
    result = CopticChronology.getInstanceUTC().months().add(result, -6);
    result = CopticChronology.getInstanceUTC().days().add(result, -3);
    result = CopticChronology.getInstanceUTC().hours().add(result, -1);

    Interval test = new Interval(dur, dt);
    assertEquals(result, test.getStartMillis());
    assertEquals(dt.getMillis(), test.getEndMillis());
  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
  public void testConstructor_RD_RI1() throws Throwable {
    long result = TEST_TIME_NOW;
    result = ISOChronology.getInstance().months().add(result, -6);
    result = ISOChronology.getInstance().hours().add(result, -1);

    DateTime dt = new DateTime(TEST_TIME_NOW);
    Duration dur = new Duration(TEST_TIME_NOW - result);

    Interval test = new Interval(dur, dt);
    assertEquals(result, test.getStartMillis());
    assertEquals(dt.getMillis(), test.getEndMillis());
Exemple #23
 public String toString() {
   return "[Travel: id="
       + id
       + " start="
       + start.asStringDay()
       + " end="
       + end.asStringDay()
       + " title="
       + title
       + " desc="
       + description
       + "]";
Exemple #24
  * Add a date to the list. The date will be updated to reflect the timezone of this list.
  * @param date the date to add
  * @return true
  * @see List#add(java.lang.Object)
 public final boolean add(final Date date) {
   if (date instanceof DateTime) {
     if (isUtc()) {
       ((DateTime) date).setUtc(true);
     } else {
       ((DateTime) date).setTimeZone(getTimeZone());
   } else if (!Value.DATE.equals(getType())) {
     DateTime dateTime = new DateTime(date);
     return add((Object) dateTime);
   return add((Object) date);
     * Sets the set of times of all the profiles. The set will contain one or more times as double
     * values, in order, from earliest to latest.
     * @param times The times of all the profiles.
     * @param source
     * @throws VisADException if a VisAD failure occurs.
     * @throws RemoteException if a Java RMI failure occurs.
    public void setTimes(SampledSet times, SoundingDataNode source)
        throws VisADException, RemoteException {

      RealType timeType = (RealType) ((SetType) times.getType()).getDomain().getComponent(0);

      // use a LineDrawing because it's the simplest DisplayableData
      if (timesHolder == null) {
        timesHolder = new LineDrawing("times ref");

       * Add a data object to the display that has the right
       * time-centers.
      Field dummy =
          new FieldImpl(new FunctionType(timeType, AirTemperatureProfile.instance()), times);

      for (int i = 0, n = times.getLength(); i < n; i++) {
        dummy.setSample(i, AirTemperatureProfile.instance().missingData());

      if (widget == null) {
        if (times.getLength() == 1) {
          DateTime time =
              new DateTime(
                  new Real(
                      timeType, times.indexToDouble(new int[] {0})[0][0], times.getSetUnits()[0]));

          widget = GuiUtils.wrap(new JLabel(time.toString()));
        } else {
          // Set the animation.
          Animation animation = getInternalAnimation(timeType);
          getSoundingView().setExternalAnimation(animation, getAnimationWidget());

          Container container = Box.createHorizontalBox();
          // Wrap these components so they don't get stretched in the Y direction
          // container.add(GuiUtils.wrap (animationWidget.getIndicatorComponent()));

          widget = container;
  private boolean compareTimeLists(List<DateTime> timesA, List<DateTime> timesB) {
    if (timesA.size() != timesB.size()) return false;

    for (int i = 0; i < timesA.size(); i++) {
      DateTime a = timesA.get(i);
      DateTime b = timesB.get(i);

      double test = Math.abs(a.getValue() - b.getValue());
      if (test > 65.0) return false;
      // System.out.println("TTTTTTT =  " + test );
    return true;
Exemple #27
  protected boolean _setDevice(Device device, String ipAddress, int clientPort) {

    /* valid device? */
    if (device == null) {
      return false;

    /* validate ID address */
    DataTransport dataXPort = device.getDataTransport();
    if ((ipAddress != null) && !dataXPort.isValidIPAddress(ipAddress)) {
          "Invalid IPAddr: "
              + device.getAccountID()
              + "/"
              + device.getDeviceID()
              + " Found="
              + ipAddress
              + " Expect="
              + dataXPort.getIpAddressValid());
      return false;

    /* update device */
    this.device = device;
    this.dataXPort = dataXPort;
    this.dataXPort.setIpAddressCurrent(ipAddress); // FLD_ipAddressCurrent
    this.dataXPort.setRemotePortCurrent(clientPort); // FLD_remotePortCurrent
    this.dataXPort.setDeviceCode(this.getDeviceCode()); // FLD_deviceCode
    this.device.setLastTotalConnectTime(DateTime.getCurrentTimeSec()); // FLD_lastTotalConnectTime

    /* ok */
    return true;
 public DocumentReference copy() {
   DocumentReference dst = new DocumentReference();
   dst.masterIdentifier = masterIdentifier == null ? null : masterIdentifier.copy();
   dst.identifier = new ArrayList<Identifier>();
   for (Identifier i : identifier) dst.identifier.add(i.copy());
   dst.subject = subject == null ? null : subject.copy();
   dst.type = type == null ? null : type.copy();
   dst.subtype = subtype == null ? null : subtype.copy();
   dst.author = new ArrayList<ResourceReference>();
   for (ResourceReference i : author) dst.author.add(i.copy());
   dst.custodian = custodian == null ? null : custodian.copy();
   dst.authenticator = authenticator == null ? null : authenticator.copy();
   dst.created = created == null ? null : created.copy();
   dst.indexed = indexed == null ? null : indexed.copy();
   dst.status = status == null ? null : status.copy();
   dst.docStatus = docStatus == null ? null : docStatus.copy();
   dst.supercedes = supercedes == null ? null : supercedes.copy();
   dst.description = description == null ? null : description.copy();
   dst.confidentiality = confidentiality == null ? null : confidentiality.copy();
   dst.primaryLanguage = primaryLanguage == null ? null : primaryLanguage.copy();
   dst.mimeType = mimeType == null ? null : mimeType.copy();
   dst.format = format == null ? null : format.copy();
   dst.size = size == null ? null : size.copy();
   dst.hash = hash == null ? null : hash.copy();
   dst.location = location == null ? null : location.copy();
   dst.service = service == null ? null : service.copy(dst);
   dst.context = context == null ? null : context.copy(dst);
   return dst;
Exemple #29
  public TravelDay getDate(DateTime date, DatabaseHelper db) {
    // return null if outside travel limits
    if (!date.dayBetween(start, end)) return null;

    // get matching day
    return db.findOrCreateTravelDay(this, date);
Exemple #30
 public DiagnosticOrderEventComponent copy(DiagnosticOrder e) {
   DiagnosticOrderEventComponent dst = e.new DiagnosticOrderEventComponent();
   dst.status = status == null ? null : status.copy();
   dst.date = date == null ? null : date.copy();
   dst.actor = actor == null ? null : actor.copy();
   return dst;